İngilizce - Korece


Son Derece Yaygın
400 - 500
400 - 500
Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır. Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.

은행, 둑 (or 제방), 저축 (or 예금), 뱅크 (or 기계식 기계), 은행업 (or 금융업)

word] anlamları Korece


I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
나는 돈을 인출하기 위해 은행에 가야 해.
The bank is open from 9 AM to 5 PM.
은행은 오전 9시부터 오후 5시까지 열려 있어.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Financial transactions, banking services.
Not: This is the most common meaning of 'bank' referring to a financial institution.

둑 (or 제방)

The river bank was flooded after the heavy rain.
폭우가 내린 후 강둑이 침수되었다.
We walked along the bank of the river.
우리는 강둑을 따라 걸었다.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: Natural environments, describing landscapes.
Not: This meaning refers to the land alongside a body of water.

저축 (or 예금)

I have a bank of savings for emergencies.
나는 비상사태를 대비해 저축을 해놓았다.
She built a bank of knowledge through years of study.
그녀는 수년간의 학습을 통해 지식의 저축을 쌓았다.
Kullanım: formal/informalBağlam: Metaphorical usage, often in discussions about resources.
Not: This usage is metaphorical, referring to a reserve or accumulation of something.

뱅크 (or 기계식 기계)

He played a bank of sound effects in the movie.
그는 영화에서 사운드 효과의 뱅크를 재생했다.
The synthesizer has a bank of different instruments.
신시사이저는 다양한 악기의 뱅크를 가지고 있다.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Music, technology, and sound design.
Not: In this context, 'bank' refers to a collection of sounds or data.

은행업 (or 금융업)

He works in the bank industry.
그는 은행업에서 일한다.
The bank sector is vital for the economy.
은행업 부문은 경제에 필수적이다.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: Business, economy discussions.
Not: This refers to the overall sector involving banking services and institutions.

Bank eşanlamlıları

financial institution

A financial institution is a broad term that encompasses banks as well as other entities that provide financial services such as credit unions and investment firms.
Örnek: I opened a savings account at a local financial institution.
Not: Financial institution is a more general term that includes banks, whereas a bank specifically refers to an institution that provides financial services like accepting deposits and lending money.


A lender is an individual, group, or financial institution that provides funds to borrowers with the expectation of repayment with interest.
Örnek: The lender approved my loan application for the new house.
Not: A lender specifically focuses on providing funds to borrowers, while a bank offers a wider range of financial services beyond lending.

financial organization

A financial organization refers to a company or entity involved in financial activities such as banking, investing, or insurance.
Örnek: The financial organization announced a merger with another bank.
Not: Financial organization is a more encompassing term that includes various entities involved in financial activities, whereas a bank specifically deals with financial transactions and services.

credit union

A credit union is a member-owned financial cooperative that offers similar services to a bank, such as savings accounts, loans, and other financial products.
Örnek: I decided to join a credit union for better interest rates on loans.
Not: Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives that operate for the benefit of their members, while banks are typically for-profit institutions owned by shareholders.

Bank ifadeleri, yaygın kullanılan ifadeler

Break the bank

To spend more money than one can afford or more than is reasonable.
Örnek: I wanted to buy that new car, but it would break the bank.
Not: This idiom refers to spending beyond one's financial means, unlike the original word 'bank' which is a financial institution.

Bank on

To depend or rely on someone or something.
Örnek: I'm banking on you to finish the project on time.
Not: In this context, 'bank' is used figuratively to mean relying on someone or something for a particular outcome.

On the banks of

To be situated near the edge of a river, lake, or other body of water.
Örnek: Their house is located on the banks of the river.
Not: Here, 'banks' refers to the sides of a water body, as opposed to the financial institution meaning of 'bank'.

Food bank

A place where donated food is stored and distributed to those in need.
Örnek: The community organized a food drive for the local food bank.
Not: In this case, 'bank' is used to indicate a place for collecting and distributing food, different from a financial bank.

