Английски -


Изключително Често Срещан
400 - 500
400 - 500
Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000. Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.

développer, se développer, élaborer, progresser

Значения на Develop на френски


They plan to develop a new application.
Ils prévoient de développer une nouvelle application.
He wants to develop his skills in photography.
Il veut développer ses compétences en photographie.
Употреба: formal/informalКонтекст: Used in contexts related to growth, improvement, or advancement in various fields such as technology, skills, and projects.
Забележка: Often used in both personal and professional contexts. The verb 'développer' can be used with various subjects including people, ideas, and products.

se développer

The town is developing rapidly.
La ville se développe rapidement.
Children develop at their own pace.
Les enfants se développent à leur propre rythme.
Употреба: formal/informalКонтекст: Typically used to describe natural growth or evolution of entities such as towns, businesses, or individuals.
Забележка: The reflexive form 'se développer' emphasizes the process of growth or evolution, often used in social or biological contexts.


We need to develop a plan for the project.
Nous devons élaborer un plan pour le projet.
She is working to develop a new strategy.
Elle travaille à élaborer une nouvelle stratégie.
Употреба: formalКонтекст: Commonly used in academic, professional, or strategic discussions where detailed planning or creation is involved.
Забележка: The term 'élaborer' focuses more on the detailed planning and formulation rather than general growth.


He has developed a better understanding of the subject.
Il a progressé dans sa compréhension du sujet.
Over time, she developed her language skills.
Avec le temps, elle a progressé dans ses compétences linguistiques.
Употреба: informalКонтекст: Used to describe improvement or advancement in knowledge, skills, or abilities.
Забележка: While 'progresser' is more informal, it conveys the sense of moving forward or making progress in a specific area.

Синоними на Develop


To advance means to move forward or make progress, often in a positive direction.
Пример: The company is advancing its technology to stay competitive in the market.
Забележка: Develop implies a more general growth or progress, while advance suggests a specific movement forward.


To evolve means to develop gradually or undergo change over time.
Пример: The design of the product has evolved over the years to meet changing consumer needs.
Забележка: Evolve emphasizes a natural or gradual progression, whereas develop can be more general.


To expand means to increase in size, scope, or extent.
Пример: The company plans to expand its operations into new markets next year.
Забележка: Develop focuses on growth or progress, while expand specifically refers to increasing in size or reach.


To grow means to increase or develop in a healthy or positive way.
Пример: Her skills as a writer have grown significantly since she started taking writing classes.
Забележка: Grow emphasizes a natural or organic increase, while develop can encompass a wider range of progress.

Изрази и често срещани фрази на Develop

develop a plan

To create or come up with a detailed strategy or course of action.
Пример: We need to develop a plan for the project before we start.
Забележка: The focus is on creating a specific plan rather than general development.

develop a skill

To improve or enhance an ability or talent through practice and experience.
Пример: She has been practicing every day to develop her painting skills.
Забележка: Emphasizes improving a particular skill rather than overall development.

develop a relationship

To nurture and strengthen a bond or connection with someone over time.
Пример: They spent a lot of time together to develop a strong friendship.
Забележка: Focuses on building a connection rather than just general development.

develop an idea

To expand or refine a concept through discussion or research.
Пример: Let's brainstorm and develop this idea further before presenting it.
Забележка: Involves refining a specific idea rather than the broader concept of development.

develop a product

To design, create, and improve a product for the market.
Пример: The company is working hard to develop a new line of eco-friendly products.
Забележка: Involves the process of creating and enhancing a specific product.

develop a habit

To form or establish a consistent behavior through repetition.
Пример: It takes time to develop a healthy eating habit.
Забележка: Focuses on forming a specific habit rather than general personal development.

develop a strategy

To devise a detailed plan or approach to achieve a specific goal.
Пример: The team needs to develop a winning strategy for the upcoming competition.
Забележка: Focuses on creating a strategic plan rather than the overall process of development.

Всекидневни (сленгови) изрази на Develop


Shortened form of 'develop', commonly used when referring to software or coding projects.
Пример: Let's dev this app over the weekend.
Забележка: Informal and casual compared to 'develop'.


To mature or become ready, much like fruit ripening before being eaten.
Пример: These ideas need time to ripen before we present them.
Забележка: Emphasizes a natural process of growth and readiness.


To flourish or reach a stage of great development, like a flower blooming.
Пример: His talent began to bloom after years of practice.
Забележка: Suggests a visual and vibrant image of growth and progress.

bear fruit

To yield positive results or achievements from efforts made.
Пример: Their hard work finally bore fruit with the successful project launch.
Забележка: Highlights the outcome or results of development.


To reach a stage of full development or sophistication, often through experience.
Пример: Her leadership skills have matured significantly over the years.
Забележка: Conveys a sense of readiness and sophistication in development.


To nurture or develop by promoting growth and improvement.
Пример: We need to cultivate a culture of innovation within the team.
Забележка: Suggests intentional nurturing and fostering of development.

Develop - Примери

Develop a new software.
Développez un nouveau logiciel.
The company is developing a new product line.
L'entreprise développe une nouvelle gamme de produits.
Children develop at different rates.
Les enfants se développent à des rythmes différents.

Граматика на Develop

Develop - Глагол (Verb) / Глагол, основна форма (Verb, base form)
Лема: develop
Глагол, минало време (Verb, past tense): developed
Глагол, герундий или сегашно причастие (Verb, gerund or present participle): developing
Глагол, 3 лице единствено число сегашно време (Verb, 3rd person singular present): develops
Глагол, основна форма (Verb, base form): develop
Глагол, сегашно време не в 3 лице единствено число (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): develop
Срички, Разделяне и Ударение
develop съдържа 3 срички: de • vel • op
Фонетична транскрипция: di-ˈve-ləp
de vel op , di ˈve ləp (Червената сричка е ударена)

Develop - Значимост и честота на употреба

Индексът за честота и важност на думите показва колко често една дума се появява в даден език. Колкото по-малко е числото, толкова по-често се използва думата. Най-често използваните думи обикновено варират от 1 до 4000.
develop: 400 - 500 (Изключително Често Срещан).
Този индекс на важност ви помага да се съсредоточите върху най-полезните думи по време на процеса на изучаване на езика.
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy, ефективно учене на езици
Vocafy ти помага лесно да откриваш, организираш и учиш нови думи и фрази. Създавай персонализирани колекции от лексика и практикувай по всяко време и навсякъде.