Từ điển
Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hy Lạp


Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến
500 - 600
500 - 600
Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000. Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.

πιο μακριά (pio makriá), επιπλέον (epipleón), πιο προχωρημένος (pio prochoriménos), πέρα από (péra apó), ακόμη περισσότερο (akómi perissótero)

Ý nghĩa của Further bằng tiếng Hy Lạp

πιο μακριά (pio makriá)

Ví dụ:
We need to go further to find the truth.
Πρέπει να πάμε πιο μακριά για να βρούμε την αλήθεια.
The road goes further than I expected.
Ο δρόμος συνεχίζεται πιο μακριά από ό,τι περίμενα.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Used in both physical and metaphorical contexts to indicate distance or advancement.
Ghi chú: This usage can refer to both literal distance and figurative concepts like understanding or progress.

επιπλέον (epipleón)

Ví dụ:
We need to discuss this further.
Πρέπει να συζητήσουμε αυτό επιπλέον.
Further details will be provided later.
Επιπλέον λεπτομέρειες θα παρασχεθούν αργότερα.
Sử dụng: formalBối cảnh: Commonly used in discussions, meetings, and formal writing to indicate additional information.
Ghi chú: This meaning emphasizes the addition of more information or clarification.

πιο προχωρημένος (pio prochoriménos)

Ví dụ:
He is further along in his studies than I am.
Είναι πιο προχωρημένος στις σπουδές του από μένα.
This model is further developed than the previous one.
Αυτό το μοντέλο είναι πιο προχωρημένο από το προηγούμενο.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Used to describe advancement in skills, knowledge, or development stages.
Ghi chú: This usage indicates a comparative state of advancement or development.

πέρα από (péra apó)

Ví dụ:
Further to your request, I have attached the documents.
Πέρα από το αίτημά σας, έχω επισυνάψει τα έγγραφα.
Further to our conversation, I wanted to clarify my points.
Πέρα από τη συζήτησή μας, ήθελα να διευκρινίσω τα σημεία μου.
Sử dụng: formalBối cảnh: Used in written communication, especially in business or formal contexts to reference prior discussions.
Ghi chú: This phrase often serves to connect ideas or requests to something already mentioned.

ακόμη περισσότερο (akómi perissótero)

Ví dụ:
I would like to explore this further.
Θα ήθελα να εξερευνήσω αυτό ακόμη περισσότερο.
We can go further into the details if needed.
Μπορούμε να πάμε ακόμη περισσότερο στα λεπτομερή αν χρειαστεί.
Sử dụng: informalBối cảnh: Casual conversations and discussions where deeper exploration is suggested.
Ghi chú: This usage indicates a desire to delve deeper into a subject, often used in brainstorming or casual discussions.

Từ đồng nghĩa của Further


Moreover is used to introduce a new piece of information that strengthens or supports the previous point.
Ví dụ: Moreover, the results of the experiment indicate a clear pattern.
Ghi chú: Moreover is similar to furthermore but may imply a stronger connection between points.


Additionally is used to introduce another point or factor that is related to the topic being discussed.
Ví dụ: Additionally, we should consider the impact on the environment.
Ghi chú: Additionally is a more neutral and versatile term that can be used in various contexts.


Besides is used to introduce an alternative point or reason that complements the main topic.
Ví dụ: Besides, there are other options we can explore.
Ghi chú: Besides can also imply an aspect that is not directly related to the main topic.

in addition

In addition is used to introduce something extra or supplementary to what has already been mentioned.
Ví dụ: In addition to the main course, we offer a variety of desserts.
Ghi chú: In addition is more straightforward and direct compared to further, indicating an increase or addition.

