Englisch - Griechisch


Extrem Häufig
600 - 700
600 - 700
Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.

Συμβαίνει, Εμφανίζεται, Υπάρχει, Παρουσιάζεται

Bedeutungen von Occur auf Griechisch


An accident occurred on the highway.
Ένα ατύχημα συνέβη στην εθνική οδό.
When did this event occur?
Πότε συνέβη αυτό το γεγονός;
Verwendung: Formal/InformalKontext: Used in both spoken and written language to indicate that something has happened or taken place.
Notiz: Commonly used in various contexts, including news reports, conversations, and everyday situations.


A thought suddenly occurred to me.
Μια σκέψη μου ήρθε ξαφνικά.
It didn't occur to him to ask for help.
Δεν του ήρθε στο μυαλό να ζητήσει βοήθεια.
Verwendung: InformalKontext: Often used when talking about ideas or realizations that come to mind unexpectedly.
Notiz: This usage highlights moments of insight or awareness.


A solution may occur in the future.
Μια λύση μπορεί να υπάρξει στο μέλλον.
Problems may occur if we don't prepare.
Προβλήματα μπορεί να υπάρξουν αν δεν προετοιμαστούμε.
Verwendung: FormalKontext: Used in more formal discussions or writings, particularly in contexts involving predictions or possibilities.
Notiz: This is often used in scientific or academic contexts.


The phenomenon occurs in nature.
Το φαινόμενο παρουσιάζεται στη φύση.
Such behavior occurs among young children.
Τέτοια συμπεριφορά παρουσιάζεται μεταξύ των μικρών παιδιών.
Verwendung: FormalKontext: Commonly used in scientific, educational, or technical contexts to describe natural or observed events.
Notiz: This meaning emphasizes the manifestation of events or behaviors.

Synonyme von Occur

Ausdrücke und gängige Wendungen von Occur

Take place

This phrase is used to indicate when an event or situation is scheduled or expected to happen.
Beispiel: The meeting will take place tomorrow at 10 AM.
Notiz: Similar to 'occur,' but 'take place' is more specific about the timing or location of the event.


This phrase is a general way to describe something that takes place or comes to pass.
Beispiel: Accidents happen unexpectedly.
Notiz: Similar to 'occur' in meaning, but 'happen' is more commonly used in everyday language.

Come about

This phrase is used to describe how something happened or the way in which it occurred.
Beispiel: I'm not sure how it came about, but the project got approved.
Notiz: Similar to 'occur,' but 'come about' focuses on the process or mechanism of how something happened.


This formal term means to become known or to be revealed, often in a surprising or unexpected way.
Beispiel: It transpired that the company was going bankrupt.
Notiz: More formal than 'occur,' 'transpire' implies a sense of revealing or unfolding of events.

Crop up

This informal phrase means to happen or appear suddenly or unexpectedly.
Beispiel: Unexpected problems cropped up during the renovation.
Notiz: Less formal than 'occur,' 'crop up' suggests a sudden or unforeseen event.

Go down

This slang term means to happen or unfold, often with a particular outcome or reception.
Beispiel: The concert went down well with the audience.
Notiz: Informal compared to 'occur,' 'go down' can also refer to how an event was received or perceived.


This term means to become known or appear, especially after being hidden or not obvious.
Beispiel: New evidence has surfaced in the investigation.
Notiz: More specific than 'occur,' 'surface' implies a revelation or emergence of information or issues.

Occurs alltägliche (Slang-)Ausdrücke

Pop up

Refers to something happening unexpectedly or suddenly.
Beispiel: Unexpected issues tend to pop up right before a deadline.
Notiz: Implies spontaneity compared to 'occur'.

Show up

Used to talk about the appearance or arrival of someone or something.
Beispiel: I don't know if he'll show up to the meeting on time.
Notiz: Focuses more on the presence rather than the occurrence itself.

Go on

Describes events or situations that are currently happening.
Beispiel: Can you believe what's going on in the news today?
Notiz: Less formal and more conversational than 'occur'.

Occur - Beispiele

Silver, gold, lead and copper ores occur in many localities.
Αργύρος, χρυσός, μόλυβδος και ορυκτά χαλκού εμφανίζονται σε πολλές τοποθεσίες.
The meeting is scheduled to occur next week.
Η συνάντηση είναι προγραμματισμένη να συμβεί την επόμενη εβδομάδα.
It didn't occur to me to bring an umbrella.
Δεν μου ήρθε στο μυαλό να φέρω ομπρέλα.

Grammatik von Occur

Occur - Verb (Verb) / Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form)
Lemma: occur
Verb, Vergangenheitsform (Verb, past tense): occurred, occured
Verb, Gerundium oder Partizip Präsens (Verb, gerund or present participle): occurring, occuring
Verb, 3. Person Singular Präsens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): occurs
Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form): occur
Verb, Präsens nicht 3. Person Singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): occur
Silben, Trennung und Betonung
Occur enthält 2 Silben: oc • cur
Phonetische Transkription: ə-ˈkər
oc cur , ə ˈkər (Die rote Silbe ist betont)

Occur - Bedeutung und Nutzungsrate

Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000.
Occur: 600 - 700 (Extrem Häufig).
Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
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