İngilizce - Çekçe


Son Derece Yaygın
600 - 700
600 - 700
Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır. Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.

konec, cíl, část, uzavření, závěr

word] anlamları Çekçe


The end of the movie was very surprising.
Konec filmu byl velmi překvapivý.
We reached the end of the road.
Dostali jsme se na konec cesty.
Kullanım: formal/informalBağlam: Used in both casual conversation and formal writing to indicate the termination of something.
Not: This is the most common meaning and can refer to physical or metaphorical endings.


Our end goal is to complete the project by next month.
Naším cílem je dokončit projekt do příštího měsíce.
The end of the journey is just as important as the beginning.
Konec cesty je stejně důležitý jako začátek.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Commonly used in discussions about objectives or goals.
Not: This meaning emphasizes the purpose or aim of an action.


He is at the end of the line.
On je na konci řady.
Please wait until the end of the presentation.
Prosím, počkejte až do konce prezentace.
Kullanım: formal/informalBağlam: Used in both casual and formal contexts when referring to a specific segment of something.
Not: This can refer to a physical boundary or an abstract section.


The end of the contract is approaching.
Konec smlouvy se blíží.
They celebrated the end of the year with a party.
Oslavili konec roku večírkem.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Often used in legal or formal contexts related to agreements or timelines.
Not: This meaning emphasizes the conclusion or closing of a process.


The end of the report summarizes the main points.
Konec zprávy shrnuje hlavní body.
She reached the end of her speech and thanked everyone.
Dospěla ke konci svého projevu a poděkovala všem.
Kullanım: formal/informalBağlam: Used in both casual conversations and formal writing to indicate a concluding statement.
Not: This meaning is often used in writing and speeches to indicate the final part.

End eşanlamlıları


To complete or bring to an end.
Örnek: I need to finish this report by the end of the day.
Not: Finish implies completing a task or activity, whereas end is more general and can refer to the conclusion of various things.


To bring something to an end or closure.
Örnek: Let's conclude the meeting with some final remarks.
Not: Conclude often implies a formal or deliberate ending, while end can be used in a broader sense.


To bring something to an end or put an end to something.
Örnek: The contract will terminate at the end of the month.
Not: Terminate is more formal and often implies a deliberate ending, usually with a specific time frame, compared to the general term end.


To stop or come to an end.
Örnek: The rain will cease by the end of the week.
Not: Cease emphasizes the stopping or halting of something, often used in the context of actions or processes.

finish up

To complete the final parts of something.
Örnek: Let's finish up this project before the deadline.
Not: Finish up is a more informal way of saying to finish or complete something, often used in spoken language.

End ifadeleri, yaygın kullanılan ifadeler

End up

To eventually be in a particular place or situation, especially unexpectedly.
Örnek: I thought I was taking the right bus, but I ended up in the wrong part of town.
Not: The phrase 'end up' emphasizes the result or outcome of a situation rather than just the simple act of ending.

At the end of the day

Ultimately; when everything is taken into consideration.
Örnek: We had our differences, but at the end of the day, we're still family.
Not: This phrase is used to emphasize what is most important or true in a situation after considering everything.

End in itself

Something that is pursued for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.
Örnek: For him, success was not an end in itself but a means to help others.
Not: Unlike 'end' which signifies the conclusion or final part of something, 'end in itself' refers to something being valuable or important in its own right.

To no end

To a great extent; endlessly.
Örnek: She worried about her son's safety to no end when he was traveling.
Not: This phrase conveys the idea of something happening in a continuous or unlimited way, without any conclusion or resolution.

The end justifies the means

The desired result of an action justifies the use of any means to achieve it, even if they are unethical.
Örnek: He believed that lying was acceptable if it helped achieve a greater good, as the end justifies the means.
Not: This phrase suggests that the outcome or result of an action is more important than the methods used to achieve it, even if those methods are questionable.

To make ends meet

To have enough money to cover one's expenses; to manage financially.
Örnek: After losing his job, he took on a second job to make ends meet.
Not: While 'end' refers to a conclusion or final part, 'make ends meet' is about ensuring financial stability or having enough income to cover expenses.

To end on a high note

To finish something in a very positive or successful way.
Örnek: The concert ended on a high note with the crowd cheering for an encore.
Not: This phrase indicates concluding something with a positive or successful outcome, emphasizing the high point or peak of the ending.

To bring something to an end

To cause something to finish or conclude.
Örnek: After months of negotiations, they finally brought the dispute to an end.
Not: This phrase specifically highlights the action of causing something to conclude or come to an end, rather than just referring to the end itself.

End günlük (argo) ifadeleri


Endgame refers to the final stage or outcome of a situation, plan, or activity.
Örnek: I'm strategizing for the endgame of this project.
Not: While 'end' generally signifies the conclusion of something, 'endgame' specifically refers to the final phase or ultimate goal.

Final stretch

Final stretch means the last part or phase of a process or task.
Örnek: We're in the final stretch of exam preparation.
Not: It emphasizes the notion of reaching the end of a period or endeavor with remaining effort.


To wrap-up is to bring to a conclusion or summarize something.
Örnek: Let's have a quick wrap-up of today's discussion.
Not: It is a more informal and concise way of referring to the conclusion or summary of an activity or event.

Tail end

Tail end means the final or farthest part of something.
Örnek: We arrived at the tail end of the party, but we still had a great time.
Not: It indicates the last portion or the furthest point of an event, place, or time.


An endorsement is a public statement of support or approval for something.
Örnek: The company's endorsement of the new product boosted its sales.
Not: While 'end' refers to the conclusion, 'endorsement' specifically involves backing or recommending a person, product, or idea.

Wind down

To wind down means to relax or decrease in intensity at the end of a period.
Örnek: I like to wind down at the end of the day by reading a book.
Not: It suggests gradually reducing activity or stress towards the conclusion of a day or task.

End product

End product refers to the final result or outcome of a process.
Örnek: The end product of our collaboration exceeded our expectations.
Not: While 'end' can signify the conclusion, 'end product' specifically denotes the finished or complete output of work.

End - Örnekler

The movie has come to an end.
Film dospěl ke konci.
I can see the end of the road.
Vidím konec cesty.
Let's hurry and finish before the end of the day.
Pospěšme si a dokončeme to před koncem dne.

End dilbilgisi

End - İsim (Noun) / İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass)
Sözcük tabanı: end
İsim, çoğul (Noun, plural): ends
İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass): end
Fiil, geçmiş zaman (Verb, past tense): ended
Fiil, ulaç veya şimdiki zaman ortacı (Verb, gerund or present participle): ending
Fiil, 3. tekil şahıs şimdiki zaman (Verb, 3rd person singular present): ends
Fiil, temel form (Verb, base form): end
Fiil, 3. tekil şahıs olmayan şimdiki zaman (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): end
Hece, Ayrıştırma ve Vurgu
end 1 hece içerir: end
Fonetik yazı: ˈend
end , ˈend (Kırmızı hece vurguludur)

End - Önem ve kullanım sıklığı

Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır.
end: 600 - 700 (Son Derece Yaygın).
Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, yeni kelimeleri ve ifadeleri kolayca keşfetmene, düzenlemene ve öğrenmene yardımcı olur. Kişiselleştirilmiş kelime koleksiyonları oluştur ve her zaman, her yerde pratik yap.