Từ điển
Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ba Lan


Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến
500 - 600
500 - 600
Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000. Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.

metoda, sposób, technika, system

Ý nghĩa của Method bằng tiếng Ba Lan


Ví dụ:
She has a unique method for solving problems.
Ona ma unikalną metodę rozwiązywania problemów.
The scientific method is crucial in research.
Metoda naukowa jest kluczowa w badaniach.
Sử dụng: formalBối cảnh: Used in academic, scientific, and professional settings to refer to a systematic way of doing something.
Ghi chú: The word 'metoda' is often used in contexts like research, teaching, and various fields of study.


Ví dụ:
What is your method for studying?
Jaki jest twój sposób na naukę?
He explained the method he used to cook the dish.
On wyjaśnił sposób, w jaki przygotował to danie.
Sử dụng: informalBối cảnh: Used in everyday conversations to refer to a particular way or manner of doing something.
Ghi chú: 'Sposób' is a more general term and can refer to methods in daily life, not just formal or scientific contexts.


Ví dụ:
This painting method requires a lot of practice.
Ta technika malarska wymaga dużo praktyki.
He learned a new method of playing the guitar.
Nauczył się nowej techniki gry na gitarze.
Sử dụng: formal/informalBối cảnh: Used in artistic, musical, or skill-based contexts to refer to a specific technique or style.
Ghi chú: 'Technika' emphasizes the skill aspect and is commonly used in arts and crafts.


Ví dụ:
The method of classification is based on different criteria.
System klasyfikacji oparty jest na różnych kryteriach.
We need to develop a method for tracking progress.
Musimy opracować system śledzenia postępów.
Sử dụng: formalBối cảnh: Used in organizational, administrative, or systematic contexts where a structured approach is required.
Ghi chú: 'System' can imply a more complex and organized approach involving multiple methods.

Từ đồng nghĩa của Method


An approach refers to a way of dealing with a situation or problem.
Ví dụ: The teacher used a hands-on approach to teach the students.
Ghi chú: Approach emphasizes the manner in which something is done, while method focuses more on the systematic way of doing things.


A technique is a specific method or way of doing something, often related to a skill or art.
Ví dụ: She demonstrated a new painting technique to the class.
Ghi chú: Technique is more specific and often implies a particular skill or expertise, whereas method is a broader term for a systematic way of doing things.


A system is a set of principles or procedures working together to achieve a specific goal.
Ví dụ: The new system of teaching math improved student performance.
Ghi chú: System can refer to a broader set of interconnected elements working together, while method is more focused on a particular way of doing something.

Cách diễn đạt và cụm từ thông dụng của Method

Trial and error

This phrase refers to the process of trying different methods until the correct one is found through experimentation.
Ví dụ: She used trial and error to find the best teaching method for her students.
Ghi chú: It emphasizes the iterative nature of finding a solution rather than a systematic approach.

By the book

Doing something strictly according to established rules or official instructions.
Ví dụ: He always follows the company's procedures by the book.
Ghi chú: It implies strict adherence to established guidelines, unlike the flexibility associated with methods.

In a systematic way

Doing something in an organized and methodical manner.
Ví dụ: The research was conducted in a systematic way to ensure accurate results.
Ghi chú: It highlights the structured and orderly approach rather than just a general method used.

Hit and miss

Refers to a method or approach that is unreliable and unpredictable in its outcomes.
Ví dụ: Her teaching style was hit and miss, sometimes effective and sometimes not.
Ghi chú: It suggests a lack of consistency or reliability compared to a method that implies a more deliberate and planned approach.

Wing it

To improvise or do something without proper preparation or a clear method.
Ví dụ: I didn't have a plan, so I had to just wing it during the presentation.
Ghi chú: It signifies a spontaneous and unstructured way of approaching a task, contrasting with a method that implies a more thought-out process.

Stick to your guns

To firmly maintain one's position or decision despite opposition or criticism.
Ví dụ: Even though others disagreed, she decided to stick to her teaching method.
Ghi chú: It emphasizes determination and resolve in sticking to a particular approach, unlike the adaptability associated with methods.

