Английски - Немски


Изключително Често Срещан
0 - 100
0 - 100
Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000. Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.

kommen (to arrive), kommen (to originate), kommen (to happen), kommen (to become)

Значения на Come на немски

kommen (to arrive)

I will come to the party at 8 pm.
Ich werde um 20 Uhr zur Party kommen.
He came home late last night.
Er kam gestern Nacht spät nach Hause.
Употреба: neutralКонтекст: General use to indicate arrival at a place or location.
Забележка: Common verb used to express movement towards a destination.

kommen (to originate)

Where does this wine come from?
Woher kommt dieser Wein?
The idea came from our discussion.
Die Idee kam aus unserer Diskussion.
Употреба: neutralКонтекст: Used to indicate the origin or source of something.
Забележка: Can also be used metaphorically to express the source of ideas or inspiration.

kommen (to happen)

How did this come to pass?
Wie ist das passiert?
It came to my attention that you were looking for me.
Mir wurde zu Ohren gekommen, dass du mich gesucht hast.
Употреба: neutralКонтекст: Used to describe how something occurred or became known.
Забележка: Often used in more formal contexts to express the unfolding of events.

kommen (to become)

She has come a long way since we last met.
Sie ist seit unserem letzten Treffen weit gekommen.
He has come to be known as an expert in his field.
Er ist als Experte in seinem Bereich bekannt geworden.
Употреба: neutralКонтекст: Used to indicate a change or development in a person or thing.
Забележка: Conveys the idea of progress or transformation over time.

Синоними на Come


To reach a destination or come to a place.
Пример: We will arrive at the airport at 3 p.m.
Забележка: Arrive is more specific to reaching a destination.


To come near or nearer to something in distance or time.
Пример: The deadline is approaching quickly.
Забележка: Approach implies getting closer to something.


To move forward in a purposeful way.
Пример: The army advanced towards the enemy's territory.
Забележка: Advance often implies moving forward in a strategic or planned manner.


To go or come into a place.
Пример: Please enter the room quietly.
Забележка: Enter specifically refers to going inside a place.

Turn up

To arrive or appear, especially unexpectedly.
Пример: I invited him to the party, but he didn't turn up.
Забележка: Turn up can imply showing up unexpectedly or without prior notice.

Изрази и често срещани фрази на Come

Come on

An expression used to encourage, urge, or challenge someone to do something.
Пример: Come on, let's go to the park.
Забележка: The phrase 'come on' is used to express encouragement or urging, while 'come' alone simply refers to the action of moving towards a location or person.

Come up with

To produce or think of an idea, plan, or solution.
Пример: Can you come up with a solution to this problem?
Забележка: The phrase 'come up with' implies generating ideas or solutions, while 'come' alone refers to physical movement or arrival.

Come in handy

To be useful or helpful in a situation.
Пример: I'm sure this tool will come in handy during the project.
Забележка: The phrase 'come in handy' emphasizes the usefulness of something, while 'come' alone refers to arrival or approach.

Come across

To find or meet someone or something unexpectedly.
Пример: I came across an interesting book at the library.
Забележка: The phrase 'come across' conveys the idea of encountering or discovering something by chance, while 'come' alone denotes movement towards a location or person.

Come to terms with

To accept or deal with a difficult situation or truth.
Пример: She needs to come to terms with the loss of her job.
Забележка: The phrase 'come to terms with' involves accepting or adjusting to a situation, while 'come' alone refers to physical movement or arrival.

Come clean

To confess the truth or reveal information that was previously hidden.
Пример: It's time for him to come clean about what really happened.
Забележка: The phrase 'come clean' involves admitting the truth or revealing a secret, while 'come' alone refers to physical movement or approach.

Come around

To change one's opinion, attitude, or decision over time.
Пример: He'll come around to our point of view eventually.
Забележка: The phrase 'come around' denotes a change in opinion or attitude, while 'come' alone refers to physical movement or arrival.

Всекидневни (сленгови) изрази на Come

Come on strong

To approach someone or something with great force, enthusiasm, or intensity.
Пример: He really came on strong during the job interview.
Забележка: Different from simply 'come' as it implies a strong and assertive approach.

Come rain or shine

Indicates a commitment to doing something regardless of the circumstances.
Пример: We'll be there, come rain or shine.
Забележка: The addition of 'rain or shine' emphasizes the determination to follow through regardless of challenges.

Come hell or high water

Expresses a strong determination to do something no matter what obstacles may arise.
Пример: I'll be there, come hell or high water.
Забележка: Similar to 'come rain or shine' but with a more emphatic expression of overcoming difficulties.

Come to think of it

Used to introduce a thought or idea that has just occurred to the speaker.
Пример: Come to think of it, I do remember meeting him before.
Забележка: Involves moments of realization or recollection, different from the typical use of 'come' to indicate movement.

Come what may

Means regardless of what happens or what obstacles are encountered.
Пример: We'll face it together, come what may.
Забележка: Emphasizes facing challenges with resolve, in contrast to a more passive 'come' without this attachment of determination.

Come down to

Means to be essentially determined or dependent on a particular factor or action.
Пример: It all comes down to making the right decision.
Забележка: Adding 'down to' specifies that the outcome or decision is based on a crucial factor, different from the general notion of 'come'.

Come clean with

To confess or reveal something that was previously hidden or kept secret.
Пример: It's time to come clean with the truth.
Забележка: While 'come clean' itself is a known term, the addition of 'with' specifies who the confession or revelation is directed towards.

Come - Примери

I come home from work every day.
Ich komme jeden Tag von der Arbeit nach Hause.
Please come to the party tonight.
Bitte komm heute Abend zur Party.
The bus will come in five minutes.
Der Bus wird in fünf Minuten kommen.
Come and see the beautiful sunset with me.
Komm und sieh dir mit mir den schönen Sonnenuntergang an.

Граматика на Come

Come - Глагол (Verb) / Глагол, основна форма (Verb, base form)
Лема: come
Глагол, минало време (Verb, past tense): came
Глагол, минало причастие (Verb, past participle): come
Глагол, герундий или сегашно причастие (Verb, gerund or present participle): coming
Глагол, 3 лице единствено число сегашно време (Verb, 3rd person singular present): comes
Глагол, основна форма (Verb, base form): come
Глагол, сегашно време не в 3 лице единствено число (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): come
Срички, Разделяне и Ударение
Come съдържа 1 срички: come
Фонетична транскрипция: ˈkəm
come , ˈkəm (Червената сричка е ударена)

Come - Значимост и честота на употреба

Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000.
Come: 0 - 100 (Изключително Често Срещан).
Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy ти помага лесно да откриваш, организираш и учиш нови думи и фрази. Създавай персонализирани колекции от лексика и практикувай по всяко време и навсякъде.