Αγγλικά - Τουρκικά


Εξαιρετικά Κοινό
400 - 500
400 - 500
Ο δείκτης συχνότητας και σημασίας λέξεων δείχνει πόσο συχνά εμφανίζεται μια λέξη σε μια δεδομένη γλώσσα. Όσο μικρότερος είναι ο αριθμός, τόσο πιο συχνά χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη. Οι λέξεις που χρησιμοποιούνται πιο συχνά κυμαίνονται συνήθως από περίπου 1 έως 4000. Αυτός ο δείκτης σημασίας σας βοηθά να επικεντρωθείτε στις πιο χρήσιμες λέξεις κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εκμάθησης γλώσσας.

Uygulama, Pratik, Alışkanlık, Uygulama alanı, Pratik yapmak

Σημασίες του Practice στα τουρκικά


I need more practice to improve my skills.
Becerilerimi geliştirmek için daha fazla uygulamaya ihtiyacım var.
She practices the piano every day.
O, her gün piyano çalışıyor.
Χρήση: InformalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used in contexts related to skill development or habitual action.
Σημείωση: Refers to the act of doing something repeatedly to improve a skill.


Let's do some practical exercises.
Biraz pratik egzersiz yapalım.
This theory needs practical application.
Bu teorinin pratik uygulamaya ihtiyacı var.
Χρήση: Formal/InformalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used in educational or professional settings where application of knowledge is discussed.
Σημείωση: Can refer to exercises or situations where theory is applied in real-life scenarios.


It’s important to make practice a habit.
Pratik yapmayı bir alışkanlık haline getirmek önemlidir.
Good habits come from regular practice.
İyi alışkanlıklar düzenli pratikten gelir.
Χρήση: InformalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used when discussing routines and behaviors.
Σημείωση: Emphasizes the importance of regularity in performing actions to form habits.

Uygulama alanı

This field has many areas of practice.
Bu alanın birçok uygulama alanı var.
He specializes in legal practice.
O, hukuk uygulamasında uzmanlaşmıştır.
Χρήση: FormalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used in professional fields to describe specific domains or areas.
Σημείωση: Often used in professions, such as law, medicine, or education, to indicate specialization.

Pratik yapmak

He needs to practice speaking English.
İngilizce konuşmayı pratik yapması gerekiyor.
We should practice our presentation before the meeting.
Toplantıdan önce sunumumuzu yapmalıyız.
Χρήση: InformalΣυμφραζόμενα: Common in everyday conversation about improving skills.
Σημείωση: This phrase is often used in the context of rehearsing or preparing for an event.

Συνώνυμα του Practice


Training refers to the act of teaching or learning a skill or behavior through practice and instruction.
Παράδειγμα: She underwent rigorous training before the competition.
Σημείωση: Training often implies a structured and systematic approach to learning or developing a particular skill.


Rehearsal involves practicing or going through a performance or activity in preparation for a public presentation or event.
Παράδειγμα: The actors had a final rehearsal before the opening night.
Σημείωση: Rehearsal is commonly used in the context of performing arts, music, or public speaking.


Drill refers to repetitive practice or exercises to improve proficiency in a specific task or skill.
Παράδειγμα: The soldiers conducted a drill to improve their combat skills.
Σημείωση: Drill often implies a focus on precision, accuracy, and efficiency in performing a task.


Exercise can refer to physical activity or mental tasks done repeatedly to improve skill, strength, or knowledge.
Παράδειγμα: Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.
Σημείωση: Exercise is more commonly associated with physical activities but can also be used in a broader sense to indicate practice or training.

Εκφράσεις και συνήθεις φράσεις του Practice

Practice makes perfect

This phrase means that by repeatedly doing something, you will become very good at it.
Παράδειγμα: I know learning a new language can be challenging, but remember, practice makes perfect!
Σημείωση: The phrase emphasizes the idea of improvement through repetition.

