Từ điển
Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Séc


Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến
500 - 600
500 - 600
Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000. Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.

manažer, vedoucí, správce, organizátor

Ý nghĩa của Manager bằng tiếng Séc


Ví dụ:
She works as a manager in a large corporation.
Pracuje jako manažerka ve velké korporaci.
The manager organized the team meeting.
Manažer zorganizoval týmovou schůzku.
Sử dụng: formalBối cảnh: Business and corporate environments
Ghi chú: The term 'manažer' is commonly used in professional settings and refers to someone who is responsible for overseeing a team or department.


Ví dụ:
He is the team manager for the project.
On je vedoucí týmu pro tento projekt.
The manager of the store was very helpful.
Vedoucí obchodu byl velmi nápomocný.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Various settings, including retail and service industries
Ghi chú: 'Vedoucí' is more versatile and can refer to a manager in various contexts, including stores, teams, and departments.


Ví dụ:
The manager of the apartment building has a lot of responsibilities.
Správce bytového domu má mnoho povinností.
A good manager knows how to handle conflicts.
Dobrý správce ví, jak řešit konflikty.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Property management and similar situations
Ghi chú: 'Správce' typically refers to someone who manages property or facilities, rather than a corporate or team manager.


Ví dụ:
He is the manager of the event, ensuring everything runs smoothly.
On je organizátor akce, který zajišťuje, aby vše probíhalo hladce.
The event manager coordinated all the logistics.
Organizátor akce koordinoval veškerou logistiku.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Event planning and coordination
Ghi chú: 'Organizátor' is used specifically in contexts related to events, indicating someone who oversees and manages the planning and execution of activities.

Từ đồng nghĩa của Manager


A supervisor is someone who is responsible for overseeing and directing the work of a group of people or a department.
Ví dụ: The supervisor oversees the daily operations of the team.
Ghi chú: A supervisor typically focuses more on overseeing the work of others and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently.


A director is a person who is in charge of a particular department or aspect of an organization.
Ví dụ: The director of the company sets strategic goals and plans for the organization.
Ghi chú: A director often has a higher level of authority and is involved in setting long-term goals and strategies for the organization.


An administrator is someone who is responsible for managing and organizing the operations of an organization or institution.
Ví dụ: The school administrator manages the day-to-day operations of the school.
Ghi chú: An administrator typically focuses on the overall management and coordination of activities within an organization.


An executive is a high-level manager who is responsible for making decisions and setting goals for an organization.
Ví dụ: The executive oversees the company's financial performance and strategic direction.
Ghi chú: An executive often has broader decision-making authority and is involved in shaping the overall direction of the organization.

Cách diễn đạt và cụm từ thông dụng của Manager

call the shots

To make the important decisions; to be in charge.
Ví dụ: The manager is the one who calls the shots in this office.
Ghi chú: The phrase implies a higher level of authority and control compared to just being a manager.

wear multiple hats

To have many different duties or roles.
Ví dụ: As a manager, you often have to wear multiple hats and juggle different responsibilities.
Ghi chú: While a manager has specific job responsibilities, wearing multiple hats suggests handling diverse tasks beyond typical managerial duties.

in the driver's seat

To be in control; to be the one leading or directing a situation.
Ví dụ: Our project manager is in the driver's seat when it comes to making key decisions.
Ghi chú: This phrase emphasizes being actively in control, similar to a manager, but with a stronger sense of authority.

run the show

To be in charge; to be the one controlling a situation or organization.
Ví dụ: The store manager runs the show and ensures everything operates smoothly.
Ghi chú: While a manager typically oversees operations, 'run the show' implies a more active and central role in managing and directing activities.

get down to brass tacks

To focus on the essential details or important matters.
Ví dụ: Let's get down to brass tacks and discuss the budget with the project manager.
Ghi chú: This phrase suggests a shift from general management duties to a more specific and crucial aspect of the job.

have a finger in every pie

To be involved in many different activities or projects.
Ví dụ: Our department manager seems to have a finger in every pie, always involved in various projects.
Ghi chú: While a manager oversees specific areas, having a finger in every pie implies involvement in various aspects beyond direct managerial responsibilities.

keep the wheels turning

To ensure that operations continue smoothly; to keep things running efficiently.
Ví dụ: The manager's role is crucial to keep the wheels turning smoothly in the company.
Ghi chú: While a manager oversees operations, 'keep the wheels turning' emphasizes the active role in maintaining continuous and effective functioning.

Các cách diễn đạt hàng ngày (lóng) của Manager

boss man

This term is often used to refer to someone in a position of authority, usually a male manager or supervisor.
Ví dụ: I'll check with the boss man and let you know.
Ghi chú: It conveys a sense of respect or familiarity towards the manager, emphasizing their leadership role.

head honcho

Refers to the person in charge or the top manager in a company or organization.
Ví dụ: The head honcho is making the final decision on that project.
Ghi chú: It carries a more informal and sometimes humorous tone compared to the traditional term 'manager'.

top dog

Denotes the person in a position of power or authority, often the highest-ranking individual within a group or organization.
Ví dụ: The team's top dog is overseeing the new marketing campaign.
Ghi chú: It has a slightly more competitive or dominant connotation compared to the neutral term 'manager'.

big cheese

Used to describe an important or influential person, typically a manager or authority figure.
Ví dụ: The big cheese approved our budget proposal for next year.
Ghi chú: It adds a playful and slightly sarcastic touch when referring to a manager, showcasing a mix of respect and informality.


Informal term for a senior manager or leader within an organization.
Ví dụ: Our chief wants to discuss the upcoming staff training sessions.
Ghi chú: It carries a sense of authority and significance while maintaining a more casual and modern flair compared to the term 'manager'.

top brass

Refers to the highest-ranking officials or executives within a company or organization.
Ví dụ: The top brass will be attending the company's annual conference.
Ghi chú: It conveys a sense of exclusivity and power among the managerial ranks, often used in a more corporate or formal context.

captain of the ship

Describes someone who is leading or in charge of a situation, project, or team.
Ví dụ: The captain of the ship is steering us in a new direction with this project.
Ghi chú: It emphasizes the leadership role of the manager in guiding and steering the team, drawing on the imagery of a ship captain navigating through challenges.

Manager - Ví dụ

The manager is responsible for the daily operations of the company.
Manažer je zodpovědný za každodenní provoz společnosti.
The director of the department is retiring next month.
Ředitel oddělení odchází do důchodu příští měsíc.
The CEO is the highest-ranking executive in the company.
Generální ředitel je nejvýše postaveným výkonným pracovníkem ve společnosti.

Ngữ pháp của Manager

Manager - Danh từ (Noun) / Danh từ, số ít hoặc khối (Noun, singular or mass)
Từ gốc: manager
Chia động từ
Danh từ, số nhiều (Noun, plural): managers
Danh từ, số ít hoặc khối (Noun, singular or mass): manager
Âm tiết, Phân cách và Trọng âm
manager chứa 3 âm tiết: man • ag • er
Phiên âm ngữ âm: ˈma-ni-jər
man ag er , ˈma ni jər (Âm tiết màu đỏ là trọng âm)

Manager - Tầm quan trọng và tần suất sử dụng

Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000.
manager: 500 - 600 (Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến).
Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy giúp bạn khám phá, sắp xếp và học các từ và cụm từ mới một cách dễ dàng. Xây dựng bộ sưu tập từ vựng cá nhân hóa và luyện tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi.