Engelsk - Rumænsk
Ekstremt Almindelig
700 - 800
700 - 800
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Răspuns, Reacție, Răspuns (în context științific sau tehnic), Răspuns (la o întrebare sau solicitare)
Betydninger af Response på rumænsk
I received a quick response to my email.
Am primit un răspuns rapid la emailul meu.
Her response was unexpected.
Răspunsul ei a fost neașteptat.
Brug: formal/informalSammenhæng: Used in both formal and informal communication, such as emails, conversations, or surveys.
Bemærk: This is the most common meaning and can refer to any reply or answer given to a question or request.
His response to the news was surprising.
Reacția lui la veste a fost surprinzătoare.
The team's response to the challenge was commendable.
Reacția echipei la provocare a fost lăudabilă.
Brug: informalSammenhæng: Often used in everyday conversation, particularly when discussing feelings or behaviors in reaction to events.
Bemærk: This meaning emphasizes an emotional or behavioral reaction rather than a verbal reply.
Răspuns (în context științific sau tehnic)
The response of the system to the input was measured.
Răspunsul sistemului la intrare a fost măsurat.
We need to analyze the response of the material under stress.
Trebuie să analizăm răspunsul materialului sub stres.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Used in scientific, technical, or academic contexts to describe how a system reacts to stimuli.
Bemærk: This meaning is more specialized and is commonly used in fields like physics, engineering, and biology.
Răspuns (la o întrebare sau solicitare)
Please provide a response to the survey questions.
Te rog să oferi un răspuns la întrebările din sondaj.
The response required for this task is detailed.
Răspunsul necesar pentru această sarcină este detaliat.
Brug: formal/informalSammenhæng: Applicable in contexts where feedback or answers are requested, such as surveys, quizzes, or interviews.
Bemærk: This usage emphasizes the act of providing information or answers in response to specific prompts.
Synonymer for Response
A reply is a specific and direct answer or response to a question, request, or message.
Eksempel: He replied to her email promptly.
Bemærk: Reply is often used in the context of communication and implies a direct answer or reaction to something.
An answer is a response to a question, problem, or situation that provides information or a solution.
Eksempel: She gave a detailed answer to the interviewer's question.
Bemærk: Answer is commonly used in the context of questions or problems that require a specific solution or information.
A reaction is a response to a stimulus or situation, often indicating feelings or emotions.
Eksempel: His reaction to the news was one of surprise.
Bemærk: Reaction focuses more on the emotional or physical response to a stimulus rather than a verbal or written reply.
Feedback is information or comments given in response to a performance, task, or product.
Eksempel: The teacher provided feedback on the student's essay.
Bemærk: Feedback is often used in the context of evaluations or assessments, providing constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.
A retort is a quick, sharp, or witty reply to a remark or criticism.
Eksempel: She made a sharp retort to his sarcastic comment.
Bemærk: Retort implies a quick and often clever response, especially in a conversation or argument.
Responses udtryk og almindelige sætninger
In response to
This phrase is used to indicate that an action is done as a reaction or reply to something.
Eksempel: She sent a thank you card in response to the thoughtful gift.
Bemærk: While 'response' refers to a reaction or reply, 'in response to' specifically highlights the action taken as a reaction.
Prompt response
Refers to a quick or immediate reply or reaction to a request or question.
Eksempel: We appreciate your prompt response to our inquiry.
Bemærk: Unlike 'response' which can be timely or delayed, 'prompt response' stresses the quickness of the reply.
Response time
The amount of time taken to reply or react to a situation, often used in customer service contexts.
Eksempel: The company boasts a fast response time to customer complaints.
Bemærk: Unlike 'response' which is the actual reply, 'response time' focuses on the duration taken to provide a reply.
Automatic response
A pre-prepared or automated reply sent in acknowledgment of receiving a message or request.
Eksempel: An automatic response email was sent confirming the submission of the form.
Bemærk: While 'response' can be manual or automated, 'automatic response' specifically refers to pre-set replies.
Mixed response
Refers to a variety of reactions or feedback, including both positive and negative responses.
Eksempel: The new policy received a mixed response from employees, with some in favor and others against it.
Bemærk: Unlike 'response' which is a singular reaction, 'mixed response' indicates a combination of different reactions.
Elicit a response
To provoke or draw out a reaction or reply from someone.
Eksempel: The speech was designed to elicit a strong emotional response from the audience.
Bemærk: While 'response' is the reaction itself, 'elicit a response' focuses on the action of evoking that reaction.
Silent response
An indication of agreement, disagreement, or understanding conveyed without words.
Eksempel: His only response was a silent nod, indicating his agreement.
Bemærk: Contrary to 'response' which typically involves words or actions, 'silent response' refers to non-verbal communication.
Responses dagligdags (slang) udtryk
To react is to respond to a situation, event, or stimulus usually with emotions or actions.
Eksempel: I wonder how he will react when he hears the news.
Bemærk: React focuses more on the emotional or behavioral response rather than just providing an answer.
Backlash refers to a strong negative reaction or response to something, often public or widespread.
Eksempel: The new policy faced immediate backlash from customers.
Bemærk: Backlash denotes a negative or adverse response, unlike a neutral or positive response implied by 'response.'
A critique is a detailed analysis or evaluation of something, often involving strengths and weaknesses.
Eksempel: She gave me a detailed critique of my presentation.
Bemærk: A critique offers a more analytical and evaluative response compared to a general 'response.'
Opinion refers to a personal belief, viewpoint, or judgment in response to a topic or issue.
Eksempel: Everyone has a different opinion on this matter.
Bemærk: Opinion is subjective and reflects personal thoughts, differing from a factual or objective response.
Counter refers to a response or argument made in opposition to another statement.
Eksempel: His quick counter to her argument left her speechless.
Bemærk: Counter implies a direct contradiction or opposition, distinguishing it from a simple 'response.'
Response - Eksempler
Be the first and leave a response.
Fii primul și lasă un răspuns.
The response was encouraging.
Răspunsul a fost încurajator.
Unknown response from the server.
Răspuns necunoscut de la server.
His first response seemed somewhat defensive.
Primul său răspuns părea oarecum defensiv.
Responses grammatik
Response - Navneord (Noun) / Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass)
Opslagsform: response
Substantiv, flertal (Noun, plural): responses, response
Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): response
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
Response indeholder 2 stavelser: re • sponse
Fonetisk transkription: ri-ˈspän(t)s
re sponse , ri ˈspän(t)s (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)
Response - Betydning og brugsfrekvens
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
Response: 700 - 800 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.