Inglés - Español
Extremadamente Común
600 - 700
600 - 700
El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.

privado/a, privado/a, particular, secreto/a

Significados de Private en español

La palabra "private" se utiliza en inglés cotidiano para describir algo que es personal, no público o reservado. Se aplica en múltiples contextos, tales como la vida personal, negocios, tecnología y relaciones interpersonales.

Ejemplos de uso incluyen:

  1. Vida personal: "I prefer to keep my private life separate from my work." (Prefiero mantener mi vida privada separada de mi trabajo). Aquí, "private" se refiere a aspectos de la vida que no se comparten con el público.

  2. Negocios: "This information is private and should not be shared." (Esta información es privada y no debe ser compartida). En este caso, se utiliza para enfatizar la confidencialidad de datos sensibles.

  3. Tecnología: "Make sure your social media accounts are set to private." (Asegúrate de que tus cuentas de redes sociales estén configuradas como privadas). Se refiere a la configuración que limita el acceso a la información personal.

  4. Relaciones interpersonales: "He has a very private personality." (Él tiene una personalidad muy reservada). Aquí, "private" describe a una persona que no comparte mucho sobre sí misma.

Frases comunes que incluyen "private":

  • "Private property" (propiedad privada): se refiere a terrenos o bienes que no son de acceso público.
  • "Private message" (mensaje privado): un mensaje enviado de manera que solo el destinatario lo pueda ver.
  • "Private school" (escuela privada): una institución educativa que no es financiada por el gobierno y requiere matrícula.

El término "private" se utiliza en contextos tanto formales como informales, dependiendo de la situación. En entornos laborales, su uso es más formal, mientras que en conversaciones cotidianas puede ser más informal.

Errores comunes incluyen confundir "private" con "personal". Aunque ambos términos pueden solaparse, "private" se refiere más a la privacidad y la confidencialidad, mientras que "personal" puede referirse a cualquier aspecto relacionado con una persona.

Palabras relacionadas:

  • Sinónimos: confidential (confidencial), secret (secreto), secluded (aislado).
  • Antónimos: public (público), open (abierto), accessible (accesible).

Pronunciación: "private" se pronuncia /ˈpraɪ.vɪt/. Es importante enfatizar la primera sílaba y asegurarse de que la "v" sea pronunciada claramente.

En cuanto a la gramática, "private" es un adjetivo que puede ser modificado por adverbios como "very" (muy) o "too" (demasiado). Su etimología proviene del latín "privatus", que significa "apartado" o "aislado".

Significados de Private en español


Please respect my private space.
Por favor, respeta mi espacio privado.
I need to make a private call.
Necesito hacer una llamada privada.
Uso: formal/informalContexto: Used to refer to something personal or not for public knowledge or access.
Nota: This is the most common translation of 'private' in Spanish, indicating something personal, confidential, or restricted.


She received a private education.
Ella recibió una educación privada.
We had a private meeting with the CEO.
Tuvimos una reunión privada con el CEO.
Uso: formalContexto: Refers to something exclusive, usually related to education or meetings.
Nota: In this context, 'privado/a' can also mean private as in exclusive or not open to the public.


Do you have a private room available?
¿Tiene una habitación particular disponible?
Each person has their own private interests.
Cada persona tiene sus intereses particulares.
Uso: formal/informalContexto: Used to describe something individual, specific, or personal.
Nota: 'Particular' is another common translation of 'private' in Spanish, emphasizing the individual nature of something.


They had a private conversation.
Tuvieron una conversación secreta.
The company's financial details are private.
Los detalles financieros de la empresa son secretos.
Uso: formalContexto: Refers to something confidential, not to be shared or disclosed.
Nota: 'Secreto/a' is used for 'private' when indicating secrecy or confidentiality.

Los sinónimos de Private


Confidential means intended to be kept secret or private. It is often used in professional or sensitive contexts.
Ejemplo: The contents of the document are confidential and should not be shared.
Nota: Confidential implies a higher level of secrecy or sensitivity compared to private.


Personal refers to something relating to or concerning an individual's private life or affairs.
Ejemplo: I prefer to keep my personal life separate from work.
Nota: Personal is often used to describe matters that are specific to an individual, whereas private can refer to a broader sense of privacy.


Intimate suggests a close personal relationship or detailed knowledge of someone or something.
Ejemplo: They shared an intimate conversation by the fireplace.
Nota: Intimate conveys a sense of emotional closeness or depth that goes beyond just privacy.


