Ekstremt Almindelig
100 - 200
100 - 200
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000. Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.
Thing -
Physical object or entity
Eksempel: Can you pass me that thing on the table?
Brug: informalSammenhæng: everyday conversations
Bemærk: One of the most common uses of 'thing' to refer to objects or items.
Concept or idea
Eksempel: The important thing is to stay positive.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: academic or professional settings
Bemærk: Used to refer to abstract concepts or thoughts rather than tangible objects.
Event or situation
Eksempel: The whole thing was a disaster.
Brug: informalSammenhæng: casual conversations
Bemærk: Often used to describe a particular event or situation.
Activity or action
Eksempel: One thing you can do is to exercise regularly.
Brug: formalSammenhæng: professional advice or instructions
Bemærk: Used to suggest a course of action or give advice.
Synonymer for Thing
An individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set.
Eksempel: She picked up each item carefully.
Bemærk: Item is often used in a more formal or specific context than 'thing'.
A material thing that can be seen and touched.
Eksempel: The object on the table caught her attention.
Bemærk: Object is typically used to refer to something tangible or physical.
A particular item or object, typically one of a specified type.
Eksempel: He read an interesting article about space exploration.
Bemærk: Article is commonly used to refer to a specific written piece or physical object.
Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit.
Eksempel: The company is a legal entity.
Bemærk: Entity is often used in a more formal or abstract sense compared to 'thing'.
A component or part of a larger whole.
Eksempel: Respect is an essential element of a healthy relationship.
Bemærk: Element is used to describe a fundamental or essential part of something.
Things udtryk og almindelige sætninger
The real deal
Refers to something that is genuine, authentic, or of high quality.
Eksempel: I thought the new restaurant wouldn't be good, but it turned out to be the real deal.
Bemærk: While 'thing' is a general term, 'the real deal' adds emphasis on authenticity or quality.
The next best thing
Refers to something that is not the best, but a good alternative or option.
Eksempel: Since I couldn't afford the latest model, I settled for the next best thing.
Bemærk: Contrasts the idea of being the best with being a satisfactory alternative.
In the grand scheme of things
Considers a larger perspective or viewpoint, often minimizing the significance of a specific event or issue.
Eksempel: Missing one deadline isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Bemærk: Shifts focus from a specific 'thing' to the broader context or perspective.
One of those things
Refers to something inexplicable or unavoidable that occurs.
Eksempel: I can't explain why it happened; it's just one of those things.
Bemærk: Indicates a situation that doesn't have a clear reason, rather than a specific 'thing'.
The last thing
Refers to something undesirable or unwanted.
Eksempel: The last thing I want is to cause any trouble.
Bemærk: Highlights the negative connotation of the 'thing' being discussed.
Do the right thing
Refers to acting ethically or morally in a given situation.
Eksempel: Even if it's difficult, you should always strive to do the right thing.
Bemærk: Emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior over a generic 'thing'.
First things first
Means to focus on the most important or urgent matters before anything else.
Eksempel: Let's prioritize and deal with the urgent tasks first, so first things first.
Bemærk: Emphasizes the order or priority of 'things' to be addressed.
A thing of the past
Refers to something that used to be common or relevant but is now outdated or no longer practiced.
Eksempel: Using typewriters is now a thing of the past with the advancement of technology.
Bemærk: Highlights the historical or outdated nature of the 'thing' being discussed.
Things dagligdags (slang) udtryk
Used when one can't remember or doesn't know the name of an object.
Eksempel: Could you pass me that thingamajig over there?
Bemærk: Slang term used when the actual name of something is unknown or forgotten.
A term used to refer to something when its name is forgotten or deemed unimportant.
Eksempel: I need to fix the whatsit on my car before I can drive it again.
Bemærk: Casual way of referring to an object or item without specifying its exact name.
A placeholder term used for an object when you can't recall its name.
Eksempel: Can you hand me the thingamabob on the table?
Bemærk: Informal term used to describe an object without specificity.
Used to refer to something when you are unsure of its name or don't want to specify.
Eksempel: I need to pick up a whatchamacallit from the store for the party.
Bemærk: Common slang term for an object when its name is unknown or irrelevant in context.
A term for an object when the exact name or purpose is unknown or unimportant.
Eksempel: I found this doodad in the drawer, but I have no idea what it's for.
Bemærk: Informal term used to describe an object in a vague or uncertain manner.
A slang term for a gadget, device, or item whose name is not specified or relevant.
Eksempel: The gizmo on my phone stopped working, so I can't access some features.
Bemærk: Colloquial term used to describe a device or mechanism in a general or unspecified manner.
A term for an object or device when its exact name is unknown or unimportant.
Eksempel: I need to tighten the doohickey on this machine to make it work properly.
Bemærk: Informal slang term used to refer to an object without specifying its exact identity.
Thing - Eksempler
I have a thing for chocolate.
She lost her favorite thing.
He bought a new thing for his car.
I need to find a place for this thing.
Things grammatik
Thing - Navneord (Noun) / Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass)
Opslagsform: thing
Substantiv, flertal (Noun, plural): things, thing
Substantiv, ental eller masse (Noun, singular or mass): thing
Stavelser, Opdeling og Betoning
Thing indeholder 1 stavelser: thing
Fonetisk transkription: ˈthiŋ
thing , ˈthiŋ (Den røde stavelse er trykbetonet)
Thing - Betydning og brugsfrekvens
Ordfrekvens- og betydningsindekset angiver, hvor ofte et ord optræder i et givet sprog. Jo mindre tallet er, jo oftere bruges ordet. De mest anvendte ord spænder typisk fra cirka 1 til 4000.
Thing: 100 - 200 (Ekstremt Almindelig).
Dette vigtighedsindeks hjælper dig med at fokusere på de mest nyttige ord under din sprogindlæringsproces.