Englisch - Deutsch
Extrem Häufig
500 - 600
500 - 600
Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.

Kunst, Kunstfertigkeit, Kunstwerk, Kunstfertigkeiten, Kunststück

Bedeutungen von Art auf Deutsch

Das Wort „Art“ wird im alltäglichen Englisch in verschiedenen Kontexten verwendet und hat mehrere Bedeutungen. Es kann sich auf kreative Ausdrucksformen beziehen, wie Malerei, Musik, Tanz oder Literatur. In diesem Sinne wird es häufig in kulturellen Diskussionen oder in der Kunstszene verwendet. Beispiele sind:

  • „She is studying fine arts at university.“ (Sie studiert Bildende Kunst an der Universität.)
  • „The art of storytelling is important in many cultures.“ (Die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens ist in vielen Kulturen wichtig.)

„Art“ kann auch im Sinne von „Art und Weise“ oder „Methode“ verwendet werden. In diesem Kontext wird es oft in alltäglichen Gesprächen verwendet. Beispiele sind:

  • „What is the best art to solve this problem?“ (Was ist die beste Art, dieses Problem zu lösen?)
  • „He has a unique art of communication.“ (Er hat eine einzigartige Art der Kommunikation.)

Das Wort wird sowohl in formellen als auch in informellen Kontexten verwendet. In der Kunstszene ist es oft formell, während es in alltäglichen Gesprächen informell sein kann.

Häufige Phrasen und Ausdrücke, die „art“ enthalten, sind:

  • „Art and craft“ (Kunst und Handwerk)
  • „A work of art“ (Ein Kunstwerk)
  • „The art of negotiation“ (Die Kunst der Verhandlung)

Mögliche Fehler beim Gebrauch des Wortes „art“ sind Verwechslungen mit ähnlichen Begriffen wie „craft“ (Handwerk) oder „skill“ (Fähigkeit). „Art“ bezieht sich auf kreative Ausdrucksformen, während „craft“ mehr auf handwerkliche Fähigkeiten hinweist.

Verwandte Wörter sind:

  • Synonyme: „craft“, „skill“, „creativity“ (Kreativität)
  • Antonyme: „inartistry“ (Unkunst), „clumsiness“ (Unbeholfenheit)

Die Aussprache von „art“ ist /ɑːrt/ im amerikanischen Englisch und /ɑːt/ im britischen Englisch, wobei der Laut „r“ in britischen Dialekten oft weniger betont wird.

In Bezug auf Grammatik wird „art“ als Substantiv verwendet und kann sowohl zählbar als auch unzählbar sein, abhängig vom Kontext.

Etymologisch stammt das Wort „art“ vom lateinischen „ars“, was „Fähigkeit“ oder „Kunst“ bedeutet.

Bedeutungen von Art auf Deutsch


She studied art history in college.
Sie hat Kunstgeschichte an der Universität studiert.
Art has the power to evoke strong emotions.
Kunst hat die Kraft, starke Emotionen hervorzurufen.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Academic, cultural discussions
Notiz: Refers to various forms of creative expression such as painting, sculpture, music, etc.


Her art in cooking is well-known among her friends.
Ihre Kunst beim Kochen ist unter ihren Freunden bekannt.
The art of negotiation is a valuable skill in business.
Die Kunst der Verhandlung ist eine wertvolle Fähigkeit im Geschäftsbereich.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Skill, expertise in a particular activity
Notiz: Refers to the skill or mastery in performing a specific task or activity.


The museum displayed a new art piece by a local artist.
Das Museum stellte ein neues Kunstwerk eines lokalen Künstlers aus.
She purchased a beautiful art piece for her living room.
Sie kaufte ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk für ihr Wohnzimmer.
Verwendung: formalKontext: A specific work of art
Notiz: Refers to a singular piece of creative work, such as a painting, sculpture, etc., usually created by an artist.


He demonstrated his art in woodworking by crafting a beautiful table.
Er zeigte seine Kunstfertigkeiten in der Holzbearbeitung, indem er einen wunderschönen Tisch anfertigte.
The artisan's artistry in jewelry-making is renowned.
Die Kunstfertigkeit des Handwerkers in der Schmuckherstellung ist bekannt.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Skill, craftsmanship in a specific area
Notiz: Refers to the skillful and artistic execution of a craft or trade, showcasing mastery and creativity in a specific field.


It was quite an art to juggle five balls at once.
Es war eine wahre Kunst, fünf Bälle gleichzeitig zu jonglieren.
The gymnast performed a difficult art at the competition.
Der Turner führte bei dem Wettkampf ein schwieriges Kunststück vor.
Verwendung: formalKontext: A remarkable or skillful feat
Notiz: Refers to a remarkable or difficult feat that requires skill and dexterity to accomplish.

Synonyme von Art

fine art

Fine art refers to creative works, such as painting, sculpture, and architecture, that are primarily intended for aesthetic appreciation.
Beispiel: She studied fine art at university.
Notiz: Fine art specifically focuses on visual arts created for their beauty and emotional power.


Craftsmanship refers to the quality of design and work shown in something made by hand.
Beispiel: The craftsmanship of this piece of furniture is exceptional.
Notiz: Craftsmanship emphasizes the skill and quality of workmanship in creating an object.


Creativity is the ability to use imagination and original ideas to create something new or to solve problems.
Beispiel: Her creativity knows no bounds when it comes to painting.
Notiz: Creativity focuses on the act of generating new and unique ideas or expressions.


Skill refers to the ability to do something well, usually gained through training or experience.
Beispiel: His skill in photography is evident in every shot he takes.
Notiz: Skill emphasizes proficiency and expertise in performing a particular task or activity.


