Engelsk - Russisk
Ekstremt Almindelig
700 - 800
700 - 800
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
архив, архивировать, архивный
Betydninger af Archive på russisk
I need to access the archives for the report.
Мне нужно получить доступ к архиву для отчета.
The documents are stored in the archive.
Документы хранятся в архиве.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Used in contexts related to data storage, historical records, and official documents.
Bemærk: The term 'архив' can refer to a physical location where documents are stored, as well as digital archives.
We need to archive these files for future reference.
Нам нужно архивировать эти файлы для будущего использования.
The company decided to archive old emails.
Компания решила архивировать старые электронные письма.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Used in contexts referring to the action of storing data or documents for long-term retention.
Bemærk: The verb 'архивировать' is commonly used in IT and office environments.
They found some archival footage from the 1980s.
Они нашли архивные кадры из 1980-х годов.
The archival material is essential for research.
Архивные материалы важны для исследования.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: Used to describe materials or resources that are stored in an archive.
Bemærk: The adjective 'архивный' describes items pertaining to archives, often used in historical or research contexts.
Synonymer for Archive
A repository is a place where things are stored or deposited for safekeeping or preservation.
Eksempel: The university library serves as a repository for historical documents and manuscripts.
Bemærk: Repository often refers to a place where various types of items are stored, while an archive typically focuses on records or documents.
A collection is a group of items gathered together, usually for study, preservation, or display.
Eksempel: The museum boasts an impressive collection of ancient artifacts.
Bemærk: While an archive specifically refers to a collection of historical records or documents, a collection can encompass a wider variety of objects.
A vault is a secure room or compartment, typically used for storing valuable items or important records.
Eksempel: The bank's vault houses valuable documents and assets.
Bemærk: Vault emphasizes the secure and protected nature of the storage space, often associated with valuables or sensitive information.
Archives udtryk og almindelige sætninger
Archive something
To archive something means to store it in a place for future reference or safekeeping, typically to remove it from the current active location.
Eksempel: I need to archive these old emails to free up space in my inbox.
Bemærk: The original word 'archive' refers to a collection of historical documents or records, while 'archive something' refers to the action of storing something for later use.
Archived files
Archived files are documents or data that have been stored in a designated location separate from active files for backup or reference purposes.
Eksempel: I found some important documents in the archived files on my computer.
Bemærk: While 'archive' denotes the concept of historical records, 'archived files' specifically refers to stored documents or data.
Archive footage
Archive footage refers to video or film material that is stored for later use, often used in documentaries or historical productions.
Eksempel: The documentary included archive footage from the 1960s to illustrate the historical context.
Bemærk: In this context, 'archive footage' refers to stored video material, whereas 'archive' alone refers to a collection of records or documents.
Archive system
An archive system is a structured method or software used to manage and store documents or data for efficient retrieval and long-term preservation.
Eksempel: Our company implemented a new archive system to better organize and access old documents.
Bemærk: While 'archive' generally denotes a collection of records, 'archive system' refers to a structured system for managing and storing such records.
Archive material
Archive material refers to documents, photographs, or other historical records that are preserved for research or reference purposes.
Eksempel: The library holds a vast collection of archive material on local history.
Bemærk: Unlike the broader term 'archive,' which encompasses all stored records, 'archive material' specifically refers to the tangible items within an archive.
Archive storage
Archive storage refers to a dedicated space or facility used for storing and preserving documents, records, or data for long-term retention.
Eksempel: We rented a storage unit for archive storage of our business documents.
Bemærk: While 'archive' generally implies the concept of storage, 'archive storage' specifically refers to the physical or digital space where archives are kept.
Archive manager
An archive manager is a person responsible for the curation, preservation, and accessibility of archival materials within an institution or organization.
Eksempel: The archive manager oversees the organization and maintenance of historical records in the museum's collection.
Bemærk: While 'archive' refers to the collection itself, 'archive manager' specifically denotes the individual tasked with managing and maintaining those archives.
Archives dagligdags (slang) udtryk
Catch dust
This slang term implies that something is not being used or accessed regularly, similar to how dust accumulates on neglected items.
Eksempel: Those old records are just catching dust in the archive room.
Bemærk: It conveys a more casual and colloquial tone compared to the neutral term 'stored in the archive.'
Time capsule
This term refers to a collection of items or information stored for a particular time period, akin to a time capsule that preserves memories or relics.
Eksempel: Opening that box felt like stepping into a time capsule of our school's history.
Bemærk: It adds a nostalgic or historical element compared to the standard term 'archived materials.'
Memory lane
This slang expression refers to revisiting past memories or experiences, often evoked by looking at old items or records.
Eksempel: Sorting through these vintage photographs really takes me down memory lane.
Bemærk: It conveys a sense of personal nostalgia or emotional connection, contrasting with the formal term 'archived memories.'
Dusty files
This term indicates old or outdated records, sometimes neglected or forgotten, with a metaphorical reference to physical dust accumulation.
Eksempel: I found some dusty files at the back of the archive room that date back to the '80s.
Bemærk: It carries a more informal and descriptive tone compared to the standard phrase 'aged documents in the archive.'
Backlog treasures
This term suggests valuable or significant items that have been overlooked or piled up over time, waiting to be uncovered.
Eksempel: Unearthing these backlog treasures from the archives feels like discovering buried treasure.
Bemærk: It conveys a sense of excitement and discovery, contrasting with the conventional term 'archived backlog items.'
Collecting webs
This slang term implies that something has been static or untouched for a long time, likening its appearance to spiderwebs.
Eksempel: The old books in the archive room look like they've been collecting webs for years.
Bemærk: It adds a visual and descriptive element, conveying neglect or disuse, in contrast to the standard term 'archived collection.'
History trove
This term refers to a rich or extensive collection of historical information or artifacts, reminiscent of a treasure trove.
Eksempel: Exploring the archive feels like delving into a hidden history trove of our ancestors.
Bemærk: It evokes the idea of uncovering valuable historical gems, offering a more engaging and vivid description than 'preserved historical records.'
Archive - Eksempler
The archive contains historical documents dating back to the 18th century.
Архив содержит исторические документы, датируемые 18 веком.
The company's archive is located in a secure facility.
Архив компании расположен в защищенном помещении.
The museum's archive is open to researchers by appointment only.
Архив музея открыт для исследователей только по записи.
Archives grammatik
Archive - Navneord (Noun) / Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass)
Opslagsform: archive
Substantiv, flertal (Noun, plural): archives
Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): archive
Verbum, datid (Verb, past tense): archived
Verbum, gerundium eller præsens participium (Verb, gerund or present participle): archiving
Verbum, 3. person ental nutid (Verb, 3rd person singular present): archives
Verbum, grundform (Verb, base form): archive
Verbum, nutid ikke 3. person ental (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): archive
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
archive indeholder 2 stavelser: ar • chive
Fonetisk transkription: ˈär-ˌkīv
ar chive , ˈär ˌkīv (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)
Archive - Betydning og brugsfrekvens
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
archive: 700 - 800 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.