Englisch - Chinesisch
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Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000. Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.
看见, 见面, 理解, 考察, 看护
Bedeutungen von See auf Chinesisch
I can see the mountains from my window.
Did you see that movie last night?
Verwendung: informalKontext: Used when talking about visual perception.
Notiz: This is the most common meaning, referring to the ability to visually perceive something.
Let's see each other tomorrow.
I want to see you again soon.
Verwendung: informalKontext: Used when referring to meeting someone in person.
Notiz: This meaning emphasizes the action of meeting someone rather than just seeing them.
I see what you mean.
Do you see my point?
Verwendung: formal/informalKontext: Used in discussions or conversations to indicate understanding.
Notiz: This usage conveys comprehension rather than visual perception.
We need to see the situation carefully.
I will see how things go.
Verwendung: formalKontext: Used in analytical or evaluative contexts.
Notiz: This meaning refers to examining or evaluating a situation.
Can you see the baby while I cook?
She sees her elderly parents every weekend.
Verwendung: informalKontext: Used when referring to taking care of someone.
Notiz: This meaning emphasizes the aspect of supervision or care.
Synonyme von See
To observe or look at something attentively.
Beispiel: I like to watch movies on weekends.
Notiz: While 'see' generally refers to the act of perceiving with the eyes, 'watch' implies a more focused and deliberate observation.
To watch carefully and attentively.
Beispiel: Scientists observe the behavior of animals in their natural habitat.
Notiz: Similar to 'watch,' 'observe' suggests a more intentional and detailed examination of something.
To see or observe something impressive or remarkable.
Beispiel: Behold the beauty of the sunset!
Notiz: While 'see' is a general term for perceiving with the eyes, 'behold' often conveys a sense of wonder or amazement.
To look at something from a particular perspective or vantage point.
Beispiel: We climbed to the top of the hill to get a better view of the city.
Notiz: Unlike 'see,' 'view' emphasizes the act of looking at something from a specific angle or position.
Ausdrücke und gängige Wendungen von See
See eye to eye
To agree or have the same opinion as someone else.
Beispiel: They finally saw eye to eye on the project's direction.
See the light
To understand or gain insight into something previously unclear.
Beispiel: After the explanation, he finally saw the light and understood the concept.
Wait and see
To postpone judgment or decision until a later time.
Beispiel: I'm not sure how it will turn out, so I'll just have to wait and see.
See the big picture
To consider the overall perspective or full context of a situation.
Beispiel: It's important to see the big picture before making a decision.
See red
To become extremely angry or enraged.
Beispiel: Whenever someone insults him, he sees red and loses his temper.
See the forest for the trees
To be unable to see the overall situation clearly because of a focus on small details.
Beispiel: She gets so caught up in details that she often can't see the forest for the trees.
See the writing on the wall
To realize or anticipate something negative is going to happen.
Beispiel: After the company's recent losses, it's clear that layoffs are coming; we can see the writing on the wall.
Sees alltägliche (Slang-)Ausdrücke
See ya
Casual way to say goodbye, short for 'see you.'
Beispiel: I'll see ya later!
Notiz: Informal and used between friends or acquaintances.
See what's up
Inquire about someone's well-being or current situation.
Beispiel: Hey, just checking in to see what's up with you.
Notiz: More casual and colloquial than 'How are you?'
See the sights
Tourist phrase meaning to visit or explore various attractions or places.
Beispiel: When you visit Paris, make sure to see all the sights like the Eiffel Tower.
Notiz: Emphasizes experiencing or witnessing specific places or landmarks.
See for yourself
Encouraging someone to personally verify or witness something.
Beispiel: Don't believe me? Go and see for yourself.
Notiz: Stresses the importance of firsthand observation.
See things differently
To have a new perspective or outlook on something.
Beispiel: After traveling, I started to see things differently and appreciate other cultures.
Notiz: Implies a shift in perception or understanding.
See to it
Take responsibility for ensuring that something is done.
Beispiel: I'll see to it that the project is completed on time.
Notiz: Conveys a sense of personal commitment or duty.
See through someone
To recognize when someone is being deceitful or insincere.
Beispiel: I can see through his lies; he's not being honest.
Notiz: Implies detecting falsehoods or seeing beyond surface appearances.
See - Beispiele
I see a beautiful sunset.
Can you see the bird in the tree?
She saw her reflection in the mirror.
We will see each other tomorrow.
Grammatik von See
See - Verb (Verb) / Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form)
Lemma: see
Verb, Vergangenheitsform (Verb, past tense): saw
Verb, Partizip Perfekt (Verb, past participle): seen
Verb, Gerundium oder Partizip Präsens (Verb, gerund or present participle): seeing
Verb, 3. Person Singular Präsens (Verb, 3rd person singular present): sees
Verb, Grundform (Verb, base form): see
Verb, Präsens nicht 3. Person Singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): see
Silben, Trennung und Betonung
See enthält 1 Silben: see
Phonetische Transkription: ˈsē
see , ˈsē (Die rote Silbe ist betont)
See - Bedeutung und Nutzungsrate
Der Wortfrequenz- und Bedeutungsindex zeigt an, wie oft ein Wort in einer bestimmten Sprache vorkommt. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto häufiger wird das Wort verwendet. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter liegen typischerweise zwischen 1 und 4000.
See: 0 - 100 (Extrem Häufig).
Dieser Bedeutungsindex hilft Ihnen, sich während Ihres Sprachlernprozesses auf die nützlichsten Wörter zu konzentrieren.