Inglés - Español
Extremadamente Común
500 - 600
500 - 600
El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.

relación, vínculo, noviazgo, parentesco, correspondencia

Significados de Relationship en español

La palabra "relationship" se utiliza en inglés cotidiano para describir la conexión o el vínculo entre personas, grupos o cosas. Es común en diversos contextos, incluyendo relaciones personales, familiares, laborales y sociales.

Ejemplos de uso:

  1. Relaciones personales: "They have a strong relationship." (Tienen una relación fuerte.) Se refiere a la conexión emocional entre amigos o parejas.

  2. Relaciones familiares: "Her relationship with her parents is complicated." (Su relación con sus padres es complicada.) Indica la dinámica entre miembros de una familia.

  3. Relaciones laborales: "He has a good relationship with his colleagues." (Él tiene una buena relación con sus colegas.) Describe el trato y la interacción en un entorno profesional.

  4. Relaciones sociales: "Building relationships is important for networking." (Construir relaciones es importante para el networking.) Se refiere a establecer conexiones en un contexto más amplio, como eventos sociales o profesionales.

Frases comunes:

  • "In a relationship" (en una relación): Usado para describir a alguien que está en una pareja romántica.
  • "Relationship goals" (metas de relación): Objetivos que una pareja se propone alcanzar.
  • "Healthy relationship" (relación saludable): Describe una conexión positiva y constructiva entre personas.

El uso de "relationship" puede ser tanto formal como informal, dependiendo del contexto. En situaciones profesionales se puede usar de manera más estructurada, mientras que en conversaciones cotidianas puede ser más casual.

Errores comunes:

  • Confundir "relationship" con "relation". "Relation" se refiere a la conexión entre cosas o personas en un sentido más amplio, mientras que "relationship" implica un vínculo más personal y emocional.
  • No usar "relationship" en plural cuando se habla de múltiples vínculos: "They have several relationships." (Tienen varias relaciones.)

Palabras relacionadas:

  • Sinónimos: "connection" (conexión), "association" (asociación).
  • Antónimos: "disconnection" (desconexión), "estrangement" (distanciamiento).

Pronunciación: "relationship" se pronuncia /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/. Es importante enfatizar la segunda sílaba y mantener una pronunciación clara de las consonantes.

Gramática y etimología: "Relationship" es un sustantivo que proviene del inglés medio "relacioun" y del francés antiguo "relacion", que a su vez deriva del latín "relatio". Se utiliza comúnmente en singular y plural, con el plural "relationships".

Significados de Relationship en español


Their relationship is very strong.
Su relación es muy sólida.
Building a good relationship takes time.
Construir una buena relación lleva tiempo.
Uso: FormalContexto: General conversations, professional settings
Nota: This is the most common translation for 'relationship' in the context of connections between people.


The bond between them is unbreakable.
El vínculo entre ellos es inquebrantable.
Cultural relationships are important for understanding societies.
Los vínculos culturales son importantes para entender las sociedades.
Uso: FormalContexto: Academic, philosophical discussions
Nota: This translation emphasizes a strong connection or tie between entities.


Their relationship began in high school.
Su noviazgo comenzó en la secundaria.
They announced their relationship to their families.
Anunciaron su noviazgo a sus familias.
Uso: Formal/InformalContexto: Romantic relationships, dating
Nota: This translation specifically refers to romantic relationships or courtship.


Their relationship is based on a strong family bond.
Su parentesco se basa en un fuerte lazo familiar.
Understanding family relationships is important in genealogy research.
Entender el parentesco familiar es importante en la investigación genealógica.
Uso: FormalContexto: Family discussions, genealogy
Nota: This translation pertains to familial connections and kinship.


There is a direct relationship between effort and success.
Existe una correspondencia directa entre el esfuerzo y el éxito.
The relationship between cause and effect is crucial in science.
La correspondencia entre causa y efecto es crucial en la ciencia.
Uso: FormalContexto: Scientific, statistical contexts
Nota: In technical contexts, 'relationship' can sometimes be translated as 'correspondencia' when referring to connections or associations.

Los sinónimos de Relationship


A relationship or association between two or more things.
Ejemplo: There is a strong connection between the two characters in the novel.
Nota: While 'relationship' is a broader term, 'connection' often implies a more direct link or bond.


A close connection or relationship between people or groups.
Ejemplo: The bond between the siblings was unbreakable.
Nota: Similar to 'relationship,' but 'bond' emphasizes a strong emotional tie or connection.


A connection or relationship between things or people.
Ejemplo: The association between diet and health is well-documented.
Nota: Refers to a more formal or structured relationship, often based on common interests or goals.


A formal relationship or connection with an organization or group.
Ejemplo: His affiliation with the political party influenced his views.
Nota: Implies a specific membership or alignment with a particular group or entity.


A connection or bond between people, things, or ideas.
Ejemplo: There is a strong tie between tradition and culture in this community.
Nota: Emphasizes a strong link or connection, often implying a close or significant relationship.

