Englisch - Deutsch
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Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.

waren, wäre, ware

Bedeutungen von Were auf Deutsch

Das Wort „were“ ist die Vergangenheitsform des Verbs „to be“ im Englischen. Es wird in verschiedenen Kontexten verwendet und ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der englischen Grammatik.


  1. Vergangenheit: „Were“ wird verwendet, um den Zustand oder die Handlung in der Vergangenheit auszudrücken.

    • Beispiel: „They were happy.“ (Sie waren glücklich.)
    • Beispiel: „We were at the party last night.“ (Wir waren gestern Abend auf der Party.)
  2. Hypothetische Situationen: Es wird oft in hypothetischen oder irrealen Bedingungen verwendet, insbesondere in der zweiten Bedingung.

    • Beispiel: „If I were you, I would study more.“ (Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich mehr lernen.)
  3. Fragen und Verneinungen: „Were“ wird in Fragen und negativen Sätzen verwendet.

    • Beispiel: „Were you at the meeting?“ (Warst du bei der Besprechung?)
    • Beispiel: „They were not (weren't) ready.“ (Sie waren nicht bereit.)

Häufige Phrasen und Ausdrücke

  • „As if I were…“ (Als ob ich… wäre)
  • „I wish I were…“ (Ich wünschte, ich wäre…)
  • „If they were here…“ (Wenn sie hier wären…)

Kontext der Verwendung

„Were“ wird in informellen und formellen Kontexten verwendet. In der Schriftsprache und in formellen Gesprächen ist die korrekte Verwendung von „were“ besonders wichtig, um grammatikalische Genauigkeit zu gewährleisten.

Häufige Fehler

Ein häufiger Fehler besteht darin, „was“ anstelle von „were“ zu verwenden. Dies geschieht oft bei der Verwendung der ersten Person Singular (I) und der dritten Person Singular (he, she, it), wo „was“ korrekt ist.

  • Falsch: „I were happy.“
  • Richtig: „I was happy.“

Verwandte Wörter

  • Synonyme: „was“ (für die erste und dritte Person Singular), „are“ (Gegenwart)
  • Antonyme: „are“ (Gegenwart)


Die Aussprache von „were“ ist /wɜːr/ in britischem Englisch und /wɜr/ in amerikanischem Englisch. Die Aussprache kann für deutschsprachige Lernende herausfordernd sein, da der Laut „ɜː“ nicht im Deutschen vorkommt.

Grammatik und Etymologie

„Were“ ist die Vergangenheitsform des Verbs „to be“ für die zweite Person Singular und alle Personen im Plural. Es stammt aus dem Altenglischen „wēron“, das die Vergangenheitsform von „beon“ war.

Bedeutungen von Were auf Deutsch


They were at the party last night.
Sie waren gestern Abend auf der Party.
We were friends in high school.
Wir waren in der Schule Freunde.
Verwendung: formal/informalKontext: General conversation, describing past events
Notiz: Used to indicate the past tense of 'to be' in the plural form.


If I were you, I would go.
Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich gehen.
He wishes he were taller.
Er wünscht, er wäre größer.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Conditional statements, expressing hypothetical situations
Notiz: Used in the subjunctive mood to express unreal or hypothetical conditions.


These were his favorite books.
Das waren seine Lieblingsbücher.
Those were the days.
Das waren noch Zeiten.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Describing something that previously existed or was true
Notiz: Used as a demonstrative pronoun to refer to things in the past.

Synonyme von Were


The past tense form of 'to be', used to indicate a state or condition in the past.
Beispiel: She was tired after a long day at work.
Notiz: Both 'were' and 'was' are past tense forms of 'to be', but 'was' is used with singular subjects while 'were' is used with plural subjects.

Had been

The past perfect tense of 'to be', used to indicate an action that occurred before a certain point in the past.
Beispiel: They had been waiting for hours before the concert started.
Notiz: While 'were' and 'had been' both refer to past actions, 'had been' specifically indicates an action that started in the past and continued up to a certain point in the past.

