Inglés - Español
Extremadamente Común
600 - 700
600 - 700
El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.

Pobre, Malo, Débil

Significados de Poor en español

La palabra "poor" se utiliza en inglés cotidiano para describir a alguien o algo que carece de recursos, riqueza o calidad. Se emplea en diversos contextos, tanto formales como informales, y puede referirse a condiciones económicas, cualidades de objetos o situaciones.

Ejemplos de uso:

  1. Condiciones económicas: "Many poor families struggle to make ends meet." (Muchas familias pobres luchan por llegar a fin de mes.)
  2. Calidad de algo: "The service at that restaurant was poor." (El servicio en ese restaurante fue deficiente.)
  3. Desempeño o habilidad: "He did a poor job on the project." (Él hizo un mal trabajo en el proyecto.)
  4. Estado emocional: "She felt poor after hearing the news." (Ella se sintió mal después de escuchar las noticias.)

Frases comunes:

  • "Poor thing" (Pobrecito/a): Se utiliza para expresar compasión hacia alguien que está sufriendo.
  • "Poor quality" (Baja calidad): Se refiere a productos o servicios que no cumplen con estándares aceptables.
  • "Poorly done" (Mal hecho): Describe algo que no se ha realizado adecuadamente.

El uso de "poor" es común en contextos informales y formales, como en discusiones sobre economía, críticas de productos o evaluaciones de rendimiento.

Errores comunes:

  • Confundir "poor" con "pore", que se refiere a poros en la piel.
  • Usar "poor" como un adjetivo para describir algo que no es satisfactorio en un contexto que no se relaciona con la calidad o la economía.

Palabras relacionadas:

  • Sinónimos: "impoverished" (empobrecido), "needy" (necesitado), "inferior" (inferior).
  • Antónimos: "rich" (rico), "wealthy" (adinerado), "excellent" (excelente).

Pronunciación: "Poor" se pronuncia /pʊr/ en inglés americano, con una 'u' que suena similar a "ur" en español. Es importante no confundirlo con "pour", que significa verter.

Gramática: "Poor" es un adjetivo y puede ser utilizado en diferentes grados, como "poorer" (más pobre) y "poorest" (el más pobre).

Etimología: Proviene del inglés antiguo "por", que significa "pobre" o "desamparado".

Significados de Poor en español


The poor man couldn't afford to buy food.
El hombre pobre no pudo comprar comida.
She grew up in a poor neighborhood.
Ella creció en un barrio pobre.
Uso: Formal/InformalContexto: Describing lack of wealth or resources
Nota: Commonly used to refer to people or areas with limited financial means.


That was a poor decision.
Esa fue una decisión mala.
The team played a poor game.
El equipo jugó un partido malo.
Uso: Formal/InformalContexto: Referring to low quality or substandard performance
Nota: Can be used to criticize actions, choices, or outcomes.


The plant looks poor; it needs more sunlight.
La planta se ve débil; necesita más luz solar.
He felt poor after being sick for a week.
Se sintió débil después de estar enfermo una semana.
Uso: Formal/InformalContexto: Describing a lack of physical strength or vitality
Nota: Used to denote physical weakness or lack of energy.

Los sinónimos de Poor


Impoverished refers to extreme poverty or deprivation, suggesting a lack of basic necessities.
Ejemplo: The impoverished family struggled to make ends meet.
Nota: Impoverished emphasizes severe poverty compared to the general term 'poor.'


Needy describes someone who lacks the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, or clothing.
Ejemplo: The charity organization helps support needy children in the community.
Nota: Needy often implies a sense of urgency or immediate need compared to the more general term 'poor.'


Deprived suggests a lack or denial of essential resources or opportunities.
Ejemplo: Children from deprived backgrounds may face challenges in accessing education.
Nota: Deprived conveys a sense of being unfairly or systematically denied compared to the broader term 'poor.'


Indigent refers to extreme poverty and destitution, often associated with a lack of means to support oneself.
Ejemplo: The indigent population in the city struggles with homelessness and hunger.
Nota: Indigent conveys a more formal or legalistic tone compared to the more colloquial term 'poor.'