Expresiones y frases comunes de Relationship

On the rocks

This idiom means that a relationship is experiencing difficulties or is in trouble.
Ejemplo: Their relationship is on the rocks after the big argument they had.
Nota: The phrase 'on the rocks' is used metaphorically to describe a relationship, whereas 'relationship' is a general term for the connection between people.

Hit it off

To hit it off means to get along well with someone right from the beginning of your relationship.
Ejemplo: I met Sarah at the party, and we really hit it off. We've been great friends ever since.
Nota: The idiom 'hit it off' specifically refers to the initial positive connection between individuals, while 'relationship' is a broader term encompassing various types of connections.

Make up

To make up refers to reconciling or resolving a disagreement in a relationship.
Ejemplo: They had a big fight last night, but they made up this morning and everything is fine now.
Nota: The phrase 'make up' specifically relates to resolving conflicts in a relationship, while 'relationship' refers to the overall connection between people.

Fall out

To fall out means to have a disagreement or argument that causes a rift in a relationship.
Ejemplo: They fell out over a misunderstanding and haven't spoken in weeks.
Nota: The idiom 'fall out' emphasizes a negative event that causes a rift in a relationship, while 'relationship' is a neutral term for the connection between individuals.

Give someone the cold shoulder

To give someone the cold shoulder means to intentionally ignore or be unfriendly to someone in a relationship.
Ejemplo: After what she said to me, I think I'll give her the cold shoulder for a while.
Nota: This idiom describes a specific behavior within a relationship, whereas 'relationship' refers to the overall connection between people.

Two peas in a pod

This idiom describes two people who are very similar or always together in a close relationship.
Ejemplo: Those two are like two peas in a pod, they do everything together.
Nota: The idiom 'two peas in a pod' highlights the closeness and similarity between two individuals, while 'relationship' is a more general term for connections between people.

Keep someone at arm's length

To keep someone at arm's length means to maintain a certain distance or level of aloofness in a relationship.
Ejemplo: I like him, but I always keep him at arm's length because I don't fully trust him.
Nota: This idiom refers to the deliberate action of maintaining distance in a relationship, while 'relationship' is a broader term for any connection between individuals.

Expresiones cotidianas (jerga) de Relationship


To 'ship' two people means to support or root for a romantic relationship between them.
Ejemplo: I totally ship Brad and Angelina, they make such a cute couple!
Nota: Unlike 'relationship,' 'ship' specifically refers to supporting or wanting a romantic connection between two individuals.


'Bae' is a term of endearment for one's significant other or romantic partner.
Ejemplo: I can't wait to see my bae this weekend.
Nota: While 'relationship' is a general term, 'bae' is used in a more intimate or affectionate context.


'Ghosting' refers to suddenly and without explanation cutting off all communication with someone.
Ejemplo: I thought things were going well, but then he started ghosting me.
Nota: Unlike 'relationship,' 'ghosting' describes a specific behavior within a relationship where one party abruptly ceases communication.


'DTR' stands for 'Define The Relationship,' often used when partners discuss and define the status of their relationship.
Ejemplo: We need to have the DTR talk soon to clarify where we stand.
Nota: Unlike 'relationship,' 'DTR' focuses on the process of defining and clarifying the nature of the connection between two individuals.

Cuffing season

'Cuffing season' refers to the period during colder months when people seek out relationships for the winter, often for companionship.
Ejemplo: It's cuffing season, time to find a partner to snuggle up with during the winter.
Nota: Unlike 'relationship,' 'cuffing season' specifically relates to the seasonality of seeking romantic partners.

Third wheel

A 'third wheel' refers to a person who is awkwardly present when two other individuals, usually a couple, are spending time together.
Ejemplo: I felt like a third wheel on their date.
Nota: While 'relationship' describes the connection between two people, 'third wheel' focuses on the dynamic of being an extra or unnecessary presence in a social context.


'FWB' stands for 'Friends With Benefits,' indicating a relationship where friends engage in physical intimacy without a romantic commitment.
Ejemplo: They're just FWBs, nothing serious.
Nota: Unlike 'relationship,' 'FWB' emphasizes the lack of emotional attachment and the focus on a physical aspect of the connection.

Relationship - Ejemplos

Relationship building is important in business.
Construir relaciones es importante en los negocios.
She has a close relationship with her sister.
Ella tiene una relación cercana con su hermana.
There is a clear relationship between exercise and good health.
Hay una relación clara entre el ejercicio y una buena salud.

Gramática de Relationship

Relationship - Sustantivo (Noun) / Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: relationship
Sustantivo, plural (Noun, plural): relationships, relationship
Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass): relationship
Sílabas, Separación y Acento
relationship contiene 4 sílabas: re • la • tion • ship
Transcripción fonética: ri-ˈlā-shən-ˌship
re la tion ship , ri ˈlā shən ˌship (La sílaba roja es la acentuada)

Relationship - Importancia y frecuencia de uso

El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000.
relationship: 500 - 600 (Extremadamente Común).
Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy te ayuda a descubrir, organizar y aprender nuevas palabras y frases con facilidad. Crea colecciones de vocabulario personalizadas y practica en cualquier momento y lugar.