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English (GB) - Hungarian

Articles - Zero Article

Melinda 2024-04-16 35 voca
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I will be studying tomorrow.
Holnap tanulni fogok.
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I will be studying tomorrow.
Holnap tanulni fogok.
They will be playing football at 5 PM.
Focizni fognak délután 5-kor.
We will be traveling to Paris next week.
Jövő héten Párizsba utazunk.
He will be working on his project all day.
Egész nap a projektjén fog dolgozni.
They will be rehearsing for the play.
A színdarabra fognak próbálni.
The students will be taking an exam soon.
A diákok hamarosan vizsgázni fognak.
I will be sleeping when you arrive.
Aludni fogok, amikor megérkezel.
She will be waiting for the bus at 7 AM.
Várni fogja a buszt reggel hétkor.
We will be hiking in the mountains tomorrow.
Holnap a hegyekben fogunk túrázni.
They will be discussing the project later.
Később megvitatják a projektet.
He will be playing video games all evening.
Egész este videójátékozni fog.
I will be attending the conference next month.
Részt veszek a konferencián jövő hónapban.
They will be waiting for us at the restaurant.
Várni fognak minket az étteremben.
He will be practicing the piano all evening.
Egész este gyakorolni fogja a zongorázást.
I will be walking in the park tomorrow.
Holnap sétálni fogok a parkban.
She will be studying for her exam tonight.
Ma este a vizsgájára fog tanulni.
We will be watching a movie later.
Később filmet fogunk nézni.
They will be swimming in the pool tomorrow.
Holnap a medencében fognak úszni.
He will be playing basketball at 6 PM.
Délután 6-kor kosárlabdázni fog.
I will be baking cookies this weekend.
Hétvégén kekszet fogok sütni.
We will be cleaning the house on Saturday.
Szombaton takarítani fogunk.
They will be having dinner at the restaurant.
Az étteremben fognak vacsorázni.
He will be studying for the test all night.
Egész éjjel a tesztre fog tanulni.
The workers will be repairing the road.
A munkások javítani fogják az utat.
I will be waiting for you at the airport.
Várni foglak téged a repülőtéren.
She will be teaching English next semester.
Angolt fog tanítani a jövő félévben.
We will be having lunch together tomorrow.
Holnap együtt fogunk ebédelni.
They will be playing tennis this weekend.
Hétvégén teniszezni fognak.
He will be meeting with his clients all day.
Egész nap az ügyfeleivel fog találkozni.
The students will be studying in the library.
A diákok a könyvtárban fognak tanulni.
She will be attending a concert tomorrow.
Holnap koncertre megy.
We will be exploring the city this weekend.
A hétvégén felfedezzük a várost.
They will be practicing yoga in the morning.
Reggel jógázni fognak.
He will be fixing his car tomorrow.
Holnap meg fogja javítani az autóját.
I will be attending the seminar next week.
Jövő héten részt veszek a szemináriumon.


Articles are words used before nouns to indicate whether the noun is specific or nonspecific. In English, there are two main types of articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" and "an").

Definite Article ("the"):

The definite article "the" is used before singular or plural nouns when the speaker assumes that the listener knows which specific thing or things they are referring to. It indicates that the noun is particular or specific.
Example: The cat is sleeping on the mat.

Use "the" when referring to:

Specific nouns that are known to both the speaker and the listener.
Singular or plural nouns that are unique or specific within a particular context.
Superlative adjectives, indicating the highest degree.
Nouns that have already been mentioned in the conversation.

Indefinite Articles ("a" and "an"):

The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to indicate that the noun is nonspecific or generic. "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: A cat is an independent animal.
Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Use "a" or "an" when referring to:

Nonspecific or unspecified nouns that do not refer to any particular one of its kind.
Singular countable nouns when introducing something for the first time in a conversation or text.
Nouns that represent a member of a group or category.

When to Use "A" or "An":

Use "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound.
Example: A book, a dog, a university.

Use "an" before words that begin with a vowel sound.
Example: An apple, an umbrella, an hour.

Zero Article:

Some nouns do not require an article. These include:

Plural nouns used in a general sense.
Example: Cats are independent animals.

Uncountable nouns when used in a general sense.
Example: Water is essential for life.

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