Englisch - Ungarisch


Extrem Häufig
700 - 800
700 - 800
Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.

Feltételez, Vél, Azt gondolom, Feltevés, Gondolni

Bedeutungen von Suppose auf Ungarisch


I suppose we should leave now.
Feltételezem, hogy most már el kellene mennünk.
She supposed he would come to the party.
Feltételezte, hogy el fog jönni a bulira.
Verwendung: InformalKontext: Used when making an assumption or belief about something.
Notiz: This meaning indicates that the speaker is uncertain but believes something to be true.


I suppose it’s going to rain today.
Azt vélem, hogy ma esni fog.
He supposed she was right.
Azt vélte, hogy igaza van.
Verwendung: Formal/InformalKontext: Used when expressing an opinion or judgment.
Notiz: This meaning is often used in more formal contexts, such as writing or speeches.

Azt gondolom

I suppose I can help you with that.
Azt gondolom, tudok segíteni neked abban.
You suppose you can win the game?
Azt gondolod, hogy meg tudod nyerni a játékot?
Verwendung: InformalKontext: Used in casual conversations when expressing a belief or thought.
Notiz: This is a more subjective way of expressing a thought, indicating personal opinion.


Suppose we take a different route.
Feltéve, hogy másik útvonalat választunk.
Suppose I told you the truth.
Feltéve, hogy elmondom az igazságot.
Verwendung: FormalKontext: Used in hypothetical situations or when presenting a scenario.
Notiz: This meaning is often used in logical reasoning or discussions.


I suppose you think you know everything.
Gondolom, azt hiszed, mindent tudsz.
Do you suppose he will come back?
Gondolod, hogy vissza fog jönni?
Verwendung: InformalKontext: Used in everyday conversation to express a thought or belief.
Notiz: This is similar to the previous meanings but is more focused on the speaker's perspective.

Synonyme von Suppose


To suppose something is to take it as true without proof. Similarly, to assume is to take something for granted or without proof.
Beispiel: Let's assume that the meeting will start at 3 p.m.
Notiz: Assume often implies a more active acceptance or taking on of a belief or idea.


Presume means to suppose something to be true based on probability or evidence.
Beispiel: I presume you have already made the necessary arrangements.
Notiz: Presume often carries a stronger sense of confidence or certainty compared to suppose.


Believe means to accept something as true or real.
Beispiel: I believe that she will arrive on time.
Notiz: Believe implies a stronger conviction or faith in the truth of the supposition.


To think is to have an opinion or idea about something, often based on reasoning or intuition.
Beispiel: I think it will rain later this evening.
Notiz: Think can be used more informally and subjectively compared to suppose, which is more about assuming something as a premise.

Ausdrücke und gängige Wendungen von Suppose

Suppose so

This phrase is used to express tentative agreement or assumption.
Beispiel: A: Do you think she will come to the party? B: I suppose so, but I'm not sure.
Notiz: The addition of 'so' adds a sense of agreement or acceptance to the original word 'suppose'.

Suppose not

It is used to indicate a negative assumption or disagreement.
Beispiel: A: Will you be able to make it to the meeting? B: I suppose not, I have another appointment at that time.
Notiz: Similar to 'suppose so,' 'suppose not' adds a sense of disagreement or negation to the original word 'suppose'.

Suppose that

This phrase is used to introduce a hypothetical situation or assumption.
Beispiel: Let's suppose that we have enough funding to start the project.
Notiz: Adding 'that' after 'suppose' helps to introduce a specific assumption or hypothetical scenario.

Suppose for a moment

It is used to encourage someone to consider or imagine a particular scenario or perspective.
Beispiel: Suppose for a moment that you were in her shoes, how would you feel?
Notiz: By adding 'for a moment,' it emphasizes a brief period of time for the listener to think about the hypothetical situation.

Suppose to be

This phrase is used to indicate an expectation or obligation.
Beispiel: He is supposed to be here by now, but he hasn't arrived yet.
Notiz: By adding 'to be' after 'suppose,' it implies an expectation or requirement for something to happen.

What if I suppose

It is used to introduce a hypothetical scenario or assumption and inquire about the consequences.
Beispiel: What if I suppose that everything will turn out fine, would you still worry?
Notiz: By starting with 'What if,' it sets up a hypothetical situation for discussion or consideration.

Suppose as much

This phrase is used to express agreement or acknowledgment based on existing information.
Beispiel: I suppose as much, considering the circumstances.
Notiz: Adding 'as much' emphasizes agreement or understanding based on the context or information provided.

Suppose that's true

It is used to acknowledge a possibility or assumption for the sake of argument.
Beispiel: Suppose that's true, we'll need to rethink our strategy.
Notiz: By adding 'that's true,' it acknowledges a potential assumption or fact for further consideration.

Supposes alltägliche (Slang-)Ausdrücke


Used to indicate that something is believed to be true, often with a hint of doubt or skepticism.
Beispiel: Supposedly, he's the best player on the team.
Notiz: It implies an element of uncertainty or skepticism compared to 'suppose.'

Suppose say

Used to suggest an alternative or additional option, often implying that it may not be the best choice.
Beispiel: I suppose say we could go to the movies instead.
Notiz: It introduces a sense of hesitation or consideration not present in 'suppose.'

Suppose I

Used to express a personal assumption or decision.
Beispiel: Suppose I make some pasta for dinner.
Notiz: It directs focus to the speaker's individual thought or action.

Suppose you

Suggesting a course of action or providing advice to someone.
Beispiel: Suppose you just ask her directly?
Notiz: It shifts the focus from personal assumption to advising another person.

I suppose

Expressing a mild suggestion or possibility.
Beispiel: I suppose we could go for a walk instead of watching TV.
Notiz: It is a more general expression of possibility or suggestion compared to 'suppose.'


Referring to someone who proposes or assumes something.
Beispiel: She's the main supposer of the plan.
Notiz: It denotes a person who frequently suggests or assumes rather than stating a specific assumption.


Used to introduce a hypothetical situation or condition.
Beispiel: Supposing we get there late, what's our backup plan?
Notiz: It implies a speculative scenario compared to the more concrete nature of 'suppose.'

Suppose - Beispiele

I suppose I got there about half past eleven.
Azt hiszem, fél tizenkettő körül értem oda.
I'm quite a good actress, I suppose.
Azt hiszem, elég jó színésznő vagyok.

Grammatik von Suppose

Suppose - Verb (Verb) / Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form)
Lemma: suppose
Verb, Vergangenheitsform (Verb, past tense): supposed
Verb, Gerundium oder Partizip Präsens (Verb, gerund or present participle): supposing
Verb, 3. Person Singular Präsens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): supposes
Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form): suppose
Verb, Präsens nicht 3. Person Singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): suppose
Silben, Trennung und Betonung
Suppose enthält 2 Silben: sup • pose
Phonetische Transkription: sə-ˈpōz
sup pose , ˈpōz (Die rote Silbe ist betont)

Suppose - Bedeutung und Nutzungsrate

Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000.
Suppose: 700 - 800 (Extrem Häufig).
Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
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