Αγγλικά - Βιετναμέζικα


Εξαιρετικά Κοινό
500 - 600
500 - 600
Ο δείκτης συχνότητας και σημασίας λέξεων δείχνει πόσο συχνά εμφανίζεται μια λέξη σε μια δεδομένη γλώσσα. Όσο μικρότερος είναι ο αριθμός, τόσο πιο συχνά χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη. Οι λέξεις που χρησιμοποιούνται πιο συχνά κυμαίνονται συνήθως από περίπου 1 έως 4000. Αυτός ο δείκτης σημασίας σας βοηθά να επικεντρωθείτε στις πιο χρήσιμες λέξεις κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εκμάθησης γλώσσας.

Cuộc họp, Cuộc gặp gỡ, Sự gặp mặt, Hội nghị

Σημασίες του Meeting στα βιετναμέζικα

Cuộc họp

We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Chúng ta có một cuộc họp được lên lịch vào ngày mai.
The meeting was very productive.
Cuộc họp đó rất hiệu quả.
Χρήση: formalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used in professional settings, such as workplaces or organizations.
Σημείωση: This is the most common meaning of 'meeting', referring to a gathering of people to discuss specific topics.

Cuộc gặp gỡ

I enjoyed our meeting last week.
Tôi đã rất thích cuộc gặp gỡ của chúng ta tuần trước.
Their meeting was a chance to reconnect.
Cuộc gặp gỡ của họ là một cơ hội để tái kết nối.
Χρήση: informalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used in social contexts, often referring to a friendly or casual get-together.
Σημείωση: This meaning emphasizes a more personal and informal interaction between individuals.

Sự gặp mặt

The meeting of the two leaders was historic.
Sự gặp mặt của hai nhà lãnh đạo là một sự kiện lịch sử.
They planned a meeting to discuss community issues.
Họ đã lên kế hoạch cho một sự gặp mặt để thảo luận về các vấn đề cộng đồng.
Χρήση: formal/informalΣυμφραζόμενα: Can be used in both formal and informal settings, often emphasizing the act of coming together.
Σημείωση: This term can be used in various contexts, including political, social, or community events.

Hội nghị

The annual conference is a large meeting of experts.
Hội nghị hàng năm là một cuộc họp lớn của các chuyên gia.
They attended a meeting on climate change.
Họ đã tham dự một hội nghị về biến đổi khí hậu.
Χρήση: formalΣυμφραζόμενα: Used primarily for larger gatherings or conferences, often involving presentations or discussions.
Σημείωση: This term is typically used for formal events that gather many participants, often with a specific focus or theme.

Συνώνυμα του Meeting


A gathering refers to a coming together of people for a specific purpose or event, similar to a meeting but often more informal.
Παράδειγμα: We're having a gathering of friends at the park this weekend.
Σημείωση: Gatherings can be less structured and formal than meetings, often involving socializing or casual interactions.


A conference typically involves a formal meeting of people to discuss specific topics or issues, often with presentations or workshops.
Παράδειγμα: The company is hosting a conference on innovation next month.
Σημείωση: Conferences are usually larger in scale than regular meetings and may involve participants from different organizations or locations.


A session refers to a specific period of time dedicated to a particular activity, discussion, or work.
Παράδειγμα: The training session will focus on new software updates.
Σημείωση: Sessions can be part of a larger meeting or event, focusing on a specific aspect or topic within the overall gathering.


An assembly is a formal gathering of people for a specific purpose, often involving a group coming together for a common activity or event.
Παράδειγμα: The school assembly will take place in the auditorium tomorrow morning.
Σημείωση: Assemblies are typically larger gatherings, often involving a whole organization, community, or institution.

Εκφράσεις και συνήθεις φράσεις του Meeting

Call a meeting

To arrange or schedule a meeting with a group of people to discuss a specific topic or issue.
Παράδειγμα: Let's call a meeting to discuss the new project proposal.
Σημείωση: The phrase 'call a meeting' specifically refers to initiating a meeting, while 'meeting' itself refers to the gathering or assembly of people.

Hold a meeting

To conduct or host a meeting where people gather to discuss matters or make decisions.
Παράδειγμα: We need to hold a meeting to finalize the budget for the next quarter.
Σημείωση: Similar to 'call a meeting,' 'hold a meeting' focuses on the action of conducting the meeting rather than just the gathering itself.

Attend a meeting

To be present or participate in a meeting as a listener, contributor, or decision-maker.
Παράδειγμα: I have to attend a meeting with the senior management team this afternoon.
Σημείωση: While 'meeting' generally refers to the event itself, 'attend a meeting' emphasizes the act of being present at the meeting.

Run a meeting

To lead or facilitate a meeting by managing the agenda, discussions, and ensuring productivity.
Παράδειγμα: She is skilled at running meetings efficiently and keeping discussions on track.
Σημείωση: Unlike 'meeting,' which is a general term for a gathering, 'run a meeting' specifically highlights the role of the person in charge of managing the meeting.

