영어 - 노르웨이어


매우 흔한
500 - 600
500 - 600
단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다. 이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

bli, opphold, holde seg, stanse, forsinke

Stay 의 노르웨이어 의미


I will stay at home tonight.
Jeg blir hjemme i kveld.
Please stay here while I go get help.
Vennligst bli her mens jeg henter hjelp.
사용: informal문맥: Used when referring to remaining in a place or not leaving.
메모: This is the most common translation for 'stay' when referring to remaining in a location.


We had a long stay at the hotel.
Vi hadde et langt opphold på hotellet.
Our stay in Norway was unforgettable.
Vårt opphold i Norge var uforglemmelig.
사용: formal문맥: Commonly used in travel or hospitality contexts to describe the duration of time spent in a place.
메모: This term is often used in more formal contexts, such as travel itineraries or hotel bookings.

holde seg

Stay calm during the presentation.
Hold deg rolig under presentasjonen.
You need to stay focused on your studies.
Du må holde deg fokusert på studiene.
사용: informal문맥: Used in contexts where someone is advised to maintain a certain state or condition.
메모: This expression is often used in advice or encouragement.


Please stay your hand.
Vennligst stanse hånden din.
Stay your course and don't give up.
Stanse kursen din og ikke gi opp.
사용: formal문맥: Used in more literary or formal contexts, often to mean to pause or stop an action.
메모: This is a less common usage and is often found in literature or formal speech.


The rain will stay our progress.
Regnet vil forsinke fremdriften vår.
Don't stay the meeting with unnecessary details.
Ikke forsink møtet med unødvendige detaljer.
사용: formal문맥: Used in contexts where something is causing a delay or hindrance.
메모: This meaning is more specialized and often used in formal discussions or reports.

Stay의 동의어


To continue to be in the same place or condition.
예: I will remain here until you come back.
메모: Similar to 'stay,' but 'remain' often implies a sense of persistence or continuation.


To stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave.
예: She lingered at the party, not wanting to leave.
메모: While 'stay' implies a general sense of remaining, 'linger' suggests a delay or hesitation in leaving.


To live in a particular place.
예: They reside in a small town in the countryside.
메모: Unlike 'stay,' 'reside' often implies a more permanent or long-term living arrangement.


To live in a place or in a particular way.
예: The memories of her childhood dwell in her mind.
메모: Similar to 'reside,' 'dwell' suggests a more settled or deeply ingrained presence.

Stay 표현, 자주 쓰이는 구문

stay in touch

To maintain communication with someone, to not lose contact.
예: Even though we live in different countries, we always make an effort to stay in touch.
메모: The original word 'stay' refers to remaining in a specific place, while this phrase refers to maintaining communication.

stay calm

To remain composed and not become agitated or panicked.
예: In stressful situations, it's important to stay calm and think rationally.
메모: The original word 'stay' implies remaining in a place, while this phrase refers to maintaining a state of calmness.

stay on track

To continue following a planned course of action or to remain focused on a goal.
예: To achieve your goals, it's essential to stay on track and not get distracted.
메모: The original word 'stay' denotes remaining in a place, whereas this phrase refers to maintaining a specific course or focus.

stay up

To remain awake or not go to bed at the usual time.
예: I had to stay up late to finish my project before the deadline.
메모: The original word 'stay' typically means remaining in a place, while this phrase refers to remaining awake.

stay the course

To continue with a plan or decision despite difficulties or opposition.
예: Despite the challenges, it's important to stay the course and not give up on your dreams.
메모: The original word 'stay' implies remaining in one place, while this phrase refers to persevering in a course of action.

stay at home

To remain in one's own residence rather than going out or traveling.
예: Due to the bad weather, we decided to stay at home and watch movies.
메모: The original word 'stay' refers to remaining in a specific location, while this phrase specifies staying in one's home.

stay positive

To remain optimistic or hopeful despite difficulties or setbacks.
예: Even in challenging times, it's important to stay positive and maintain a hopeful outlook.
메모: The original word 'stay' typically means remaining in a place, while this phrase refers to maintaining a positive mindset.

Stay 일상적인 (속어) 표현


A staycation is a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.
예: I can't afford a trip abroad, so I'm planning a staycation this summer.
메모: The term 'staycation' combines 'stay' and 'vacation,' creating a new word that emphasizes staying in one's current location rather than traveling.

Stay tuned

The expression 'stay tuned' tells someone to keep watching, listening, or paying attention for more information.
예: Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming event.
메모: The phrase indicates a continuation or further development, asking for attention to be maintained.

Stay frosty

To 'stay frosty' means to stay alert, vigilant, or cautious in a situation.
예: We need to stay frosty and be prepared for any unexpected situations.
메모: The term 'frosty' adds emphasis to staying cool-headed yet attentive in potentially challenging circumstances.

Stay - 예

Stay here until I come back.
Bli her til jeg kommer tilbake.
I usually stay at my friend's house when I visit this city.
Jeg pleier å bo hos vennen min når jeg besøker denne byen.
Please stay away from the edge of the cliff.
Vær så snill å holde deg unna kanten av klippen.

Stay 문법

Stay - 동사 (Verb) / 동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form)
표제어: stay
명사, 복수 (Noun, plural): stays
명사, 단수 또는 집합 (Noun, singular or mass): stay
동사, 과거형 (Verb, past tense): stayed, staid
동사, 과거분사 (Verb, past participle): stayed
동사, 동명사 또는 현재분사 (Verb, gerund or present participle): staying
동사, 3인칭 단수 현재형 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): stays, staves
동사, 기본형 (Verb, base form): stay
동사, 3인칭 단수 아닌 현재형 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): stay
음절, 분리, 강세
stay 1 음절을 포함합니다: stay
음성 표기: ˈstā
stay , ˈstā (빨간 음절은 강세가 있습니다)

Stay - 중요성과 사용 빈도

단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다.
stay: 500 - 600 (매우 흔한).
이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy는 새로운 단어와 구문을 쉽게 발견하고, 정리하고, 학습하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 개인 맞춤형 어휘 컬렉션을 만들고 언제 어디서나 연습하세요.