İngilizce - Almanca


Son Derece Yaygın
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0 - 100
Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır. Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.

ihr, sie

word] anlamları Almanca


I like her.
Ich mag ihr.
That is her book.
Das ist ihr Buch.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: Referring to a female person or possession
Not: In German, 'ihr' is used for the possessive pronoun 'her' when referring to a female person or her possessions.


Her name is Anna.
Sie heißt Anna.
I saw her at the party.
Ich habe sie auf der Party gesehen.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: Referring to a female person
Not: In German, 'sie' is used as the third person singular pronoun 'her' when referring to a female person.

Her eşanlamlıları


Hers is a possessive pronoun that shows that something belongs to a female person.
Örnek: The book is hers.
Not: Hers is used as a possessive pronoun, whereas 'her' is a possessive adjective.


Herself is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject and the object of the verb refer to the same person.
Örnek: She did it herself.
Not: Herself emphasizes that the subject performed the action independently.


She is a subject pronoun used to refer to a female person or animal.
Örnek: She is coming to the party.
Not: She is used as a subject pronoun, while 'her' is a possessive adjective.


Female is an adjective used to describe something related to or characteristic of a woman or girl.
Örnek: The female doctor will see you now.
Not: Female is a broader term that can refer to any female, while 'her' is more specific to a particular female.

Her ifadeleri, yaygın kullanılan ifadeler

Her heart is in the right place

This phrase means that someone has good intentions or means well, even if they do not always make the right decisions.
Örnek: Even though she made a mistake, her heart is in the right place.
Not: This phrase focuses on the intentions or feelings of a person, rather than just the possessive form of 'her.'

Her hands are tied

When someone's hands are tied, it means they are unable to act or make a decision due to circumstances beyond their control.
Örnek: I'd love to help, but her hands are tied in this situation.
Not: This phrase uses 'her' to refer to someone's possession (their hands), but the meaning is about being unable to act rather than the literal tying of hands.

Her days are numbered

This phrase suggests that someone is likely to die or face serious consequences soon.
Örnek: With her risky behavior, it seems like her days are numbered.
Not: While 'her' is used in a possessive sense, the meaning is about the limited time someone has left rather than a specific possession.

Her bark is worse than her bite

This phrase means that someone's words or threats are more severe than their actions.
Örnek: Don't be afraid of her anger; her bark is worse than her bite.
Not: Here, 'her' refers to both the vocal expression (bark) and physical action (bite) of a person, emphasizing the discrepancy between the two.

Her eyes are bigger than her stomach

When someone's eyes are bigger than their stomach, it means they have taken or want more than they can actually handle.
Örnek: She always takes more food than she can eat; her eyes are bigger than her stomach.
Not: 'Her' is used to refer to both the visual aspect (eyes) and the physical capacity (stomach), indicating a mismatch between desire and capability.

Her ship has sailed

This phrase means that an opportunity has been missed or is no longer available.
Örnek: She missed her chance to study abroad; her ship has sailed.
Not: Although 'her' is possessive, the phrase signifies the passing of an opportunity rather than a specific possession of a ship.

Her Majesty

This is a formal way of referring to a female monarch or queen.
Örnek: Her Majesty the Queen will address the nation tonight.
Not: In this case, 'her' is used as a title of respect and does not denote possession but rather a formal address.

Her günlük (argo) ifadeleri

Her indoors

Refers humorously to one's wife or female partner.
Örnek: I'll have to check with her indoors before making any plans.
Not: It is a light-hearted and informal way to refer to a significant female in one's life.

Her highness

Used humorously to refer to a woman who is acting like she is of superior status or demanding special treatment.
Örnek: Do we have to wait for her highness to arrive before we start the meeting?
Not: It playfully elevates the person being addressed to a royal or esteemed position.

Her - Örnekler

She loves to read.
Sie liebt es zu lesen.
I saw her at the park.
Ich habe sie im Park gesehen.
Her favorite color is blue.
Ihre Lieblingsfarbe ist Blau.
Can you give her the book?
Kannst du ihr das Buch geben?

Her dilbilgisi

Her - Zamir (Pronoun) / İyelik zamiri (Possessive pronoun)
Sözcük tabanı: her
Hece, Ayrıştırma ve Vurgu
Her 1 hece içerir: her
Fonetik yazı: (h)ər
her , (h)ər (Kırmızı hece vurguludur)

Her - Önem ve kullanım sıklığı

Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır.
Her: 0 - 100 (Son Derece Yaygın).
Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, yeni kelimeleri ve ifadeleri kolayca keşfetmene, düzenlemene ve öğrenmene yardımcı olur. Kişiselleştirilmiş kelime koleksiyonları oluştur ve her zaman, her yerde pratik yap.