Expression refers to the conveying of thoughts, feelings, or ideas through words, actions, or artistic creations.
Beispiel: The painting is a beautiful expression of the artist's emotions.
Notiz: Expression focuses on communicating ideas or emotions through various forms of art or communication.

Ausdrücke und gängige Wendungen von Art

A work of art

This phrase is used to describe something that is exceptionally well-crafted, beautiful, or skillfully created.
Beispiel: Her painting is truly a work of art, with its intricate details and vibrant colors.
Notiz: The phrase 'a work of art' refers to a specific piece or creation, while 'art' itself is a more general term encompassing various forms of creative expression.

Artistic license

This phrase refers to the freedom or liberty that artists, writers, or creators take in deviating from reality or accuracy for creative purposes.
Beispiel: The filmmaker took some artistic license in portraying historical events for the sake of storytelling.
Notiz: While 'art' can refer to the broader concept of creativity, 'artistic license' specifically pertains to the liberties taken within the creative process.

Art for art's sake

This phrase emphasizes creating art purely for the intrinsic value and enjoyment of the creative process, rather than for external rewards or purposes.
Beispiel: She creates purely for art's sake, without any concern for commercial success.
Notiz: It highlights the idea of creating art for its own sake, rather than for any utilitarian or practical reasons.

Starving artist

This expression refers to an artist who struggles financially or lives in poverty due to their dedication to their art and often lack of commercial success.
Beispiel: He's been living like a starving artist in a tiny studio apartment, dedicated to his craft.
Notiz: While 'artist' refers to a person who creates art, 'starving artist' specifically conveys the financial hardships commonly associated with pursuing art.

Art of war

This phrase refers to the strategic or skillful approach to warfare or conflict, often used metaphorically in business or other competitive contexts.
Beispiel: Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' is a classic treatise on military strategy and tactics.
Notiz: It focuses on the strategic aspect of conflict or competition, whereas 'art' in a general sense pertains to various forms of creative expression.

Art imitates life

This phrase suggests that art often mirrors or reflects the realities of human experiences, emotions, and society.
Beispiel: The novel's characters and plot reflect real-life situations and personalities, showing how art imitates life.
Notiz: It highlights the relationship between art and reality, illustrating how art can capture and represent aspects of life.

State of the art

This phrase describes something that is at the forefront of innovation, using the latest and most advanced techniques or technology.
Beispiel: Their new facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for research and development.
Notiz: While 'art' typically refers to creative expression, 'state of the art' emphasizes cutting-edge advancements and technological superiority.

Arts alltägliche (Slang-)Ausdrücke


Arty is used to describe something that is related to or characteristic of the arts, especially in an unconventional or imaginative way.
Beispiel: She's into arty stuff like abstract paintings and avant-garde films.
Notiz: The slang term 'arty' is a more casual and colloquial way of referring to something artistic or related to the arts compared to simply using 'art'.


Artsy-fartsy is a humorous and slightly derogatory term used to describe something that is overly pretentious or affected in an artistic way.
Beispiel: Some people find her taste in home decor a bit too artsy-fartsy for their liking.
Notiz: The term 'artsy-fartsy' adds a playful and mocking tone compared to the more neutral term 'artistic'.

Artistic flair

Artistic flair refers to a distinctive and stylish quality or skill in creating or presenting art.
Beispiel: His designs always have that artistic flair that sets them apart from others.
Notiz: While 'artistic flair' carries a sense of creativity and talent, it is more specific and focused than the general term 'art'.

Art buff

An art buff is a person who is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about art.
Beispiel: She's a real art buff, always visiting galleries and museums on the weekends.
Notiz: The term 'art buff' emphasizes a strong interest and passion for art, going beyond just being a casual admirer.

Art junkie

An art junkie is someone who is addicted to or can't get enough of art in various forms.
Beispiel: As an art junkie, he can spend hours browsing through art magazines and online galleries.
Notiz: Compared to 'art lover' or 'art enthusiast', 'art junkie' implies a deeper obsession or insatiable craving for art.

Art scene

The art scene refers to the collective environment or community of artists, galleries, events, and activities in a particular area.
Beispiel: She's deeply immersed in the local art scene, attending exhibitions and supporting emerging artists.
Notiz: The term 'art scene' encompasses the social aspect and interconnectedness of the art world, distinguishing it from the more solitary connotation of 'art'.

Art house

Art house refers to a movie theater or cinema that primarily shows independent, foreign, or experimental films that are often more artistically driven than commercially mainstream.
Beispiel: Their films are known for their unconventional style and thought-provoking narratives, catering to the art house audience.
Notiz: The term 'art house' specifically denotes a type of cinema or film category, differentiating it from the broader term 'art'.

Art - Beispiele

Art is a form of expression that transcends language barriers.
Kunst ist eine Form des Ausdrucks, die Sprachbarrieren überwindet.
She has a talent for creating beautiful art.
Sie hat ein Talent dafür, schöne Kunst zu schaffen.
The museum has a vast collection of contemporary art.
Das Museum hat eine umfangreiche Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst.

Grammatik von Art

Art - Substantiv (Noun) / Substantiv, Singular oder Masse (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemma: art
Substantiv, Plural (Noun, plural): arts, art
Substantiv, Singular oder Masse (Noun, singular or mass): art
Silben, Trennung und Betonung
art enthält 1 Silben: art
Phonetische Transkription: ˈärt
art , ˈärt (Die rote Silbe ist betont)

Art - Bedeutung und Nutzungsrate

Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000.
art: 500 - 600 (Extrem Häufig).
Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
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