영어 - 이탈리아어


매우 흔한
500 - 600
500 - 600
단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다. 이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

accesso, accesso al sistema, accesso al sito, autenticazione

Login 의 이탈리아어 의미


Please enter your login details.
Per favore inserisci i tuoi dati di accesso.
You need a username and password to login.
Hai bisogno di un nome utente e di una password per l'accesso.
사용: formal문맥: Used in formal settings such as websites, applications, and security systems.
메모: This is the most common translation for 'login' in the context of accessing a system or account.

accesso al sistema

The login to the server was successful.
Il login al server è stato riuscito.
You can't proceed without a valid login.
Non puoi procedere senza un accesso al sistema valido.
사용: formal문맥: Specifically refers to logging into a computer system, network, or server.
메모: This translation is often used in technical contexts or when referring to more complex systems.

accesso al sito

You must have a login to access the website.
Devi avere un accesso al sito per accedere al sito web.
The login to the platform is secure.
Il login al sito è sicuro.
사용: formal문맥: Specifically refers to logging into a website or online platform.
메모: This translation is commonly used in the context of accessing online services or platforms.


Two-factor authentication is required for login.
L'autenticazione a due fattori è necessaria per il login.
Please complete the authentication process for login.
Per favore completa il processo di autenticazione per l'accesso.
사용: formal문맥: Refers to the process of verifying a user's identity before granting access.
메모: This translation is often used in security-related contexts or when emphasizing the authentication aspect of logging in.

Login의 동의어

log on

To log on is to enter a computer system by providing the required credentials.
예: You need to log on before you can start working on the project.
메모: Similar to 'login', but 'log on' is often used in a technical or formal setting.


To access means to gain entry or retrieve information from a system or account.
예: You can access your email by entering your username and password.
메모: While 'login' involves the act of entering credentials, 'access' refers to the ability to reach or use something.

Login 표현, 자주 쓰이는 구문

Sign in

To sign in means to provide the necessary information to access a system or platform.
예: Please sign in to access your account.
메모: Similar to 'login,' but 'sign in' is more commonly used in formal contexts.

Log in

To log in is to enter a system by providing valid credentials.
예: You need to log in with your username and password.
메모: Interchangeable with 'login' in meaning, but 'log in' is more common in British English.

Access account

To access an account means to enter or view the information within it.
예: Click here to access your account.
메모: Focuses on reaching the content within an account rather than the action of logging in.

Enter credentials

Credentials refer to the information needed to verify a user's identity, such as a username and password.
예: Please enter your credentials to proceed.
메모: Specifically refers to the act of inputting username and password without using the term 'login.'


To authenticate is to prove or confirm one's identity to gain access.
예: You must authenticate yourself before accessing the system.
메모: Focuses on the verification process more than the act of logging in.

Login credentials

Login credentials are the information required to access an account, such as a username and password.
예: Make sure your login credentials are secure.
메모: Refers specifically to the username and password combination used for logging in.

Sign into account

To sign into an account is to log in or access it.
예: Sign into your account to check your messages.
메모: Merges 'sign in' and 'login' into a single phrase commonly used in casual conversation.

Login 일상적인 (속어) 표현

Get into

Informal way of indicating the action of accessing an account or system by providing necessary information.
예: Let me get into my account to make the payment.
메모: Less formal than 'login' and can imply a quicker or simpler process.

Jump on

Slang term indicating the action of quickly accessing a platform or account by providing login information.
예: Just jump on the platform and enter your details to access the content.
메모: Conveys a sense of immediacy or quick action compared to 'login'.

Hop on

Casual way of suggesting to access a website or online platform.
예: Hop on the website to see the latest updates.
메모: Less formal than 'login' and often used in a casual or friendly tone.

Check in

Commonly used to refer to accessing a personal account or system to view information or perform tasks.
예: I need to check in to my account to view the recent transactions.
메모: Primarily used in a casual context and can imply a quick visit or update.

Login - 예

I can't remember my login information.
Non riesco a ricordare le mie informazioni di login.
Please enter your login credentials.
Per favore, inserisci le tue credenziali di login.
The website requires a login to access certain features.
Il sito web richiede un login per accedere a determinate funzionalità.

Login 문법

Login - 동사 (Verb) / 동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form)
표제어: login
명사, 복수 (Noun, plural): logins, login
명사, 단수 또는 집합 (Noun, singular or mass): login
동사, 과거형 (Verb, past tense): logged-in
동사, 과거분사 (Verb, past participle): logged-in
동사, 동명사 또는 현재분사 (Verb, gerund or present participle): logging-in
동사, 3인칭 단수 현재형 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): logs-in
동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form): login
동사, 3인칭 단수 아닌 현재형 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): login
음절, 분리, 강세
login 1 음절을 포함합니다: log on
음성 표기:
log on , (빨간 음절은 강세가 있습니다)

Login - 중요성과 사용 빈도

단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다.
login: 500 - 600 (매우 흔한).
이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy는 새로운 단어와 구문을 쉽게 발견하고, 정리하고, 학습하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 개인 맞춤형 어휘 컬렉션을 만들고 언제 어디서나 연습하세요.