Used to be

Describes a past state or situation that was true in the past but is no longer true.
Beispiel: He used to be a professional athlete before his injury.
Notiz: Unlike 'were', 'used to be' implies a change or transition from a previous state to a current state.

Ausdrücke und gängige Wendungen von Were

If I were you

This phrase is used to give advice or make a suggestion to someone.
Beispiel: If I were you, I would apologize to her.
Notiz: The original word 'were' is used for the past tense of 'are', while this phrase is a conditional statement.

We were made for each other

This phrase means two people are perfectly suited for each other.
Beispiel: When we met, it felt like we were made for each other.
Notiz: The original word 'were' is a past tense form of 'are', while this phrase is about compatibility.

What were you thinking?

This phrase is used to express surprise or disapproval at someone's actions.
Beispiel: What were you thinking when you decided to quit your job without a backup plan?
Notiz: The original word 'were' is a past tense form of 'are', while this phrase is a question about one's thoughts or actions.

If it were not for

This phrase is used to acknowledge someone's assistance or contribution.
Beispiel: If it were not for your help, I wouldn't have been able to finish the project on time.
Notiz: The original word 'were' is used for the past tense of 'are', while this phrase introduces a conditional clause.

Were you born in a barn?

This phrase is a humorous way of telling someone to close the door because leaving it open is impolite.
Beispiel: Close the door behind you! Were you born in a barn?
Notiz: The original word 'were' is a past tense form of 'are', while this phrase is a rhetorical question.

You were saying?

This phrase is used to prompt someone to continue or repeat what they were saying.
Beispiel: You were saying something about your new job. Please continue.
Notiz: The original word 'were' is a past tense form of 'are', while this phrase is an invitation to continue a conversation.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride

This phrase means that simply wishing for something won't make it happen; action is needed.
Beispiel: I wish I could afford a new car, but as they say, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Notiz: The original word 'were' is the past tense of 'are', while this phrase is a hypothetical statement.

Weres alltägliche (Slang-)Ausdrücke


A werewolf is a mythical creature that is capable of transforming into a wolf or a humanwolf hybrid.
Beispiel: I love watching movies about werewolves.
Notiz: The term 'werewolf' refers to a fictional creature, distinct from the original word 'were'.


Where is used to ask about the location or place of something or someone.
Beispiel: Where did you go last night?
Notiz: The slang term 'where' retains the basic meaning of the original word 'were'.


Wererabbit combines the concepts of a rabbit and a werewolf, creating a funny mythical creature.
Beispiel: The animation film featured a hilarious were-rabbit character.
Notiz: Similar to 'werewolf', 'wererabbit' is a fictional creation distinct from the original word 'were'.


A contraction of 'were not', used in negative sentences and questions.
Beispiel: You weren't at the party last night, were you?
Notiz: The slang term 'weren't' is a contraction with a specific grammatical usage, different from the base word 'were'.


Welfare refers to governmental or organizational aid provided to individuals in need.
Beispiel: Many families rely on welfare support during tough times.
Notiz: The slang term 'welfare' has evolved to refer to social support systems, distinct from the original word 'were'.

Were - Beispiele

We were at the park yesterday.
Wir waren gestern im Park.
They were happy to see us.
Sie waren glücklich, uns zu sehen.
The books were on the shelf.
Die Bücher waren im Regal.
I wish I were there with you.
Ich wünschte, ich wäre dort bei dir.

Grammatik von Were

Were - Hilfsverb (Auxiliary) / Verb, Vergangenheitsform (Verb, past tense)
Lemma: be
Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form): be
Verb, Vergangenheitsform (Verb, past tense): was, were
Verb, Gerundium oder Partizip Präsens (Verb, gerund or present participle): being
Verb, Partizip Perfekt (Verb, past participle): been
Verb, Präsens nicht 3. Person Singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): am, are
Verb, 3. Person Singular Präsens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): is
Silben, Trennung und Betonung
Were enthält 1 Silben: were
Phonetische Transkription:
were , (Die rote Silbe ist betont)

Were - Bedeutung und Nutzungsrate

Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000.
Were: 0 - 100 (Extrem Häufig).
Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
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