Inglés - Español
Extremadamente Común
500 - 600
500 - 600
El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000. Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.

Informe, Noticia, Denunciar, Relato

Significados de Report en español

La palabra "report" en inglés se utiliza principalmente como sustantivo y verbo, y su significado varía según el contexto.

Uso como sustantivo:

  1. Informe o reporte: Se refiere a un documento que presenta información sobre un tema específico. Por ejemplo, "The report on climate change was published last week" (El informe sobre el cambio climático se publicó la semana pasada). Este uso es común en ambientes académicos, empresariales y periodísticos.
  2. Noticia o comunicación: Puede referirse a un relato de eventos, como en "The news report covered the latest developments" (El reporte de noticias cubrió los últimos desarrollos). Este uso es frecuente en medios de comunicación.

Uso como verbo:

  1. Informar o reportar: Se utiliza para describir la acción de dar información sobre algo. Por ejemplo, "I need to report the incident to the manager" (Necesito reportar el incidente al gerente). Este uso es común en contextos laborales o de seguridad.
  2. Presentar un informe: Se refiere a la acción de elaborar y presentar un documento formal. Por ejemplo, "She will report her findings at the conference" (Ella presentará sus hallazgos en la conferencia).

Contextos de uso:

  • Formal: En entornos académicos, empresariales o gubernamentales. Ejemplo: "The financial report will be reviewed by the board" (El informe financiero será revisado por la junta).
  • Informal: En situaciones cotidianas, como en conversaciones sobre eventos o noticias. Ejemplo: "Did you see the report about the new restaurant?" (¿Viste el reporte sobre el nuevo restaurante?).

Frases comunes:

  • "To file a report" (presentar un informe).
  • "To report back" (informar de regreso).
  • "To report a problem" (reportar un problema).

Errores comunes:

  • Confundir "report" con "reporter". "Reporter" se refiere a la persona que informa o cubre noticias, mientras que "report" es el contenido o el documento.
  • Usar "report" como sinónimo de "reportaje", que tiene un significado más específico en el contexto periodístico.

Palabras relacionadas:

  • Sinónimos: account, statement, document.
  • Antónimos: concealment (ocultamiento).

La palabra "report" se pronuncia /rɪˈpɔːrt/ en inglés americano. Es importante notar la diferencia en la sílaba tónica, que recae en la segunda sílaba en su forma verbal (to report) y en la primera sílaba en su forma sustantiva (a report).

Gramática y etimología:
"Report" proviene del latín "reportare", que significa "llevar de vuelta". En inglés, se utiliza tanto en presente como en pasado, y puede ser utilizado en diferentes tiempos verbales. Su forma plural como sustantivo es "reports".

Significados de Report en español


She submitted a detailed report on the project.
Ella presentó un informe detallado sobre el proyecto.
The annual report highlighted the company's financial performance.
El informe anual resaltó el desempeño financiero de la empresa.
Uso: FormalContexto: Used in professional or academic settings to refer to a written or verbal account of facts, findings, or information.
Nota: This is the most common translation of 'report' in Spanish, especially in official contexts.


The news report covered the latest developments in the political situation.
El reportaje cubrió los últimos acontecimientos en la situación política.
The journalist filed a report on the environmental impact of the new construction project.
El periodista presentó una noticia sobre el impacto ambiental del nuevo proyecto de construcción.
Uso: Formal/InformalContexto: Refers to a news item or a piece of information provided by a journalist or news organization.
Nota: In journalistic contexts, 'report' can be translated as 'noticia' to convey the idea of a news report.


She decided to report the incident to the authorities.
Ella decidió denunciar el incidente a las autoridades.
If you witness any suspicious activity, please report it immediately.
Si presencias alguna actividad sospechosa, por favor denúnciala de inmediato.
Uso: FormalContexto: Used in legal or official contexts to report a crime, violation, or suspicious activity to the authorities.
Nota: In this context, 'report' is translated as 'denunciar' to emphasize the action of reporting a wrongdoing.


The witness gave a detailed report of what he saw at the scene.
El testigo ofreció un relato detallado de lo que vio en la escena.
The report of the event differed from person to person.
El relato del evento difería de persona a persona.
Uso: FormalContexto: Refers to a narrative or an account of events, often in a detailed or descriptive manner.
Nota: When 'report' is used to describe a narrative or an account of events, it can be translated as 'relato' to convey the storytelling aspect.

Los sinónimos de Report


An article is a written piece in a newspaper, magazine, or online publication that provides information or analysis on a particular topic. It can be similar to a report but may focus more on interpretation or opinion.
Ejemplo: The journalist wrote an article about the new government policies.
Nota: An article may involve more analysis or commentary compared to a straightforward report.


A document is a written or printed piece of information that provides evidence, instructions, or information on a specific subject. It can encompass various types of written materials, including reports.
Ejemplo: The research team prepared a detailed document outlining their findings.
Nota: A document is a broader term that can include reports as a specific type of written material.


A paper is a written composition that presents ideas, research, or arguments on a particular topic. It is often academic or scholarly in nature and can be similar to a report in terms of structure and content.
Ejemplo: The student submitted a well-researched paper on climate change.
Nota: A paper is commonly associated with academic or research writing, while a report can have a broader application in various fields.


