Engelsk - Portugisisk (Brasil)
Ekstremt Almindelig
400 - 500
400 - 500
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
classe, classe sociale, style, élégance, catégorie, leçon, cours, classe (de produit, service)
Betydninger af Class på portugisisk
I have a math class at 10 AM.
J'ai une classe de mathématiques à 10 heures.
She teaches an English class.
Elle enseigne une classe d'anglais.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Education, schools, and universities
Bemærk: Used to refer to a group of students or a course of study.
classe sociale
He comes from a wealthy class.
Il vient d'une classe sociale aisée.
Social class can affect opportunities.
La classe sociale peut influencer les opportunités.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Sociology and discussions about social structures
Bemærk: Refers to the hierarchical divisions in society, often based on wealth, education, or occupation.
style, élégance
She has a lot of class.
Elle a beaucoup de classe.
His outfit shows great class.
Sa tenue montre beaucoup de classe.
Brug: informalSammenhæng: Describing someone's demeanor or appearance
Bemærk: Used to express refinement or sophistication.
This product falls into a different class.
Ce produit appartient à une classe différente.
He is in a class of his own.
Il est dans une classe à part.
Brug: formal/informalSammenhæng: Categorization of items, products, or people
Bemærk: Refers to a grouping or classification based on certain criteria.
leçon, cours
The teacher gave a class on history.
Le professeur a donné un cours d'histoire.
We need to prepare for the next class.
Nous devons nous préparer pour le prochain cours.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: In the context of lessons or sessions in education
Bemærk: Can be synonymous with a lecture or a lesson.
classe (de produit, service)
This hotel is in a higher class.
Cet hôtel est dans une classe supérieure.
They offer a luxury class service.
Ils offrent un service de classe luxe.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Business and marketing
Bemærk: Refers to the quality or standard of a product or service.
Synonymer for Class
A course refers to a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject.
Eksempel: I'm taking a Spanish course this semester.
Bemærk: While a class can refer to a single session or meeting, a course typically implies a longer duration with multiple sessions.
A lesson is a single session of teaching or instruction on a specific topic.
Eksempel: We had a math lesson on fractions today.
Bemærk: A lesson is a component of a class or course, focusing on a particular topic or skill.
A session is a period of time set aside for a specific activity or purpose, such as learning or training.
Eksempel: The yoga session was very relaxing.
Bemærk: While a class can refer to a broader term encompassing multiple sessions, a session typically denotes a single instance or period of activity.
A lecture is a formal talk or presentation given to a group of people, typically as part of an educational course or program.
Eksempel: The professor gave a fascinating lecture on ancient civilizations.
Bemærk: A lecture is a specific type of instructional delivery within a class or course, often involving a one-way communication from the speaker to the audience.
Classs udtryk og almindelige sætninger
Refers to the highest quality or standard in a particular category.
Eksempel: She always travels first-class when flying.
Bemærk: Class usually refers to a category or level, while first-class specifically denotes top-tier quality.
Class act
Describes someone who behaves with style, grace, and dignity.
Eksempel: Her response to the criticism was a real class act.
Bemærk: Class act goes beyond just being in a class or category, emphasizing admirable behavior or performance.
Elegant, stylish, and sophisticated in appearance or manner.
Eksempel: He looked so classy in his suit and tie.
Bemærk: Classy is more about a refined and tasteful style rather than just being assigned to a class or category.
In a class of its own
Outstanding and unparalleled, far superior to others in its category.
Eksempel: Their new product is truly in a class of its own.
Bemærk: This phrase emphasizes exceptional uniqueness and superiority, not just belonging to a particular class.
Class warfare
Conflict or tension between different social classes, particularly in terms of economic inequality.
Eksempel: The political debate often centers around issues of class warfare.
Bemærk: Class warfare focuses on the societal struggle between classes, rather than just the concept of class itself.
Class clown
A student who seeks attention through humor and disruptive behavior in a classroom setting.
Eksempel: He's always making jokes in class, the classic class clown.
Bemærk: Class clown refers to a specific role or behavior within a class, rather than just being part of a class group.
Of the highest quality or standard on a global scale.
Eksempel: They offer a world-class training program for their employees.
Bemærk: Similar to first-class, world-class denotes excellence but extends to a global level rather than just a single category.
Classs dagligdags (slang) udtryk
Class up
To make something more elegant or sophisticated.
Eksempel: Let's class up this place a bit before the guests arrive.
Bemærk: Class up is an informal way of saying to improve the appearance or quality of something, often by adding sophistication.
Classy joint
A place or establishment that is stylish, elegant, or high-quality.
Eksempel: That new restaurant is a really classy joint, we should check it out.
Bemærk: Describing a location or establishment as classy implies it has a certain level of sophistication and style.
Class it up
To improve the style or sophistication of something, often related to personal appearance.
Eksempel: We need to class it up a bit for this event, let's dress to impress.
Bemærk: Similar to 'class up', 'class it up' suggests taking steps to increase the elegance or sophistication, particularly in how one presents themselves.
Of the highest quality or excellence.
Eksempel: Their service is always top-class, that's why I keep going back.
Bemærk: Top-class emphasizes being at the highest level or standard in terms of quality, surpassing just being in a class or category.
Class - Eksempler
English class starts at 9am.
Le cours d'anglais commence à 9h.
The students were divided into groups based on their interests.
Les étudiants ont été divisés en groupes en fonction de leurs intérêts.
The book is in the category of science fiction.
Le livre est dans la catégorie de la science-fiction.
Classs grammatik
Class - Navneord (Noun) / Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass)
Opslagsform: class
Substantiv, flertal (Noun, plural): classes, class
Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): class
Verbum, datid (Verb, past tense): classed
Verbum, gerundium eller præsens participium (Verb, gerund or present participle): classing
Verbum, 3. person ental nutid (Verb, 3rd person singular present): classes
Verbum, grundform (Verb, base form): class
Verbum, nutid ikke 3. person ental (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): class
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
class indeholder 1 stavelser: class
Fonetisk transkription: ˈklas
class , ˈklas (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)
Class - Betydning og brugsfrekvens
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
class: 400 - 500 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.