Inglês - Português (Brasil)
Extremamente Comum
400 - 500
400 - 500
O índice de frequência e importância das palavras indica com que frequência uma palavra aparece em um determinado idioma. Quanto menor o número, mais frequentemente a palavra é usada. As palavras mais frequentemente usadas variam normalmente de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importância ajuda você a se concentrar nas palavras mais úteis durante o seu processo de aprendizagem de idiomas.

autre, sinon, ailleurs, autre chose

Significados de Else em português

Le mot "else" est un adverbe en anglais, utilisé principalement pour indiquer une alternative ou une option supplémentaire. Il est fréquent dans des contextes variés, tant formels qu'informels.

Utilisation pratique :

  1. Dans les questions : "else" est souvent utilisé pour demander s'il y a d'autres options ou éléments. Par exemple :

    • "Is there anything else?" (Y a-t-il autre chose ?)
    • "What else do you need?" (Que d'autre as-tu besoin ?)
  2. Dans les phrases affirmatives : Il peut introduire une alternative ou une option supplémentaire :

    • "You can have tea or coffee, or else just water." (Tu peux prendre du thé ou du café, ou sinon juste de l'eau.)
    • "I will go to the store, or else I will order online." (J'irai au magasin, sinon je commanderai en ligne.)
  3. Dans les phrases négatives : "else" peut renforcer une négation :

    • "I don't want to do anything else." (Je ne veux rien faire d'autre.)
    • "He can't go anywhere else." (Il ne peut aller nulle part ailleurs.)

Expressions courantes :

  • "Something else" (quelque chose d'autre)
  • "Someone else" (quelqu'un d'autre)
  • "Anything else" (quoi que ce soit d'autre)

Contexte d'utilisation :
Le mot "else" est utilisé par tous les locuteurs de l'anglais, que ce soit dans des conversations quotidiennes, des discussions professionnelles ou des écrits. Il est considéré comme informel mais peut également être utilisé dans des contextes plus formels sans problème.

Erreurs courantes :
Une erreur fréquente est de confondre "else" avec "other". Par exemple, dire "other things" au lieu de "else" dans le sens de "d'autres choses" peut conduire à une confusion. Il est important de se rappeler que "else" implique une alternative ou une option supplémentaire, tandis que "other" fait référence à quelque chose de différent mais pas nécessairement en ajoutant une option.

Mots connexes :

  • Synonymes : "otherwise" (sinon), "alternatively" (alternativement)
  • Antonymes : "same" (même), "identical" (identique)

Nuances de prononciation :
"Else" se prononce /ɛls/. Il est important de ne pas ajouter de syllabe supplémentaire, ce qui est une erreur fréquente chez les apprenants.

Grammaire et étymologie :
"Else" provient de l'anglais ancien "elles", signifiant "autre". En grammaire, il est utilisé comme un adverbe et est souvent associé à des pronoms indéfinis comme "any", "some", et "no".

Significados de Else em português


Do you have anything else?
Avez-vous autre chose ?
What else can we do?
Que pouvons-nous faire d'autre ?
Uso: formal/informalContexto: Used to inquire about additional items or options.
Observação: Commonly used in both spoken and written French.


We need to hurry, or else we will be late.
Nous devons nous dépêcher, sinon nous serons en retard.
You should study, or else you might fail.
Tu devrais étudier, sinon tu pourrais échouer.
Uso: formal/informalContexto: Used to indicate an alternative or consequence.
Observação: Often used in conditional sentences.


I would rather be somewhere else.
Je préférerais être ailleurs.
Is there someone else here?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un d'autre ici ?
Uso: formal/informalContexto: Refers to a different place or location.
Observação: Can also be used figuratively to refer to different contexts or situations.

autre chose

I don't want this; I want something else.
Je ne veux pas ça ; je veux autre chose.
Is there anything else you need?
Y a-t-il autre chose dont vous avez besoin ?
Uso: informalContexto: Used to specify a different item or matter.
Observação: Commonly used in everyday conversation.

Sinônimos de Else


Otherwise is used to indicate what the result will be if something is not done.
Exemplo: I need to finish this task; otherwise, I won't be able to relax.
Observação: Otherwise implies a consequence or outcome if a certain action is not taken.


Different refers to something that is not the same as what has been mentioned or previously known.
Exemplo: Do you have any other options? I want something different.
Observação: Different focuses on the distinction or variation from the current situation.