Analysis refers to the examination and evaluation of information or data to uncover insights, patterns, or trends. While a report can present analysis, using 'analysis' as a synonym emphasizes the investigative or interpretive aspect of the content.
Ejemplo: The market analysis highlighted key trends in consumer behavior.
Nota: Analysis focuses on the process of examining information, whereas a report can encompass a wider range of content beyond analysis.

Expresiones y frases comunes de Report

Make a report

To prepare and present information about a specific topic or issue.
Ejemplo: She needs to make a report on the company's financial performance.
Nota: The phrase 'make a report' refers to the act of creating a report, which is a structured document presenting findings or information.

Submit a report

To hand in or deliver a report to the relevant person or department.
Ejemplo: Please submit your report by the end of the week.
Nota: Submitting a report implies completing it and giving it to the intended recipient for review or evaluation.

Final report

The ultimate version of a report, often incorporating all findings and conclusions.
Ejemplo: After weeks of research, they presented their final report to the board.
Nota: A final report signifies the conclusion or end result of a series of reports or investigations on a particular subject.

Report back

To provide information or updates to a group or individual after completing a task or assignment.
Ejemplo: Once you've gathered the data, report back to the team with your findings.
Nota: Reporting back involves returning with information or feedback, typically after being tasked with a specific objective.

Annual report

A comprehensive report issued by a company or organization on its operations and financial status for a particular year.
Ejemplo: The company's annual report includes detailed financial statements and performance analysis.
Nota: An annual report is specifically related to a yearly overview of an entity's activities and financial health, often shared with stakeholders.

Report card

A document, usually issued by schools, summarizing a student's academic performance over a period.
Ejemplo: His report card showed significant improvement in his grades this semester.
Nota: A report card is a specific type of report focusing on a student's academic achievements and progress in a given term or academic year.

Field report

A report based on observations or data collected in the field, often in scientific or research contexts.
Ejemplo: The researchers returned with a detailed field report on the local wildlife population.
Nota: A field report pertains to information gathered firsthand in a specific environment or location, such as during an expedition or study.

Expresiones cotidianas (jerga) de Report


Rapport refers to a harmonious relationship or connection between people, often in a social or professional setting.
Ejemplo: She quickly established a good rapport with her new colleagues.
Nota: While 'report' focuses on conveying information or details, 'rapport' emphasizes the interpersonal connection between individuals.


Recap is a shortened form of 'recapitulation' and refers to a summary or review of key points or events.
Ejemplo: Can you give me a quick recap of the meeting highlights?
Nota: Unlike a detailed report, a recap provides a concise overview or summary of information.


Debriefing involves a discussion or review of a completed mission, project, or event to assess what took place and what was learned.
Ejemplo: After the mission, they gathered to debrief and discuss the outcomes.
Nota: Compared to a formal report, a debrief is more informal and focused on sharing insights and lessons rather than detailed data.


In this context, 'cover' means to briefly discuss or touch upon the main aspects of a topic or subject.
Ejemplo: Let me give you a quick cover of the main points before the presentation.
Nota: While a report offers a detailed account of information, a cover provides a brief overview or discussion of key points.


An overview is a general description or summary that covers the main points or characteristics of a particular topic.
Ejemplo: I'll start by giving you an overview of the current market trends.
Nota: Unlike a detailed report that delves into specific details, an overview provides a high-level perspective or summary.


An update is new or current information that informs others about the latest developments or progress on a particular matter.
Ejemplo: Can you provide me with an update on the project status?
Nota: While a report typically presents comprehensive findings or data, an update focuses on recent changes or progress.


To digest information means to mentally process, understand, or absorb it.
Ejemplo: I need some time to digest the information presented before we discuss it further.
Nota: Unlike a report that conveys information in detail, digesting involves internalizing and making sense of the information received.

Report - Ejemplos

The journalist filed a report on the latest political scandal.
El periodista presentó un informe sobre el último escándalo político.
The employee submitted a report on the progress of the project.
El empleado presentó un informe sobre el progreso del proyecto.
The student gave a presentation on their research report.
El estudiante hizo una presentación sobre su informe de investigación.

Gramática de Report

Report - Sustantivo (Noun) / Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass)
Lema: report
Sustantivo, plural (Noun, plural): reports, report
Sustantivo, singular o masa (Noun, singular or mass): report
Verbo, tiempo pasado (Verb, past tense): reported
Verbo, gerundio o participio presente (Verb, gerund or present participle): reporting
Verbo, tercera persona del singular presente (Verb, 3rd person singular present): reports
Verbo, forma base (Verb, base form): report
Verbo, presente no en tercera persona del singular (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): report
Sílabas, Separación y Acento
Report contiene 2 sílabas: re • port
Transcripción fonética: ri-ˈpȯrt
re port , ri ˈpȯrt (La sílaba roja es la acentuada)

Report - Importancia y frecuencia de uso

El índice de frecuencia e importancia de las palabras indica con qué frecuencia aparece una palabra en un idioma determinado. Cuanto menor es el número, con más frecuencia se usa la palabra. Las palabras más frecuentemente usadas típicamente varían de 1 a 4000.
Report: 500 - 600 (Extremadamente Común).
Este índice de importancia te ayuda a centrarte en las palabras más útiles durante tu proceso de aprendizaje del idioma.
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy, aprendizaje eficiente de idiomas
Vocafy te ayuda a descubrir, organizar y aprender nuevas palabras y frases con facilidad. Crea colecciones de vocabulario personalizadas y practica en cualquier momento y lugar.