Cách diễn đạt và cụm từ thông dụng của Further


Furthermore is used to introduce additional information or arguments that support the previous statement.
Ví dụ: Furthermore, I would like to add that we need to consider the budget constraints.
Ghi chú: It emphasizes the addition of more information or reasons to support a point.

further afield

To explore further afield means to search or look beyond the current or nearby options or locations.
Ví dụ: Let's explore options further afield if we can't find what we need in this area.
Ghi chú: It indicates expanding the search or exploration beyond the immediate vicinity.

go further

To go further means to make progress or achieve more in a particular endeavor.
Ví dụ: If we invest in better equipment, it will help us go further in our business.
Ghi chú: It suggests making advancements or achieving greater success.

nothing could be further from the truth

This phrase is used to emphasize that what has been said is completely false or incorrect.
Ví dụ: She claimed I was lying, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Ghi chú: It highlights the extreme contrast between what was said and the actual truth.

push further

To push further means to make extra effort or work harder to achieve a goal or target.
Ví dụ: Let's push further and see if we can meet the project deadline ahead of schedule.
Ghi chú: It denotes exerting additional effort beyond the current level to reach a goal faster or more effectively.

take it a step further

To take it a step further means to extend or enhance something by adding more to it.
Ví dụ: We have a good plan in place, but let's take it a step further and include a backup option.
Ghi chú: It implies moving beyond the current level of planning or action to improve or expand the original idea.

further to that

Further to that is used to introduce additional information or details following a previous statement.
Ví dụ: The manager discussed the new policy changes, and further to that, she mentioned upcoming training sessions.
Ghi chú: It signals the continuation of the discussion with more related information or updates.

Các cách diễn đạt hàng ngày (lóng) của Further

Furthest thing from

Used to emphasize a considerable distance or difference from a particular idea or situation.
Ví dụ: That behavior is the furthest thing from acceptable.
Ghi chú: Emphasizes distance or difference rather than progress or advancement.

Farther out

Refers to a greater distance, often used spatially or metaphorically.
Ví dụ: The beach gets quieter the farther out you walk.
Ghi chú: Indicates a greater distance in a more casual or colloquial manner.

Farther along

Expresses progress made in a certain situation or endeavor.
Ví dụ: She is farther along in her career than I am.
Ghi chú: Shows advancement or progress rather than simply moving a greater distance.

Further down the road

Refers to addressing something in the future or at a later point in time.
Ví dụ: We can discuss that issue further down the road.
Ghi chú: Indicates a postponement or delay rather than immediate action.

Go any further

Expresses reaching a limit or inability to continue without additional support or resources.
Ví dụ: I can't go any further with this project without more information.
Ghi chú: Highlights reaching a point of restriction or constraint rather than making progress.

Further back

Refers to exploring a more distant point in the past or a historical context.
Ví dụ: Let's look further back in time to understand the origins of this tradition.
Ghi chú: Suggests looking at a more distant past rather than simply moving back in time.

Far and away

Used to emphasize a clear distinction or superiority compared to others.
Ví dụ: She is far and away the best player on the team.
Ghi chú: Emphasizes a significant lead or superiority rather than just being ahead.

Further - Ví dụ

Further information is needed to make a decision.
Απαιτείται περαιτέρω πληροφορία για να ληφθεί απόφαση.
We will discuss this matter further at the next meeting.
Θα συζητήσουμε αυτό το θέμα περαιτέρω στην επόμενη συνάντηση.
Further to our conversation yesterday, I have some additional questions.
Περαιτέρω από τη συζήτησή μας χθες, έχω μερικές επιπλέον ερωτήσεις.

Ngữ pháp của Further

Further - Trạng từ (Adverb) / Trạng từ (Adverb)
Từ gốc: far
Chia động từ
Tính từ, so sánh (Adjective, comparative): farther, further
Tính từ, so sánh nhất (Adjective, superlative): farthest, furthest
Tính từ (Adjective): far
Trạng từ, so sánh (Adverb, comparative): further, farther
Trạng từ, so sánh nhất (Adverb, superlative): farthest, furthest
Trạng từ (Adverb): far
Âm tiết, Phân cách và Trọng âm
further chứa 2 âm tiết: fur • ther
Phiên âm ngữ âm: ˈfər-t͟hər
fur ther , ˈfər t͟hər (Âm tiết màu đỏ là trọng âm)

Further - Tầm quan trọng và tần suất sử dụng

Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000.
further: 500 - 600 (Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến).
Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy giúp bạn khám phá, sắp xếp và học các từ và cụm từ mới một cách dễ dàng. Xây dựng bộ sưu tập từ vựng cá nhân hóa và luyện tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi.