Ekstremt Almindelig
700 - 800
700 - 800
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Legal -
Related to the law or legal matters
Eksempel: It is illegal to drive without a valid license.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: legal documents, discussions, or proceedings
Bemærk: Commonly used in legal contexts to refer to actions or situations that comply with the law.
Permitted by law; within the law
Eksempel: The contract is legally binding once signed by both parties.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: business agreements, contracts, or regulations
Bemærk: Indicates that something is done in accordance with the law and is enforceable by legal authority.
Conforming to or recognized by law
Eksempel: The will was declared legal by the court.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: court proceedings, legal decisions
Bemærk: Refers to actions or documents that have been formally approved or accepted by the legal system.
In accordance with established rules or principles
Eksempel: The company's actions were legal but unethical.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: ethical discussions, compliance
Bemærk: May be used to distinguish between what is permissible by law and what is morally acceptable.
Synonymer for Legal
Lawful means permitted by law or conforming to the law.
Eksempel: The contract is lawful and binding.
Bemærk: Lawful is more focused on being in accordance with the law rather than the broader concept of legality.
Legitimate means conforming to the law or rules.
Eksempel: He had a legitimate claim to the inheritance.
Bemærk: Legitimate often implies a sense of being valid or justified in addition to being legal.
Valid means legally acceptable or binding.
Eksempel: The contract is valid until the end of the year.
Bemærk: Valid emphasizes the idea of meeting the requirements or standards set by law or authority.
Authorized means having official permission or approval.
Eksempel: Only authorized personnel are allowed in this area.
Bemærk: Authorized specifically refers to having the proper permission or approval to do something.
Legals udtryk og almindelige sætninger
Legal system
Refers to the framework of laws, rules, and processes that govern a society.
Eksempel: Understanding the legal system is crucial for anyone working in the field of law.
Bemærk: Focuses on the organized structure of laws rather than the concept of legality itself.
Legal advice
Counsel or guidance provided by a legal expert regarding laws, rights, and responsibilities.
Eksempel: Before signing the contract, it's advisable to seek legal advice from a professional.
Bemærk: Specifically pertains to guidance given by legal professionals rather than the broader concept of legality.
Legal rights
Entitlements and freedoms guaranteed by law to individuals or groups.
Eksempel: All citizens have legal rights that protect them from discrimination.
Bemærk: Focuses on the entitlements granted by law to individuals rather than the general concept of legality.
Legal documents
Written records that embody laws, contracts, deeds, or other legal matters.
Eksempel: Please review and sign the legal documents before proceeding with the transaction.
Bemærk: Refers to physical or digital records that contain legal information rather than the legality itself.
Legal proceedings
The sequence of actions and events that take place in a court of law to resolve a legal dispute.
Eksempel: The legal proceedings in the court case lasted for several months.
Bemærk: Focuses on the process and steps involved in resolving legal matters rather than the concept of legality.
Legal obligations
Duties or responsibilities that individuals or organizations are required to fulfill under the law.
Eksempel: As a business owner, you have legal obligations to ensure workplace safety for your employees.
Bemærk: Refers to the specific duties mandated by law rather than the broader concept of legality.
Legal framework
The structure of laws and regulations that provide the basis for legal systems.
Eksempel: The legal framework for intellectual property rights varies from country to country.
Bemærk: Focuses on the underlying structure and principles of laws rather than the concept of legality itself.
Legal compliance
Adhering to and following the laws and regulations set by the governing authority.
Eksempel: Companies must ensure legal compliance with data protection regulations.
Bemærk: Specifically relates to conforming to legal requirements rather than the more general concept of legality.
Legal terminology
Specialized vocabulary and language used within the legal field.
Eksempel: Law students need to familiarize themselves with legal terminology to understand court cases.
Bemærk: Refers to the specific vocabulary and language used in legal contexts rather than the concept of legality itself.
Legals dagligdags (slang) udtryk
Legit is a slang term used to describe something that is genuine, authentic, or truly good.
Eksempel: That concert was amazing, the band was so good - it was legit!
Bemærk: Legit is a shortened form of the word 'legitimate'. It is less formal and often used in casual conversation.
Above board
Above board means to be honest, legal, or legitimate in one's actions.
Eksempel: Don't worry, everything we're doing is above board - we're not breaking any rules.
Bemærk: Above board originally referred to games where the hands or pieces on the board were above the table, ensuring fair play. It now generally means being transparent and lawful.
Off the books
Off the books means something that is not recorded or reported officially.
Eksempel: We can pay you off the books if you prefer cash instead of a check.
Bemærk: Off the books implies that the transaction is not part of official records or accounts, often used for under-the-table payments.
On the level
On the level means being honest, truthful, or straightforward.
Eksempel: I promise, everything I'm telling you is on the level - no lies.
Bemærk: On the level originally referred to building trades, meaning something is flat or even. In slang, it indicates being trustworthy and sincere.
Straight and narrow
Straight and narrow refers to the morally correct and law-abiding path.
Eksempel: After getting out of jail, he knew he had to stay on the straight and narrow to avoid trouble.
Bemærk: Straight and narrow suggests staying on a righteous and lawful path, often used in the context of someone trying to avoid illegal or unethical behavior.
Square is a term used to describe someone who is conventional, straight-laced, or old-fashioned.
Eksempel: He's a bit too square for our group - he follows all the rules and never takes risks.
Bemærk: Square originally meant someone whose values were considered traditional or conservative. It implies being conformist and unadventurous.
Copacetic means everything is in order, satisfactory, or going well.
Eksempel: As long as you follow the rules, everything will be copacetic with us.
Bemærk: Copacetic originated in African American Vernacular English and means feeling good or being in excellent order. It suggests harmony and smooth operation.
Legal - Eksempler
The company's legal team is reviewing the contract.
It is important to always act within the bounds of the law.
The court ruled that the defendant's actions were not considered legal.
Legals grammatik
Legal - Adjektiv (Adjective) / Adjektiv (Adjective)
Opslagsform: legal
Adjektiv (Adjective): legal
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
legal indeholder 2 stavelser: le • gal
Fonetisk transkription: ˈlē-gəl
le gal , ˈlē gəl (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)
Legal - Betydning og brugsfrekvens
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
legal: 700 - 800 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.