English - Czech
Extremely common
700 - 800
700 - 800
The word frequency and importance index indicates how often a word appears in a given language. The smaller the number, the more frequently the word is used. The most frequently used words typically range from about 1 to 4000. This importance index helps you focus on the most useful words during your language learning process.
The word frequency and importance index indicates how often a word appears in a given language. The smaller the number, the more frequently the word is used. The most frequently used words typically range from about 1 to 4000. This importance index helps you focus on the most useful words during your language learning process.
cokoliv, cožkoliv, jakýkoli, jak chceš, to je jedno, bez ohledu na
Whatever meanings in Czech
You can choose whatever you like.
Můžeš si vybrat cokoliv, co se ti líbí.
I will do whatever it takes.
Udělám cokoliv, co bude potřeba.
Usage: informalContext: Used when expressing freedom of choice or options.
Note: Often used to indicate that there are no restrictions on the options available.
Whatever you decide is fine with me.
Cožkoliv se rozhodneš, je pro mě v pořádku.
You can say whatever you want.
Můžeš říct, cožkoliv chceš.
Usage: informalContext: Used to emphasize that any choice or statement is acceptable.
Note: This usage emphasizes acceptance of any option or opinion.
Feel free to ask whatever questions you have.
Neboj se zeptat jakýchkoli otázek, které máš.
Bring whatever you need for the trip.
Přines jakýkoli potřebné věci na výlet.
Usage: informalContext: Used to indicate any item or question without limitation.
Note: Implies that there are no limits to what can be asked or brought.
jak chceš
You can do it whatever way you want.
Můžeš to udělat jak chceš.
Whatever happens, I will support you.
Jak chceš, budu tě podporovat.
Usage: informalContext: Used to express flexibility in methods or outcomes.
Note: Commonly used to express that any approach is acceptable.
to je jedno
Whatever, I don't really care.
To je jedno, mě to vlastně nezajímá.
You can pick whatever movie; it's whatever to me.
Můžeš vybrat jakýkoli film; je mi to jedno.
Usage: informalContext: Used to indicate indifference or lack of preference.
Note: Often conveys a sense of apathy or nonchalance about a situation.
bez ohledu na
Whatever the cost, we will proceed.
Bez ohledu na náklady, budeme pokračovat.
Whatever the outcome, we will be prepared.
Bez ohledu na výsledek, budeme připraveni.
Usage: formal/informalContext: Used to express determination regardless of circumstances.
Note: This phrase can be used in both formal and informal contexts, emphasizing commitment.
Whatever's synonyms
Used to indicate a lack of preference or interest in a particular choice or situation.
Example: I don't care about whatever you decide.
Note: N/A
Refers to any thing or any one thing without specifying a particular item.
Example: You can choose anything you like for dinner.
Note: Slightly broader in meaning than 'whatever.'
Indicates a choice between a limited number of options.
Example: You can pick whichever book you want to read first.
Note: Implies a selection from a specific set of choices.
no matter what
Expresses a sense of steadfastness or unconditional support regardless of circumstances.
Example: No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you.
Note: Conveys a stronger sense of determination or commitment.
Means without regard or consideration for a specific factor.
Example: I'll support you regardless of your decision.
Note: Emphasizes the lack of concern for a particular condition or circumstance.
Whatever expressions, common phrases
Whatever floats your boat
This phrase means that you can do whatever makes you happy or suits your preferences.
Example: You can choose any movie you want to watch tonight. Whatever floats your boat.
Note: The phrase 'floats your boat' adds a sense of personal choice and individual preference compared to just saying 'whatever.'
Whatever tickles your fancy
This expression means to do whatever pleases or appeals to you.
Example: I'm fine with any restaurant for dinner. Whatever tickles your fancy.
Note: The phrase 'tickles your fancy' implies a sense of delight or enjoyment beyond a mere 'whatever.'
Whatever the case may be
This phrase is used to acknowledge that a situation may have different possibilities or outcomes.
Example: I'll be ready for the meeting, whatever the case may be.
Note: It emphasizes being prepared for any scenario, unlike a simple 'whatever' that may suggest indifference.
Whatever you say
This phrase indicates passive agreement or acceptance of someone else's opinion or decision.
Example: I don't agree with your decision, but whatever you say.
Note: It conveys a sense of submission or compliance compared to a straightforward 'whatever.'
Whatever comes to mind
This expression encourages someone to share any thoughts or ideas without restriction.
Example: Feel free to suggest any ideas, whatever comes to mind.
Note: It promotes creativity and open-mindedness beyond a general 'whatever.'
Whatever it takes
This phrase signifies a strong determination to do something, regardless of the effort required.
Example: I will finish this project, whatever it takes.
Note: It denotes a firm commitment and willingness to go to great lengths compared to a casual 'whatever.'
Whatever happens, happens
This expression conveys a sense of acceptance or resignation towards the future events that one cannot control.
Example: I'm not worried about the outcome. Whatever happens, happens.
Note: It reflects a philosophical or fatalistic attitude compared to a simple 'whatever.'
Whatever everyday (slang) expressions
A casual and shortened version of 'whatever'.
Example: I don't care about that, whatevs.
Note: More informal and often used in a dismissive tone.
An even more relaxed and slangy version of 'whatever'.
Example: I'm not bothered by it, whateva.
Note: Very informal and may come across as indifferent or apathetic.
A further shortened form of 'whatever'.
Example: You can decide, I'm good with whatev.
Note: Extremely casual and might convey a carefree attitude.
An exaggerated and playful version of 'whatever'.
Example: We can go wherever you want, whatevskies.
Note: Adds a playful and light-hearted twist to the original term.
A pluralized slang term for 'whatever'.
Example: She can do what she likes, whatevers.
Note: Implies a nonchalant attitude towards multiple choices or options.
An alternate informal spelling of 'whatever'.
Example: I'm fine with that, whatevz.
Note: Introduces a trendy or internet slang style to the term.
A slightly playful and informal form of 'whatever'.
Example: It's cool if you want to do that, whatevvy.
Note: Adds a touch of playfulness or whimsy to the expression.
Whatever - Examples
Whatever you want to do, I support you.
Cokoli chceš dělat, podporuji tě.
I don't care about the movie, we can watch whatever.
Na filmu mi nezáleží, můžeme se dívat na cokoliv.
Whatever happens, we'll face it together.
Cokoli se stane, čelíme tomu spolu.
Whatever grammar
Whatever - Pronoun (Pronoun) / Wh-determiner (Wh-determiner)
Lemma: whatever
Syllables, Separation and Stress
whatever Contains 3 syllables: what • ev • er
Phonetic transcription: (h)wät-ˈe-vər
what ev er , (h)wät ˈe vər (The red syllable is stressed)
Whatever - Importance and usage frequency
The word frequency and importance index indicates how often a word appears in a given language. The smaller the number, the more frequently the word is used. The most frequently used words typically range from about 1 to 4000.
whatever: 700 - 800 (Extremely common).
This importance index helps you focus on the most useful words during your language learning process.