Secluded means hidden or sheltered from view, often in a remote or private location.
Ejemplo: The house was nestled in a secluded area, away from the bustling city.
Nota: Secluded emphasizes being physically removed or isolated from others, more so than just being private.

Expresiones y frases comunes de Private

Private sector

Refers to businesses and organizations that are not owned or controlled by the government.
Ejemplo: The private sector plays a significant role in the economy.
Nota: Private sector specifically refers to the realm of business and commerce, distinct from the broader concept of privacy.

Private property

Refers to land, possessions, or assets owned by an individual or non-governmental entity.
Ejemplo: Respect for private property rights is essential in a free society.
Nota: Private property refers to ownership rights, while privacy relates to personal space and information.

Private conversation

Refers to a discussion or exchange that is meant to be confidential or not overheard by others.
Ejemplo: Let's have a private conversation about this matter.
Nota: A private conversation emphasizes the confidentiality or intimacy of the discussion, different from simply being alone.

Private information

Refers to personal data or details that are meant to be kept confidential.
Ejemplo: Please keep my medical history private information.
Nota: Private information pertains to sensitive data about an individual, distinct from general privacy considerations.

Private investigator

Refers to a professional who is hired to conduct investigations and gather information privately.
Ejemplo: They hired a private investigator to look into the case.
Nota: A private investigator works independently or for a private agency, distinct from law enforcement or public investigators.

Private school

Refers to a school that is independently funded and operated, usually requiring tuition fees.
Ejemplo: She attends a prestigious private school in the city.
Nota: Private schools are distinct from public schools, often offering specialized education and smaller class sizes.

Private party

Refers to a social gathering that is restricted to a specific group of people and not open to the public.
Ejemplo: They are hosting a private party for close friends and family.
Nota: A private party emphasizes exclusivity or limited guest list, different from public events or celebrations.

Private sector involvement

Refers to the participation or contribution of businesses and organizations outside of the government.
Ejemplo: The project benefits from private sector involvement in its development.
Nota: Private sector involvement highlights the role of non-government entities in a particular project or initiative.

Expresiones cotidianas (jerga) de Private


Slang term for a private or secluded place, especially a restroom.
Ejemplo: I'll meet you in the privvy room in 5 minutes.
Nota: The slang term 'privvy' is a casual and shortened version of 'private.'


Shortened slang term for private information or details.
Ejemplo: I have some priv info about the party tomorrow.
Nota: It is a more informal way to refer to 'private,' often used in texting or informal conversations.


Abbreviated form of 'private,' used in informal writing or speech.
Ejemplo: Let's keep it pri between us for now.
Nota: This slang term is even more informal and commonly seen in texting or online communication.


Aware of or having knowledge of private or confidential information.
Ejemplo: Are you privy to the details of his private life?
Nota: While 'privy' can mean being informed about something, it is often used in a more formal context than other slang terms for 'private.'


A term often used to indicate a private or exclusive gathering or event.
Ejemplo: This is a privado meeting, no outsiders allowed.
Nota: The term 'privado' may have a slightly exotic or exclusive connotation compared to other slang terms for 'private.'


A slang term for having a private or exclusive conversation or discussion.
Ejemplo: Let's have a lockdown conversation about our future plans.
Nota: While 'lockdown' typically refers to restricting movement or access, in this context, it is used to emphasize privacy.


Short form of 'exclusive,' often used to refer to a private or selective group or information.
Ejemplo: I'll send you the XO link to the priv group chat.
Nota: This slang term is a creative way to express exclusivity or privacy in a more modern and abbreviated format.

Private - Ejemplos

This is a private conversation.
Esta es una conversación privada.
Please keep my personal information private.
Por favor, mantén mi información personal privada.
The event is by invitation only, it's a private party.
El evento es solo por invitación, es una fiesta privada.

Gramática de Private

Private - Adjetivo (Adjective) / Adjetivo (Adjective)
Lema: private
Adjetivo (Adjective): private
Sustantivo, plural (Noun, plural): privates
Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass): private
Sílabas, Separación y Acento
private contiene 2 sílabas: pri • vate
Transcripción fonética: ˈprī-vət
pri vate , ˈprī vət (La sílaba roja es la acentuada)

Private - Importancia y frecuencia de uso

El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000.
private: 600 - 700 (Extremadamente Común).
Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
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