영어 - 헝가리어


매우 흔한
600 - 700
600 - 700
단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다. 이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

lágyan, csöndesen, gyengén, finoman

Softly 의 헝가리어 의미


She spoke softly to the child.
Lágyan beszélt a gyerekhez.
The wind blew softly through the trees.
A szél lágyan fújt a fák között.
사용: informal문맥: Used in everyday conversations to describe a gentle manner of speaking or action.
메모: The word 'lágyan' can also imply a gentleness in touch or sound.


He entered the room softly to not wake anyone.
Csöndesen lépett be a szobába, hogy senkit se ébresszen fel.
She laughed softly at the joke.
Csöndesen nevetett a viccen.
사용: informal문맥: Used to indicate quietness or a low volume in actions or speech.
메모: This meaning emphasizes the absence of noise and can also be used in literary contexts.


The rain fell softly on the roof.
Az eső gyengén hullott a tetőre.
He touched her hand softly.
Gyengén érintette meg a kezét.
사용: informal문맥: Describes a gentle or mild action, often used in emotional or intimate contexts.
메모: This meaning conveys a sense of tenderness or delicacy in physical interactions.


She softly brushed her hair aside.
Finoman odébb tette a haját.
He softly closed the door.
Finoman csukta be az ajtót.
사용: formal/informal문맥: Used when describing actions that require care or subtlety.
메모: This term can also imply a sense of elegance in how something is done.

Softly의 동의어


Gently means to do something in a mild or careful manner, often with a soft touch or approach.
예: She whispered gently to the baby to soothe him to sleep.
메모: Gently implies a sense of carefulness or tenderness in the action.


Quietly means to do something with little or no noise, in a hushed or subdued manner.
예: He tiptoed quietly across the room so as not to wake anyone.
메모: Quietly focuses more on the absence of noise rather than the softness of the action.


Tenderly means to do something with gentleness, kindness, or affection.
예: He held her hand tenderly, showing his affection and care for her.
메모: Tenderly emphasizes the emotional aspect of the soft action.


Mildly means to do something in a gentle or moderate way, without harshness or severity.
예: She spoke mildly to avoid escalating the argument.
메모: Mildly suggests a moderate or restrained approach rather than a strong or forceful one.

Softly 표현, 자주 쓰이는 구문

Speak softly

To speak quietly or in a gentle tone.
예: She spoke softly to the scared child to calm him down.
메모: Softly specifically refers to the volume or tone of speech.

Handle with kid gloves

To handle something carefully or gently, with sensitivity.
예: He always handles delicate situations with kid gloves, avoiding confrontation.
메모: Kid gloves implies extreme care and gentleness beyond just being soft.

Softly, softly catchy monkey

To proceed cautiously or gently in order to achieve a desired outcome.
예: The team approached negotiations softly, softly, hoping to win over the client gradually.
메모: This idiom emphasizes a gradual, subtle approach to achieving a goal.

Softly, softly, catchee monkey

To proceed slowly and carefully in order to achieve success.
예: The coach advised the players to take it softly, softly during the first half of the game.
메모: Similar to the previous idiom, it highlights a careful and gradual strategy.

Land softly

To land or touch down gently and without impact.
예: The gymnast managed to land softly after a high-flying routine.
메모: Softly here refers to a gentle landing without force or noise.

Whisper sweet nothings

To speak loving or romantic words softly and intimately.
예: He whispered sweet nothings in her ear to show his affection.
메모: Sweet nothings are tender, affectionate words spoken softly.

Softly-softly approach

To handle a situation with caution, avoiding aggressive or forceful actions.
예: The teacher took a softly-softly approach to discipline, preferring gentle guidance over strict punishment.
메모: Softly-softly suggests a careful, gentle method of dealing with issues.

Softly 일상적인 (속어) 표현


Describing something very soft and cushiony, like a soft pillow.
예: The baby's cheeks were pillow-soft to the touch.
메모: It conveys a higher level of softness and comfort compared to just being soft.


Having a smooth and soft texture like silk.
예: The fabric of her dress felt silky against her skin.
메모: Focuses on the smooth and luxurious quality of softness, often in reference to textures.


Resembling a soft or gentle whisper in sound or manner.
예: Her voice was whisper-like as she sang the lullaby to the baby.
메모: Refers to a softness associated with the quiet and hushed tone of a whisper.


Extremely light and delicate, like the touch of a feather.
예: The butterfly landed on her hand with a feather-light touch.
메모: Highlights the lightness and delicacy of softness, often suggesting fragility.


Being soft or restrained in intensity or emotion.
예: His voice was subdued as he spoke about the tragic event.
메모: Involves a softness that is subdued or toned down, often associated with a lack of energy or vigor.

Softly - 예

She spoke softly to the baby.
Finoman beszélt a babához.
The music played softly in the background.
A zene halkan szólt a háttérben.
He touched her face softly.
Gyengéden megérintette az arcát.

Softly 문법

Softly - 부사 (Adverb) / 부사 (Adverb)
표제어: softly
부사 (Adverb): softly
음절, 분리, 강세
softly 1 음절을 포함합니다: soft
음성 표기: ˈsȯft
soft , ˈsȯft (빨간 음절은 강세가 있습니다)

Softly - 중요성과 사용 빈도

단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다.
softly: 600 - 700 (매우 흔한).
이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy는 새로운 단어와 구문을 쉽게 발견하고, 정리하고, 학습하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 개인 맞춤형 어휘 컬렉션을 만들고 언제 어디서나 연습하세요.