English - Finnish


Extremely common
500 - 600
500 - 600
The word frequency and importance index indicates how often a word appears in a given language. The smaller the number, the more frequently the word is used. The most frequently used words typically range from about 1 to 4000. This importance index helps you focus on the most useful words during your language learning process.

materiaali, aineisto, materiaali, aine, aineisto

Material meanings in Finnish


The fabric is made of high-quality material.
Kangas on valmistettu korkealaatuisesta materiaalista.
We need to order more construction material.
Meidän täytyy tilata lisää rakennusmateriaalia.
Usage: formalContext: Used in contexts related to construction, textiles, and manufacturing.
Note: Refers specifically to the physical substances used to create objects.


The research material is essential for our study.
Tutkimusaineisto on välttämätöntä tutkimuksellemme.
She gathered all the material needed for the presentation.
Hän keräsi kaiken aineiston, joka tarvittiin esitystä varten.
Usage: formalContext: Commonly used in academic or research contexts.
Note: Refers to information or data used for research or presentations.


The course material is available online.
Kurssimateriaali on saatavilla verkossa.
I need to review the study material before the exam.
Minun täytyy käydä läpi opintomateriaali ennen koetta.
Usage: formalContext: Used in educational settings.
Note: Refers to resources or content provided for learning.


This material is very flexible.
Tämä aine on erittäin joustava.
The material used in this project is eco-friendly.
Tässä projektissa käytetty aine on ympäristöystävällinen.
Usage: informalContext: Can be used in casual conversations about various substances.
Note: Often used to describe the physical properties of a substance.


The documentary provided a lot of valuable material.
Dokumentti tarjosi paljon arvokasta aineistoa.
We have gathered all the material for the report.
Olemme keränneet kaiken aineiston raporttia varten.
Usage: formalContext: Used in contexts related to documentation or reports.
Note: Can refer to collected data or information for analysis.

Material's synonyms


Substance refers to the physical matter of which something is made, similar to material. It can also mean the essential nature or character of something.
Example: The new building material is a durable substance that can withstand harsh weather conditions.
Note: While material often refers to physical matter, substance can also imply the essence or nature of something.


Fabric typically refers to cloth or textile material, but it can also be used more broadly to describe the basic structure or framework of something.
Example: The curtains were made of a luxurious fabric that added elegance to the room.
Note: Fabric is more specific and often associated with textiles, while material has a broader scope.


Substrate refers to a surface or underlying layer on which an organism lives or grows, or on which a process occurs. In materials science, it can also refer to the base material on which a coating or film is applied.
Example: The artist painted on a wooden substrate to create a textured effect in the artwork.
Note: Substrate is more specialized and is commonly used in scientific or technical contexts.


Element can refer to a component or part of a whole, or to a fundamental principle or substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
Example: The designer used natural elements such as wood and stone to create a harmonious space.
Note: While material refers to the physical matter itself, element can imply a fundamental or essential part.

Material expressions, common phrases


Someone who places too much importance on material possessions and wealth.
Example: She is quite materialistic, always buying expensive things to show off.
Note: Derived from 'material,' but focuses on the excessive desire for material possessions.


To become actual or real; to happen or appear in a physical form.
Example: The plan to expand the business finally materialized after months of preparation.
Note: Derived from 'material,' but emphasizes the transformation from an idea or plan into a tangible reality.

Raw material

Basic materials used in the production of goods.
Example: The company imports raw materials to manufacture its products.
Note: Refers specifically to unprocessed or natural materials used in manufacturing.

Material evidence

Evidence that is substantial and relevant to a case or investigation.
Example: The detective found material evidence linking the suspect to the crime scene.
Note: Refers to physical evidence that is significant and directly related to a situation or investigation.

Material gain

Acquisition of wealth or possessions, often as a primary goal.
Example: He was not motivated by material gain but by a genuine desire to help others.
Note: Focuses on acquiring wealth or material possessions, usually for personal benefit.

Material world

The physical and tangible aspects of life, often contrasted with spiritual or emotional realms.
Example: She preferred to focus on spiritual matters rather than get caught up in the material world.
Note: Refers to the physical, tangible aspects of life, including possessions and wealth, in contrast to spiritual or abstract concepts.


Not relevant or important; insignificant.
Example: His opinion on the matter is immaterial as the decision has already been made.
Note: Derived from 'material,' but denotes something that is not relevant or significant in a particular context.

Material everyday (slang) expressions


In spoken language, 'stuff' is often used informally to refer to various things, possessions, or items without specifying them.
Example: I have so much stuff to organize before the move.
Note: While 'material' is more specific and formal, 'stuff' is a casual and broad term.


'Goods' is commonly used to refer to physical products or commodities that are bought or sold.
Example: We just received a shipment of goods for the store.
Note: The term 'goods' is specific to physical items, unlike 'material' which can also encompass non-physical aspects.


'Merch' is a shortened form of 'merchandise' and is commonly used in informal contexts to refer to products or items for sale, often associated with brands or artists.
Example: Our new merch will be available for purchase next week.
Note: While 'material' is a broader term, 'merch' specifically refers to items that are typically sold or promoted.


In slang, 'swag' refers to promotional items, freebies, or stylish goods received, especially at events or as gifts.
Example: Check out the swag we got at the event.
Note: ‘Swag’ is more focused on fashionable or promotional items, while 'material' is a general term for physical or non-physical substances.


When referring to 'material', 'junk' is often used informally to describe useless or unwanted items that clutter a space.
Example: Why do you keep all this junk in your closet?
Note: Unlike 'material', 'junk' has a negative connotation and implies a lack of value or usefulness.


'Schwag' is slang for free promotional items or merchandise, often seen as low-quality or mass-produced.
Example: They were giving out some cool schwag at the tech conference.
Note: 'Schwag' is more specific to promotional or free items, whereas 'material' can encompass a wider range of substances or components.


In informal language, 'kit' is used to refer to a set of equipment, tools, or supplies needed for a specific purpose or activity.
Example: I bought a new kit for my hobby.
Note: While 'material' can be abstract, 'kit' specifically refers to a collection of physical items used for a particular task.

Material - Examples

The material used for this dress is silk.
Tämässä mekossa käytetty materiaali on silkkiä.
He is a very material person, always focused on money.
Hän on hyvin materiaalinen ihminen, aina keskittynyt rahaan.
The company is doing well financially, both material and non-material aspects.
Yritys voi hyvin taloudellisesti, sekä materiaalisten että ei-materiaalisten näkökohtien osalta.

Material grammar

Material - Noun (Noun) / Noun, singular or mass (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemma: material
Adjective (Adjective): material
Noun, plural (Noun, plural): materials, material
Noun, singular or mass (Noun, singular or mass): material
Syllables, Separation and Stress
Material Contains 4 syllables: ma • te • ri • al
Phonetic transcription: mə-ˈtir-ē-əl
ma te ri al , ˈtir ē əl (The red syllable is stressed)

Material - Importance and usage frequency

The word frequency and importance index indicates how often a word appears in a given language. The smaller the number, the more frequently the word is used. The most frequently used words typically range from about 1 to 4000.
Material: 500 - 600 (Extremely common).
This importance index helps you focus on the most useful words during your language learning process.
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