Bank statement

A record of all the transactions that have occurred in a bank account over a specific period.
Örnek: I need to review my bank statement to track my expenses.
Not: Here, 'bank' is used in the context of financial records, unlike a physical bank.

Piggy bank

A small container, often shaped like a pig, used by children to store coins.
Örnek: She saved all her allowance in a piggy bank.
Not: In this case, 'bank' refers to a personal savings container, not an actual financial institution.


To provide the money for something, especially a business or project.
Örnek: He used his savings to bankroll his new business venture.
Not: Here, 'bankroll' means to finance or fund, different from the traditional role of a bank.

Blood bank

A place where blood is collected, stored, and preserved for transfusion.
Örnek: The hospital urgently needed more donations for the blood bank.
Not: In this context, 'bank' is used to refer to a facility for storing and providing blood for medical purposes.

Time bank

A system where participants exchange services based on time credits.
Örnek: They participate in a time bank where members exchange services.
Not: In this case, 'bank' is used to represent a system of reciprocal service exchange, not a financial institution.

Bank günlük (argo) ifadeleri


Slang term for someone who works in a bank.
Örnek: I'm meeting up with some old banker pals for drinks tonight.
Not: The term 'banker' is informal and colloquial compared to the formal term 'bank employee'.


Used to describe a corrupt or unethical banker or financial professional.
Örnek: Those greedy banksters caused the financial crisis.
Not: The term 'bankster' is pejorative and implies illegal or unethical behavior, unlike the neutral term 'banker'.

Bank shot

In billiards or pool, a shot where the cue ball is banked off one or more cushions before hitting the target ball.
Örnek: He won the game with a fantastic bank shot off the side cushion.
Not: This term is specific to the game of billiards or pool, whereas 'bank' on its own refers to a financial institution.

Off the bank

Obtained directly from a bank with no intermediaries or negotiation.
Örnek: I got that loan approved off the bank, no questions asked.
Not: The phrase 'off the bank' emphasizes the source of the loan directly from the bank, without involving other parties or intermediaries.


Predicted or proven to be financially successful.
Örnek: Her performance in the audition was so good, she's definitely bankable.
Not: The term 'bankable' refers to something or someone's potential for financial success, whereas 'bank' on its own refers to the financial institution.

Bank shot in a bucket

Describes a shot that is extremely accurate and goes in effortlessly.
Örnek: His jump shot was so perfect, it was like a bank shot in a bucket.
Not: This slang phrase is a playful and exaggerated way of saying a shot was incredibly accurate and easily made.

Bank - Örnekler

The bank is closed on Sundays.
은행은 일요일에 문을 닫습니다.
I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
돈을 인출하기 위해 은행에 가야 합니다.
The local credit union is a popular alternative to traditional banks.
지역 신용 조합은 전통적인 은행에 대한 인기 있는 대안입니다.

Bank dilbilgisi

Bank - İsim (Noun) / İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass)
Sözcük tabanı: bank
İsim, çoğul (Noun, plural): banks
İsim, tekil veya kütle (Noun, singular or mass): bank
Fiil, geçmiş zaman (Verb, past tense): banked
Fiil, ulaç veya şimdiki zaman ortacı (Verb, gerund or present participle): banking
Fiil, 3. tekil şahıs şimdiki zaman (Verb, 3rd person singular present): banks
Fiil, temel form (Verb, base form): bank
Fiil, 3. tekil şahıs olmayan şimdiki zaman (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): bank
Hece, Ayrıştırma ve Vurgu
bank 1 hece içerir: bank
Fonetik yazı: ˈbaŋk
bank , ˈbaŋk (Kırmızı hece vurguludur)

Bank - Önem ve kullanım sıklığı

Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır.
bank: 400 - 500 (Son Derece Yaygın).
Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, yeni kelimeleri ve ifadeleri kolayca keşfetmene, düzenlemene ve öğrenmene yardımcı olur. Kişiselleştirilmiş kelime koleksiyonları oluştur ve her zaman, her yerde pratik yap.