영어 - 중국어


매우 흔한
200 - 300
200 - 300
단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다. 이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

在...之内, 内部, 在...范围内, 在...之中

Within 의 중국어 의미


You must complete the project within one week.
The answer lies within the text.
사용: formal/informal문맥: Used to indicate time limits or boundaries.
메모: 常用于时间、空间或范围的描述.


Keep your thoughts within.
She found peace within herself.
사용: informal문맥: Often used in a psychological or emotional context.
메모: 表示内心或心理状态,强调个人的内在体验.


The decision must be made within the guidelines.
Stay within the limits of the law.
사용: formal문맥: Used to describe adherence to rules, laws, or standards.
메모: 常用于法律或规范的讨论.


There is a great deal of uncertainty within the community.
He is well-known within his field.
사용: formal/informal문맥: Used to indicate inclusion in a group or area.
메모: 可以用来描述某人在特定领域或团体中的地位.

Within의 동의어


Inside refers to being within the boundaries or confines of something.
예: The keys are inside the drawer.
메모: Inside often implies a physical enclosure or being surrounded by something.


In indicates location within a specific area or place.
예: She found her book in the library.
메모: In is more general and can refer to being within a physical or abstract space.


Amidst means surrounded by or in the middle of something.
예: The children played happily amidst the flowers.
메모: Amidst conveys a sense of being surrounded by something, often in a more poetic or formal context.


Among means in the midst of or surrounded by a group of things or people.
예: He felt comfortable among his friends.
메모: Among suggests being part of a group or surrounded by multiple elements.

Within 표현, 자주 쓰이는 구문

Within reach

This phrase means something is close enough to be easily obtained or achieved.
예: The keys are within reach on the table.
메모: The phrase adds a sense of proximity or accessibility compared to just 'within'.

Within seconds

Refers to a very short period of time, almost immediately.
예: She responded to the email within seconds of receiving it.
메모: Emphasizes the quickness or immediacy of an action compared to 'within'.

Within reason

Means to stay sensible, logical, or fair in one's actions or requests.
예: You can make requests, but they should be within reason.
메모: Adds a condition or restriction to the meaning of 'within'.

Within earshot

Refers to the distance within which someone can hear what is being said.
예: Please don't discuss this within earshot of the children.
메모: Specifies a particular range or distance compared to just 'within'.

Within limits

Means to stay within the boundaries or constraints specified.
예: You are free to express your opinion within limits of respect.
메모: Indicates a specific set of boundaries or constraints compared to the general idea of 'within'.

Within walking distance

Refers to a place being close enough to reach by walking.
예: The grocery store is within walking distance from my house.
메모: Specifies the mode of transportation (walking) and adds a sense of convenience compared to just 'within'.

Within one's grasp

Means something is achievable or attainable with effort or determination.
예: With hard work, success is within your grasp.
메모: Emphasizes the potential for achievement or success compared to just 'within'.

Within sight

Refers to something that is visible or able to be seen.
예: The destination is just within sight.
메모: Specifies a visual range or distance compared to just 'within'.

Within arm's reach

Means something is close enough to be easily reached with one's arm.
예: Keep the emergency phone numbers within arm's reach at all times.
메모: Specifies a physical distance that can be reached by extending one's arm compared to just 'within'.

Within 일상적인 (속어) 표현

Within spitting distance

This slang term means very close proximity.
예: The grocery store is within spitting distance from my house.
메모: This term emphasizes the closeness or short distance more vividly than just saying 'within.'

Within a stone's throw

Refers to something being very close by or a short distance away.
예: The library is within a stone's throw of my office.
메모: It highlights the idea of close proximity in a more visual and engaging way.

Within striking distance

Means the location is close enough to easily reach or access.
예: The movie theater is within striking distance of our hotel.
메모: It implies being close enough to reach with ease, possibly for an attack or task.

Within spitting image

Refers to a striking similarity in appearance or likeness.
예: She's the mother's daughter – they are within spitting image of each other.
메모: This slang phrase emphasizes a strong resemblance between two things or people.

Within an ace of

Means very close to achieving or succeeding in something.
예: She came within an ace of winning the race.
메모: It signifies being extremely close to reaching a goal or accomplishment.

Within a hair's breadth

Indicates being extremely close to an outcome, success, or failure.
예: He missed the target by within a hair's breadth.
메모: It conveys the idea of being on the verge of something happening, often with a narrow margin.

Within cooee

Australian slang for something being within shouting distance or close proximity.
예: The office is within cooee of the train station.
메모: This term is more informal and regional, specifically used in Australian English.

Within - 예

Within the box, you will find all the necessary tools.
The event will take place within the city limits.
The solution lies within your grasp.

Within 문법

Within - 전치사 (Adposition) / 전치사 또는 종속 접속사 (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
표제어: within
부사 (Adverb): within
음절, 분리, 강세
within 2 음절을 포함합니다: with • in
음성 표기: wi-ˈt͟hin
with in , wi ˈt͟hin (빨간 음절은 강세가 있습니다)

Within - 중요성과 사용 빈도

단어 빈도 및 중요성 지수는 특정 언어에서 단어가 얼마나 자주 나타나는지를 나타냅니다. 숫자가 작을수록 단어가 더 자주 사용됩니다. 가장 자주 사용되는 단어는 일반적으로 1에서 4000 사이입니다.
within: 200 - 300 (매우 흔한).
이 중요성 지수는 언어 학습 과정에서 가장 유용한 단어에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy, 효율적인 언어 학습
Vocafy는 새로운 단어와 구문을 쉽게 발견하고, 정리하고, 학습하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 개인 맞춤형 어휘 컬렉션을 만들고 언제 어디서나 연습하세요.