Açıklamalı sözlük


Son Derece Yaygın
100 - 200
100 - 200
Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır. Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.

Here -

At, in, or to this place or position

Örnek: Come here and sit down.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: everyday conversations
Not: Commonly used to indicate a specific location or position close to the speaker or listener.

Used to draw attention to someone or something present or close by

Örnek: Here is the book you asked for.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: professional settings
Not: Often used to present or offer something to someone.

Used in exclamations to express a range of emotions such as surprise, irritation, or excitement

Örnek: Here, take the umbrella! It's raining.
Kullanım: informalBağlam: casual conversations
Not: Can convey a sense of urgency or emphasis depending on the tone of voice.

At this point in a discussion or narrative

Örnek: Here, let me explain how it works.
Kullanım: formalBağlam: academic or professional presentations
Not: Often used to introduce a new topic or provide clarification in a formal setting.

Here eşanlamlıları


Hereabouts means in this general area or vicinity. It is often used to refer to a nearby location or surroundings.
Örnek: The best restaurants are hereabouts.
Not: Hereabouts is more specific and implies a closer proximity compared to just 'here.'


Herein means in this document, statement, or fact. It is used to refer to something contained within a particular context.
Örnek: The solution lies herein.
Not: Herein is more formal and is typically used in legal or academic contexts.


Hither means to this place or towards this place. It is an archaic or poetic term used to indicate movement towards the speaker or a specified location.
Örnek: Come hither and see for yourself.
Not: Hither has a more poetic or old-fashioned connotation compared to the more common 'here.'


Yonder means at a distance but within sight or in that direction. It is used to point out something that is not close but still visible.
Örnek: The house yonder is where the party is.
Not: Yonder implies a greater distance compared to 'here' and suggests that the location being referred to is not nearby.

Here ifadeleri, yaygın kullanılan ifadeler

Be here

To be present in a specific place or location.
Örnek: I'll be here waiting for you at 6 pm.
Not: The focus is on the state of being present rather than just the location itself.

Right here

In this exact place or location.
Örnek: The keys are right here on the table.
Not: Emphasizes the precise location or proximity of something.

Here and there

In various places, not confined to one specific location.
Örnek: I like to travel and visit different places, so I go here and there.
Not: Refers to moving or being present in scattered or diverse locations.

Here today, gone tomorrow

Something that is here temporarily and may not last long.
Örnek: Don't get too attached to temporary things; they're here today, gone tomorrow.
Not: Highlights the transient nature of things compared to a stable or permanent state.

Come here

To move or come closer to the speaker or a specific location.
Örnek: Come here and take a look at this beautiful view.
Not: Involves movement towards the speaker or a designated place.

Out of here

To leave a place quickly or urgently.
Örnek: I need to get out of here before the traffic gets worse.
Not: Indicates a sense of urgency or a strong desire to depart from the current location.

Here we go

An expression used to indicate the start of an activity or event.
Örnek: Strap in, folks; here we go on the rollercoaster ride!
Not: Signals the beginning of an action or journey, often with a sense of enthusiasm or anticipation.

Here's to

A toast or expression of good wishes for someone or something.
Örnek: Here's to a successful year ahead for all of us!
Not: Used to make a formal or celebratory declaration, often before raising a drink in honor of someone or an occasion.

Here günlük (argo) ifadeleri

Right here, right now

Refers to something happening immediately or at the present moment.
Örnek: I need your help right here, right now.
Not: Emphasizes the urgency of the situation or action taking place.


A Spanish slang term for 'here', often used in bilingual conversations or communities.
Örnek: She's not here, she's over there.
Not: Reflects a diverse linguistic influence and cultural exchange.


A playful or humorous way to replace the word 'here' for entertainment or creativity.
Örnek: Stephen is here, vo-ka-a-thuy.
Not: Introduces a fun or unique element to regular speech.

Here - Örnekler

I have a book here.
Can you pass me the pen here?
Please sit down here.
I found my keys here.

Here dilbilgisi

Here - Zarf (Adverb) / Zarf (Adverb)
Sözcük tabanı: here
Zarf (Adverb): here
Hece, Ayrıştırma ve Vurgu
Here 1 hece içerir: here
Fonetik yazı: ˈhir
here , ˈhir (Kırmızı hece vurguludur)

Here - Önem ve kullanım sıklığı

Kelime sıklığı ve önem indeksi, bir kelimenin belirli bir dilde ne sıklıkta göründüğünü gösterir. Sayı ne kadar küçükse, kelime o kadar sık kullanılır. En sık kullanılan kelimeler genellikle 1 ile 4000 arasındadır.
Here: 100 - 200 (Son Derece Yaygın).
Bu önem indeksi, dil öğrenme süreciniz sırasında en faydalı kelimelere odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, etkin dil öğrenme
Vocafy, yeni kelimeleri ve ifadeleri kolayca keşfetmene, düzenlemene ve öğrenmene yardımcı olur. Kişiselleştirilmiş kelime koleksiyonları oluştur ve her zaman, her yerde pratik yap.