영어 - 스페인어


매우 흔한
700 - 800
700 - 800
단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다. 이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

Suponer, Imaginar, Presumir

Suppose 의 스페인어 의미


Suppose you are right.
Supongamos que tienes razón.
I suppose she will arrive late.
Supongo que ella llegará tarde.
사용: Formal and informal문맥: Used in everyday conversations and formal writing
메모: Can be used to express an assumption or hypothesis


Suppose we go to the beach.
Imaginemos que vamos a la playa.
Suppose he is telling the truth.
Imagina que él está diciendo la verdad.
사용: Formal and informal문맥: Used when asking someone to consider a hypothetical situation
메모: Can also be translated as 'imagine'


I suppose you are busy.
Presumo que estás ocupado.
I suppose that's what she meant.
Presumo que eso es lo que ella quiso decir.
사용: Formal and informal문맥: Used to express a presumption or guess
메모: Often used in a polite or indirect way

Suppose의 동의어


To suppose something is to take it as true without proof. Similarly, to assume is to take something for granted or without proof.
예: Let's assume that the meeting will start at 3 p.m.
메모: Assume often implies a more active acceptance or taking on of a belief or idea.


Presume means to suppose something to be true based on probability or evidence.
예: I presume you have already made the necessary arrangements.
메모: Presume often carries a stronger sense of confidence or certainty compared to suppose.


Believe means to accept something as true or real.
예: I believe that she will arrive on time.
메모: Believe implies a stronger conviction or faith in the truth of the supposition.


To think is to have an opinion or idea about something, often based on reasoning or intuition.
예: I think it will rain later this evening.
메모: Think can be used more informally and subjectively compared to suppose, which is more about assuming something as a premise.

Suppose 표현, 자주 쓰이는 구문

Suppose so

This phrase is used to express tentative agreement or assumption.
예: A: Do you think she will come to the party? B: I suppose so, but I'm not sure.
메모: The addition of 'so' adds a sense of agreement or acceptance to the original word 'suppose'.

Suppose not

It is used to indicate a negative assumption or disagreement.
예: A: Will you be able to make it to the meeting? B: I suppose not, I have another appointment at that time.
메모: Similar to 'suppose so,' 'suppose not' adds a sense of disagreement or negation to the original word 'suppose'.

Suppose that

This phrase is used to introduce a hypothetical situation or assumption.
예: Let's suppose that we have enough funding to start the project.
메모: Adding 'that' after 'suppose' helps to introduce a specific assumption or hypothetical scenario.

Suppose for a moment

It is used to encourage someone to consider or imagine a particular scenario or perspective.
예: Suppose for a moment that you were in her shoes, how would you feel?
메모: By adding 'for a moment,' it emphasizes a brief period of time for the listener to think about the hypothetical situation.

Suppose to be

This phrase is used to indicate an expectation or obligation.
예: He is supposed to be here by now, but he hasn't arrived yet.
메모: By adding 'to be' after 'suppose,' it implies an expectation or requirement for something to happen.

What if I suppose

It is used to introduce a hypothetical scenario or assumption and inquire about the consequences.
예: What if I suppose that everything will turn out fine, would you still worry?
메모: By starting with 'What if,' it sets up a hypothetical situation for discussion or consideration.

Suppose as much

This phrase is used to express agreement or acknowledgment based on existing information.
예: I suppose as much, considering the circumstances.
메모: Adding 'as much' emphasizes agreement or understanding based on the context or information provided.

Suppose that's true

It is used to acknowledge a possibility or assumption for the sake of argument.
예: Suppose that's true, we'll need to rethink our strategy.
메모: By adding 'that's true,' it acknowledges a potential assumption or fact for further consideration.

Suppose 일상적인 (속어) 표현


Used to indicate that something is believed to be true, often with a hint of doubt or skepticism.
예: Supposedly, he's the best player on the team.
메모: It implies an element of uncertainty or skepticism compared to 'suppose.'

Suppose say

Used to suggest an alternative or additional option, often implying that it may not be the best choice.
예: I suppose say we could go to the movies instead.
메모: It introduces a sense of hesitation or consideration not present in 'suppose.'

Suppose I

Used to express a personal assumption or decision.
예: Suppose I make some pasta for dinner.
메모: It directs focus to the speaker's individual thought or action.

Suppose you

Suggesting a course of action or providing advice to someone.
예: Suppose you just ask her directly?
메모: It shifts the focus from personal assumption to advising another person.

I suppose

Expressing a mild suggestion or possibility.
예: I suppose we could go for a walk instead of watching TV.
메모: It is a more general expression of possibility or suggestion compared to 'suppose.'


Referring to someone who proposes or assumes something.
예: She's the main supposer of the plan.
메모: It denotes a person who frequently suggests or assumes rather than stating a specific assumption.


Used to introduce a hypothetical situation or condition.
예: Supposing we get there late, what's our backup plan?
메모: It implies a speculative scenario compared to the more concrete nature of 'suppose.'

Suppose - 예

I suppose I got there about half past eleven.
Supongo que llegué allí alrededor de las once y media.
I'm quite a good actress, I suppose.
Supongo que soy una actriz bastante buena.

Suppose 문법

Suppose - 동사 (Verb) / 동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form)
표제어: suppose
동사, 과거형 (Verb, past tense): supposed
동사, 동명사 또는 현재분사 (Verb, gerund or present participle): supposing
동사, 3인칭 단수 현재형 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): supposes
동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form): suppose
동사, 3인칭 단수 아닌 현재형 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): suppose
음절, 분리, 강세
Suppose 2 음절을 포함합니다: sup • pose
음성 표기: sə-ˈpōz
sup pose , ˈpōz (빨간 음절은 강세가 있습니다)

Suppose - 중요성과 사용 빈도

단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다.
Suppose: 700 - 800 (매우 흔한).
이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy는 새로운 단어와 구문을 쉽게 발견하고, 정리하고, 학습하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 개인 맞춤형 어휘 컬렉션을 만들고 언제 어디서나 연습하세요.