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Pronouns - Possessive Pronouns

Melinda 2024-04-16 voca
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Please pass the salt.
Kérlek, add ide a sót.
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Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns to avoid repetition and make sentences less repetitive and more fluid. They can refer to people, places, things, ideas, and more.

Types of Pronouns:

Personal Pronouns:
These replace specific nouns and can be subjective (subject of the sentence), objective (object of the verb), or possessive (indicating ownership).
Subjective: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
Objective: me, you, him, her, it, us, them
Possessive: my/mine, your/yours, his, her/hers, its, our/ours, their/theirs

Demonstrative Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These point to specific things or people.
This, that, these, those

Relative Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These introduce relative clauses and connect them to the noun they modify.
Who, whom, whose, which, that

Interrogative Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These are used to ask questions.
Who, whom, whose, which, what

Indefinite Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These refer to non-specific people or things.
Someone, anybody, anything, everybody, nothing, each, both, either, neither

Reflexive Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These end in "-self" or "-selves" and refer back to the subject of the sentence.
Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Intensive Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These are used for emphasis and are the same as reflexive pronouns but not necessary for the sentence's meaning.
I myself, you yourself, he himself, she herself, etc.

Reciprocal Pronouns:
​​​​​​​These indicate a mutual action or relationship between two or more people or things.
Each other, one another

Functions of Pronouns:

Replace nouns to avoid repetition.
Example: Mary went to the store. She bought some groceries.

Show possession or ownership.
Example: This is my car.

Indicate who is speaking, being spoken to, or being spoken about.
Example: I am going to the park. Are you coming too?

Forbedr din udtale og dit ordforråd med disse Engelsk -ord og sætninger: This, House, Yours, Brother, Volunteering.
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