Alternatively suggests another possibility or choice that can be considered instead of the current one.
Exemplo: You can take the bus, or alternatively, you can walk.
Observação: Alternatively offers an alternative option or course of action.


Moreover is used to introduce additional information or to emphasize a point.
Exemplo: I have to finish this report, and moreover, I need to prepare for the meeting.
Observação: Moreover is used to add information or provide further details.

Expressões e frases comuns de Else

something else

Used to emphasize that something is exceptional or extraordinary.
Exemplo: That new restaurant is something else - the food was amazing!
Observação: The phrase 'something else' is used to single out something as unique or outstanding, differentiating it from other things.

or else

Indicates a consequence or alternative that will happen if the initial condition is not met.
Exemplo: You need to finish your homework now, or else you won't be allowed to go out.
Observação: The phrase 'or else' presents a specific consequence or alternative, contrasting with the vagueness of 'else' alone.

what else

Asking about additional things apart from what has already been mentioned.
Exemplo: What else do you need from the store? I can pick it up for you.
Observação: The phrase 'what else' specifically inquires about additional items or information, distinct from just using 'else' in a general sense.

anywhere else

Refers to any other place besides the current one.
Exemplo: I'd rather be anywhere else than stuck in traffic.
Observação: The phrase 'anywhere else' specifies a different location from the current one, adding a sense of comparison or contrast.

someone else

Refers to another person instead of the speaker or the current person being discussed.
Exemplo: I think someone else may have taken my umbrella by mistake.
Observação: The phrase 'someone else' assigns the action or attribution to a different individual, highlighting a shift in responsibility or involvement.

nothing else

Indicates that there are no other options or alternatives.
Exemplo: There's nothing else we can do now except wait.
Observação: The phrase 'nothing else' explicitly states the absence of additional choices or possibilities, contrasting with the general notion of 'else'.

somewhere else

Refers to a different location or place other than the current one.
Exemplo: Let's go somewhere else for dinner tonight, I'm tired of the same old place.
Observação: The phrase 'somewhere else' specifies a different specific location, emphasizing a change in physical position or environment.

Expressões cotidianas (gíria) de Else


Meaning in a different place or location.
Exemplo: Let's go grab a coffee elsewhere.
Observação: Different from 'else' which refers to other options or alternatives in general.


Meaning in a different or alternative way.
Exemplo: I think we should do it elsewise to avoid any issues.
Observação: Unique slang term for different or alternative ways as opposed to just 'else' indicating other options.


Indicating in what other manner or way.
Exemplo: I'm not sure how elsehow we can resolve this matter.
Observação: Specifically focuses on the manner or way of doing something differently compared to just 'else.'


Referring to a different time or moment.
Exemplo: We need to figure out when elsewhen we can schedule this meeting.
Observação: Specifically pertains to time or moments as opposed to 'else' which is more general.


Except if (something specified) happens.
Exemplo: You won't be able to join us unless you finish your work on time.
Observação: Provides a condition or exception for a specific situation, unlike 'else' which is more open-ended.

Else - Exemplos

If it rains, we'll stay inside, else we'll go for a walk.
S'il pleut, nous resterons à l'intérieur, sinon nous irons nous promener.
I don't like coffee, but I'll have tea instead.
Je n'aime pas le café, mais je prendrai du thé à la place.
I need to finish this project by Friday, otherwise I'll be in trouble.
Je dois finir ce projet d'ici vendredi, sinon j'aurai des problèmes.

Gramática de Else

Else - Advérbio (Adverb) / Advérbio (Adverb)
Lema: else
Advérbio (Adverb): else
Sílabas, Separação e Ênfase
else contém 1 sílabas: else
Transcrição fonética: ˈel(t)s
else , ˈel(t)s (A sílaba vermelha é tônica)

Else - Importância e frequência de uso

O índice de frequência e importância das palavras indica com que frequência uma palavra aparece em um determinado idioma. Quanto menor o número, mais frequentemente a palavra é usada. As palavras mais frequentemente usadas variam normalmente de 1 a 4000.
else: 400 - 500 (Extremamente Comum).
Este índice de importância ajuda você a se concentrar nas palavras mais úteis durante o seu processo de aprendizagem de idiomas.
Vocafy, aprendizado eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizado eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy te ajuda a descobrir, organizar e aprender novas palavras e frases com facilidade. Crie coleções de vocabulário personalizadas e pratique a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.