One size fits all

Refers to a method or solution that is standardized and not tailored to individual needs or circumstances.
Ví dụ: The training program was criticized for being a one size fits all approach that didn't consider individual differences.
Ghi chú: It implies a lack of customization or adaptability compared to a method that can be adjusted or modified.

Các cách diễn đạt hàng ngày (lóng) của Method

Go-to method

The 'go-to method' refers to a reliable or preferred approach to doing something.
Ví dụ: My go-to method for calming down is taking a walk in the park.
Ghi chú: This term implies that the method is the first choice or favorite option among various methods.

The ropes

To 'learn the ropes' means to become familiar with the basic aspects or procedures of something.
Ví dụ: I'm still learning the ropes of this new method at work.
Ghi chú: While 'ropes' originally referred to the cordage used on a sailing ship, in this context, it implies grasping the fundamentals of a new method.


In this context, a 'hack' refers to a workaround or creative solution to improve a method.
Ví dụ: There's a clever hack to make this method more efficient.
Ghi chú: Originally associated with breaking into computer systems, 'hack' has evolved to signify a smart or quick fix in various contexts.

Trick of the trade

A 'trick of the trade' is a clever or expert technique known by experienced practitioners of a certain method.
Ví dụ: Let me show you the trick of the trade for mastering this method.
Ghi chú: This term highlights the insider knowledge or specialized skills that can significantly improve the effectiveness of a method.


A 'shortcut' refers to a quicker or more efficient way to achieve a result in a method.
Ví dụ: Using keyboard shortcuts is a great way to speed up this method.
Ghi chú: Primarily associated with shorter paths or quick routes in physical space, 'shortcut' now represents time-saving strategies in various practices.

Sneaky way

A 'sneaky way' implies using a sly or underhanded method to accomplish something, often with an element of secrecy or cleverness.
Ví dụ: I found a sneaky way to get this method done faster.
Ghi chú: The connotation of deceit or cunning differentiates 'sneaky way' from the straightforward or conventional approach of a method.

Foolproof method

A 'foolproof method' is so well-designed or simple that it is virtually incapable of failure when executed correctly.
Ví dụ: This foolproof method guarantees success every time.
Ghi chú: In contrast to 'method,' which denotes a systematic approach, 'foolproof method' emphasizes the high level of reliability and ease of use without room for error.

Method - Ví dụ

Method acting is a popular technique among actors.
Metoda aktorska jest popularną techniką wśród aktorów.
The company has developed a new method for recycling plastic.
Firma opracowała nową metodę recyklingu plastiku.
The scientist used a unique methodology to conduct the experiment.
Naukowiec zastosował unikalną metodologię do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu.

Ngữ pháp của Method

Method - Danh từ (Noun) / Danh từ, số ít hoặc khối (Noun, singular or mass)
Từ gốc: method
Chia động từ
Danh từ, số nhiều (Noun, plural): methods, method
Danh từ, số ít hoặc khối (Noun, singular or mass): method
Âm tiết, Phân cách và Trọng âm
method chứa 2 âm tiết: meth • od
Phiên âm ngữ âm: ˈme-thəd
meth od , ˈme thəd (Âm tiết màu đỏ là trọng âm)

Method - Tầm quan trọng và tần suất sử dụng

Chỉ số tần suất và quan trọng của từ cho biết tần suất xuất hiện của một từ trong một ngôn ngữ nhất định. Số càng nhỏ, tần suất sử dụng từ càng cao. Những từ được sử dụng thường xuyên nhất thường nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 4000.
method: 500 - 600 (Cực Kỳ Phổ Biến).
Chỉ số tầm quan trọng này giúp bạn tập trung vào những từ hữu ích nhất trong quá trình học ngôn ngữ.
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy, học tiếng hiệu quả
Vocafy giúp bạn khám phá, sắp xếp và học các từ và cụm từ mới một cách dễ dàng. Xây dựng bộ sưu tập từ vựng cá nhân hóa và luyện tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi.