Inglés - Español
Extremadamente Común
600 - 700
600 - 700
El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.

teoría, doctrina, hipótesis, opinión

Significados de Theory en español

La palabra "theory" se utiliza en inglés cotidiano para referirse a un conjunto de ideas o principios que explican un fenómeno o un conjunto de observaciones. Es común en contextos académicos, científicos y filosóficos, pero también puede aparecer en conversaciones informales.

Ejemplos de uso:

  1. Contexto académico: "Einstein's theory of relativity changed our understanding of physics." (La teoría de la relatividad de Einstein cambió nuestra comprensión de la física.)

  2. Contexto científico: "The theory of evolution explains how species adapt over time." (La teoría de la evolución explica cómo las especies se adaptan con el tiempo.)

  3. Contexto informal: "I have a theory about why he didn't come to the party." (Tengo una teoría sobre por qué no vino a la fiesta.)

Frases comunes que incluyen "theory":

  • "In theory" (En teoría): Se utiliza para referirse a algo que debería ser cierto o funcionar, aunque en la práctica no siempre sea así. Ejemplo: "In theory, this plan should work." (En teoría, este plan debería funcionar.)

  • "Conspiracy theory" (Teoría de conspiración): Se refiere a una explicación que sugiere que eventos o situaciones son el resultado de una conspiración. Ejemplo: "Some people believe in conspiracy theories about government actions." (Algunas personas creen en teorías de conspiración sobre las acciones del gobierno.)

Errores comunes:

Un error frecuente es usar "theory" como sinónimo de "hypothesis" (hipótesis). "Theory" implica un nivel más alto de evidencia y aceptación en la comunidad científica, mientras que "hypothesis" se refiere a una suposición que aún necesita ser probada.

Palabras relacionadas:

  • Sinónimos: "principle" (principio), "concept" (concepto).
  • Antónimos: "fact" (hecho), "truth" (verdad).


La palabra "theory" se pronuncia /ˈθiːəri/ en inglés americano. Es importante enfatizar la primera sílaba y mantener un sonido claro en la "th" inicial, que es un sonido dental sordo.

Gramática y etimología:

"Theory" es un sustantivo contable, lo que significa que puede ser singular o plural (theories). Proviene del griego "theoria", que significa "contemplación" o "espectáculo". En términos gramaticales, se utiliza en contextos tanto formales como informales.

Significados de Theory en español


The theory of relativity is a fundamental concept in physics.
La teoría de la relatividad es un concepto fundamental en física.
Scientists are developing a new theory to explain the observed phenomena.
Los científicos están desarrollando una nueva teoría para explicar los fenómenos observados.
Uso: formalContexto: Scientific and academic contexts
Nota: In Spanish, 'teoría' commonly refers to a system of ideas to explain something, especially in the sciences.


The conspiracy theory spread rapidly among the population.
La doctrina conspirativa se extendió rápidamente entre la población.
She adheres to the theory that hard work leads to success.
Ella se adhiere a la doctrina de que el trabajo duro lleva al éxito.
Uso: formalContexto: Philosophical or ideological discussions
Nota: In this sense, 'doctrina' is used to refer to a set of beliefs or principles that guide actions or thoughts.


Before conducting the experiment, we need to formulate a theory.
Antes de realizar el experimento, necesitamos formular una hipótesis.
His theory about the origins of the universe sparked a heated debate.
Su hipótesis sobre los orígenes del universo provocó un debate acalorado.
Uso: formalContexto: Scientific research or investigative contexts
Nota: In scientific settings, 'hipótesis' is often used interchangeably with 'teoría' to refer to a proposed explanation that can be tested.


In my theory, we should focus on sustainability for long-term success.
En mi opinión, deberíamos centrarnos en la sostenibilidad para el éxito a largo plazo.
His theory is that the company should prioritize customer satisfaction above all else.
Su opinión es que la empresa debería priorizar la satisfacción del cliente por encima de todo.
Uso: informalContexto: Casual conversations or personal viewpoints
Nota: 'Opinión' is a more colloquial use of 'theory' in Spanish, often referring to personal beliefs or perspectives.

Los sinónimos de Theory


A hypothesis is an educated guess or a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through research or experimentation.
Ejemplo: The scientist proposed a new hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.
Nota: A hypothesis is typically more specific and focused than a theory, often serving as a starting point for further investigation.


A concept is an abstract idea or general notion that helps in understanding a particular subject or phenomenon.
Ejemplo: The concept of relativity revolutionized the field of physics.
Nota: While a theory is a systematic explanation based on evidence and reasoning, a concept is a more general idea or notion.


A model is a simplified representation or simulation of a complex system or process used to study its behavior or make predictions.
Ejemplo: The economic model predicts the effects of changes in interest rates.
Nota: Models are often used to illustrate theories or hypotheses in a more tangible or visual way.


A belief is a conviction or acceptance that something is true or exists, often based on faith, values, or personal experience.
Ejemplo: The ancient civilization held a strong belief in the power of the sun.
Nota: Unlike a theory, which is based on systematic study and evidence, a belief may not always be supported by empirical data.

Expresiones y frases comunes de Theory

In theory

Refers to a concept or idea that should work according to principles or rules, but may not always work in reality.
Ejemplo: In theory, this method should work, but in practice, it doesn't always succeed.
Nota: The phrase 'in theory' emphasizes the contrast between what is expected in principle and what actually happens.

Theory of relativity

A scientific theory proposed by Albert Einstein that describes the fundamental ways in which space, time, and gravity interact.
Ejemplo: Albert Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.
Nota: The phrase 'theory of relativity' specifically refers to Einstein's scientific framework, distinct from the general concept of 'theory.'

Conspiracy theory

A belief or explanation that suggests events are the result of a secret, often sinister, plot by a group of people.
Ejemplo: Some people believe in conspiracy theories about government cover-ups and secret societies.
Nota: The term 'conspiracy theory' implies a speculative and often unsubstantiated explanation for events, sometimes with negative connotations.

Theory versus practice

Highlights the difference or conflict between theoretical knowledge or principles and practical implementation or real-world results.
Ejemplo: There is often a disconnect between theory and practice in fields like education, where real-world application differs from theoretical concepts.
Nota: This phrase contrasts the idealized or expected outcomes of theoretical knowledge with the actual outcomes in practice.

Game theory

A branch of mathematics that studies strategic decision-making in competitive situations, such as games or economic scenarios.
Ejemplo: Game theory is used in economics to analyze strategic interactions between individuals or groups.
Nota: Refers to a specific mathematical framework for analyzing strategic behavior, distinct from the general concept of 'theory.'

Theory of evolution

A scientific theory that describes the process by which species of organisms evolve and change over successive generations.
Ejemplo: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection explains how species change over time through adaptation.
Nota: The phrase 'theory of evolution' specifically refers to the scientific explanation of how species develop, distinct from the broader concept of 'theory.'

Theory and practice

Emphasizes the importance of combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience or application.
Ejemplo: In this workshop, we aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice by applying concepts to real-world scenarios.
Nota: This phrase stresses the complementary relationship between theoretical understanding and practical implementation.

Expresiones cotidianas (jerga) de Theory

Bounce the idea around

To discuss or consider an idea or theory with others.
Ejemplo: Let's bounce the idea around and see what everyone thinks.
Nota: The slang term emphasizes a casual and informal approach to discussing theories.


A sudden clever idea or insight; a moment of inspiration.
Ejemplo: I had a brainwave last night about how to solve the problem.
Nota: The term implies a quick and unexpected revelation rather than a formalized theory.


An intuitive feeling, suspicion, or guess based on incomplete information.
Ejemplo: I have a hunch that things will work out in our favor.
Nota: A hunch is a less structured and substantiated form of belief compared to a formal theory.

Shot in the dark

An attempt or guess that is unlikely to succeed due to a lack of information or evidence.
Ejemplo: His solution was just a shot in the dark; he didn't have any evidence to support it.
Nota: Unlike a theory, a shot in the dark lacks a systematic and logical basis.


Something that is astonishing, thought-provoking, or mind-bending.
Ejemplo: That new scientific discovery is a real mind-blower!
Nota: A mind-blower is a more sensational or impactful concept compared to a standard theory.

Wild guess

An uninformed or random guess made without much consideration or evidence.
Ejemplo: I don't know the answer, so I'll make a wild guess.
Nota: A wild guess is a far-fetched idea without the systematic reasoning typical of a formal theory.

Long shot

An unlikely or improbable idea, plan, or theory.
Ejemplo: It's a long shot, but maybe our theory will turn out to be correct.
Nota: A long shot implies a low probability of success, contrasting with the structured reasoning of a theory.

Theory - Ejemplos

Theory of relativity
Teoría de la relatividad
My theory is that he's lying
Mi teoría es que está mintiendo
The hypothesis has yet to be proven
La hipótesis aún no ha sido probada

Gramática de Theory

Theory - Sustantivo (Noun) / Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: theory
Sustantivo, plural (Noun, plural): theories, theory
Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass): theory
Sílabas, Separación y Acento
theory contiene 3 sílabas: the • o • ry
Transcripción fonética: ˈthē-ə-rē
the o ry , ˈthē ə (La sílaba roja es la acentuada)

Theory - Importancia y frecuencia de uso

El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000.
theory: 600 - 700 (Extremadamente Común).
Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy te ayuda a descubrir, organizar y aprender nuevas palabras y frases con facilidad. Crea colecciones de vocabulario personalizadas y practica en cualquier momento y lugar.