Put into practice

To apply or implement something that has been learned or planned.
Παράδειγμα: After studying the theory, it's important to put it into practice to see how it works in real life.
Σημείωση: It signifies the act of applying theoretical knowledge in practical situations.

Practice what you preach

To do the things that one advises others to do; to behave in the way that one recommends.
Παράδειγμα: If you tell others to be kind, make sure you practice what you preach.
Σημείωση: It highlights the importance of aligning one's actions with their words or advice.

In practice

Refers to how something actually works or is done in reality, as opposed to in theory.
Παράδειγμα: The theory sounds good, but in practice, it may not work as well.
Σημείωση: It contrasts the theoretical concept with the realistic implementation.

A practice run

A rehearsal or trial to prepare for a real or important event.
Παράδειγμα: Let's do a practice run before the actual presentation to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Σημείωση: It refers to a trial or rehearsal before a significant performance or event.

Common practice

A usual or customary way of doing things, often accepted or expected in a particular society or group.
Παράδειγμα: In some cultures, it is a common practice to bow as a sign of respect.
Σημείωση: It denotes a widely accepted or prevalent way of conducting activities.

Καθημερινές (αργκό) εκφράσεις του Practice


Repeated exercise in a particular skill or activity to improve proficiency.
Παράδειγμα: I need to get more practice playing the guitar.

Practice run

A trial performance or rehearsal to prepare for the real or main event.
Παράδειγμα: Let's do a practice run before the actual event.

Practice - Παραδείγματα

Practice makes perfect.
Pratik mükemmelleştirir.
I need to practice my piano skills.
Piyano becerilerimi pratik yapmam gerekiyor.
She has a very practical approach to problem-solving.
O, problem çözme konusunda çok pratik bir yaklaşımı var.

Γραμματική του Practice

Practice - Ρήμα (Verb) / Ρήμα, βασική μορφή (Verb, base form)
Λήμμα: practice
Ουσιαστικό, πληθυντικός (Noun, plural): practices, practice
Ουσιαστικό, ενικός ή μαζικός (Noun, singular or mass): practice
Ρήμα, παρελθοντικός χρόνος (Verb, past tense): practiced
Ρήμα, γερούνδιο ή μετοχή ενεστώτα (Verb, gerund or present participle): practicing
Ρήμα, γ' ενικό πρόσωπο ενεστώτα (Verb, 3rd person singular present): practices
Ρήμα, βασική μορφή (Verb, base form): practice
Ρήμα, ενεστώτας εκτός γ' ενικού προσώπου (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): practice
Συλλαβές, Διαχωρισμός και Τονισμός
Practice περιέχει 2 συλλαβές: prac • tice
Φωνητική μεταγραφή: ˈprak-təs
prac tice , ˈprak təs (Η κόκκινη συλλαβή είναι τονισμένη)

Practice - Σημασία και συχνότητα χρήσης

Ο δείκτης συχνότητας και σημασίας λέξεων δείχνει πόσο συχνά εμφανίζεται μια λέξη σε μια δεδομένη γλώσσα. Όσο μικρότερος είναι ο αριθμός, τόσο πιο συχνά χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη. Οι λέξεις που χρησιμοποιούνται πιο συχνά κυμαίνονται συνήθως από περίπου 1 έως 4000.
Practice: 400 - 500 (Εξαιρετικά Κοινό).
Αυτός ο δείκτης σημασίας σας βοηθά να επικεντρωθείτε στις πιο χρήσιμες λέξεις κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εκμάθησης γλώσσας.
Vocafy, αποδοτική εκμάθηση γλώσσας
Vocafy, αποδοτική εκμάθηση γλώσσας
Το Vocafy σε βοηθά να ανακαλύψεις, να οργανώσεις και να μάθεις νέες λέξεις και φράσεις με ευκολία. Δημιούργησε εξατομικευμένες συλλογές λεξιλογίου και εξασκήσου οποτεδήποτε, οπουδήποτε.