Expresiones y frases comunes de Poor

Beggars can't be choosers

This phrase means that when you are in a difficult or desperate situation, you should be grateful for whatever help or opportunity you receive, even if it's not exactly what you want.
Ejemplo: I know the job isn't ideal, but beggars can't be choosers.
Nota: This phrase emphasizes the idea of limited options or resources available to someone in need.

Living from hand to mouth

This phrase describes a situation where someone has just enough money or resources to survive, without being able to save or plan for the future.
Ejemplo: Since losing his job, he's been living from hand to mouth.
Nota: It conveys the idea of barely managing to meet basic needs, without any financial security or stability.

Down and out

This phrase describes someone who is in a very difficult or desperate situation, especially due to poverty or lack of resources.
Ejemplo: After losing everything in the financial crisis, he was completely down and out.
Nota: It emphasizes a sense of hopelessness or extreme hardship beyond just being poor.

Dirt poor

This phrase is used to describe extreme poverty, indicating that someone is extremely poor and has very few material possessions.
Ejemplo: They grew up in a small village, dirt poor and struggling to make ends meet.
Nota: It adds a vivid and colloquial emphasis on the dire financial situation of the person.

On the breadline

This phrase refers to living in poverty or near the point of starvation, where a person's income is just enough to cover basic necessities like food.
Ejemplo: Since losing her job, she's been living on the breadline, barely able to afford food.
Nota: It specifically highlights the struggle to afford even the most essential items like food, emphasizing the precarious financial situation.

Poor as a church mouse

This phrase humorously emphasizes extreme poverty by comparing someone's financial situation to that of a church mouse, which traditionally has very little to live on.
Ejemplo: After the fire destroyed their home, they were left as poor as church mice.
Nota: It uses a vivid and imaginative comparison to portray the depth of poverty in a lighthearted manner.

Hand to mouth

This phrase describes a situation where someone's income is just enough to cover daily expenses and there is no surplus for savings or emergencies.
Ejemplo: Without a steady job, they were living hand to mouth, struggling to pay bills each month.
Nota: It focuses on the immediate struggle to meet basic needs without any financial buffer or stability.

Expresiones cotidianas (jerga) de Poor


To be financially tight or in a difficult situation where there's a lack of money.
Ejemplo: I can't afford it right now, I'm a bit strapped.


To have no money; to be broke.
Ejemplo: I'm completely skint until payday.


Completely lacking money; having no money at all.
Ejemplo: After losing his job, he found himself penniless.

Hard up

Having little money; financially struggling.
Ejemplo: I'm a bit hard up this month, so I can't go out much.

Flat broke

To have absolutely no money; completely broke.
Ejemplo: I gambled all my money away and now I'm flat broke.


Completely lacking resources or means of livelihood; extremely poor.
Ejemplo: The war left many families destitute and homeless.

Down on one's luck

Experiencing a period of misfortune or bad luck, especially in terms of financial matters.
Ejemplo: He's been down on his luck ever since he lost his job.

Poor - Ejemplos

Poor as a church mouse.
Pobre como un ratón de iglesia.
The quality of the product is poor.
La calidad del producto es mala.
The team's performance was poor.
El rendimiento del equipo fue pobre.

Gramática de Poor

Poor - Adjetivo (Adjective) / Adjetivo (Adjective)
Lema: poor
Adjetivo, comparativo (Adjective, comparative): poorer
Adjetivo, superlativo (Adjective, superlative): poorest
Adjetivo (Adjective): poor
Sustantivo, plural (Noun, plural): poor
Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass): poor
Sílabas, Separación y Acento
Poor contiene 1 sílabas: poor
Transcripción fonética: ˈpu̇r
poor , ˈpu̇r (La sílaba roja es la acentuada)

Poor - Importancia y frecuencia de uso

El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000.
Poor: 600 - 700 (Extremadamente Común).
Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
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