Schedule a meeting

To plan and set a specific date, time, and place for a meeting to take place.
Παράδειγμα: I will schedule a meeting with the client to go over the project timeline.
Σημείωση: The phrase 'schedule a meeting' indicates the act of setting up a meeting in advance, distinguishing it from the general concept of a meeting.

Cancel a meeting

To officially call off or postpone a meeting that was previously arranged or planned.
Παράδειγμα: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel the meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Σημείωση: While 'meeting' refers to the gathering itself, 'cancel a meeting' specifically addresses the action of calling off the meeting.

Virtual meeting

A meeting that takes place online or through virtual communication channels, rather than in person.
Παράδειγμα: Since we work remotely, we often conduct virtual meetings using video conferencing tools.
Σημείωση: The term 'virtual meeting' specifies that the meeting is conducted remotely, distinguishing it from traditional face-to-face meetings.

Καθημερινές (αργκό) εκφράσεις του Meeting


Pow-wow is a casual meeting or discussion, often impromptu or informal.
Παράδειγμα: Let's have a quick pow-wow to discuss the project updates.
Σημείωση: Pow-wow carries a more relaxed and informal connotation compared to a traditional meeting.


Huddle refers to a brief meeting or discussion involving a small group of people.
Παράδειγμα: We need to huddle up to figure out our next steps.
Σημείωση: Huddle implies closeness and collaboration, often used in sports contexts.


Brainstorming is a creative session where ideas are generated through group discussion.
Παράδειγμα: Let's get together to brainstorm some new marketing ideas.
Σημείωση: Brainstorm is specifically focused on generating ideas and solutions collaboratively.


Chat refers to a casual or informal conversation or discussion.
Παράδειγμα: We should have a chat about the upcoming changes in the project.
Σημείωση: Chat is more relaxed and open-ended compared to a formal meeting.


A get-together is a social gathering or meeting.
Παράδειγμα: Let's have a team get-together to celebrate our recent achievements.
Σημείωση: Get-together emphasizes coming together for a social or celebratory purpose.


Powwow is a meeting to have a discussion, often focusing on resolving specific matters.
Παράδειγμα: The team had a powwow to resolve the issues before the deadline.
Σημείωση: Powwow is similar to a pow-wow but may carry a slightly more serious tone.


Check-in is a brief meeting or discussion to update or get updates on a situation.
Παράδειγμα: Let's do a quick check-in to see how everyone is doing.
Σημείωση: Check-in typically involves monitoring progress or well-being rather than a formal discussion.

Meeting - Παραδείγματα

The meeting starts at 10am.
Cuộc họp bắt đầu lúc 10 giờ sáng.
We need to schedule a meeting to discuss the project.
Chúng ta cần lên lịch một cuộc họp để thảo luận về dự án.
The annual company meeting will be held next week.
Cuộc họp thường niên của công ty sẽ được tổ chức vào tuần tới.

Γραμματική του Meeting

Meeting - Ρήμα (Verb) / Ρήμα, γερούνδιο ή μετοχή ενεστώτα (Verb, gerund or present participle)
Λήμμα: meet
Ουσιαστικό, πληθυντικός (Noun, plural): meets
Ουσιαστικό, ενικός ή μαζικός (Noun, singular or mass): meet
Ρήμα, παρελθοντικός χρόνος (Verb, past tense): met
Ρήμα, μετοχή παρακειμένου (Verb, past participle): met
Ρήμα, γερούνδιο ή μετοχή ενεστώτα (Verb, gerund or present participle): meeting
Ρήμα, γ' ενικό πρόσωπο ενεστώτα (Verb, 3rd person singular present): meets
Ρήμα, βασική μορφή (Verb, base form): meet
Ρήμα, ενεστώτας εκτός γ' ενικού προσώπου (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): meet
Συλλαβές, Διαχωρισμός και Τονισμός
Meeting περιέχει 2 συλλαβές: meet • ing
Φωνητική μεταγραφή: ˈmē-tiŋ
meet ing , ˈmē tiŋ (Η κόκκινη συλλαβή είναι τονισμένη)

Meeting - Σημασία και συχνότητα χρήσης

Ο δείκτης συχνότητας και σημασίας λέξεων δείχνει πόσο συχνά εμφανίζεται μια λέξη σε μια δεδομένη γλώσσα. Όσο μικρότερος είναι ο αριθμός, τόσο πιο συχνά χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη. Οι λέξεις που χρησιμοποιούνται πιο συχνά κυμαίνονται συνήθως από περίπου 1 έως 4000.
Meeting: 500 - 600 (Εξαιρετικά Κοινό).
Αυτός ο δείκτης σημασίας σας βοηθά να επικεντρωθείτε στις πιο χρήσιμες λέξεις κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας εκμάθησης γλώσσας.
Vocafy, αποδοτική εκμάθηση γλώσσας
Vocafy, αποδοτική εκμάθηση γλώσσας
Το Vocafy σε βοηθά να ανακαλύψεις, να οργανώσεις και να μάθεις νέες λέξεις και φράσεις με ευκολία. Δημιούργησε εξατομικευμένες συλλογές λεξιλογίου και εξασκήσου οποτεδήποτε, οπουδήποτε.