Anglais - Français
Extrêmement Commun
500 - 600
500 - 600
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

bras, branche (in the context of a branch or offshoot), armement (in the context of weaponry or military), arm (as in to equip or provide with weapons)

Significations de Arm en français

Le mot "arm" en anglais a plusieurs usages dans la langue quotidienne, tant au sens littéral qu'au sens figuré.

Utilisation quotidienne

  1. Sens littéral : "Arm" désigne un membre du corps humain, s'étendant de l'épaule à la main.

    • Exemple : "He raised his arm to signal." (Il a levé son bras pour signaler.)
    • Contexte : Utilisé dans des contextes informels ou formels, souvent dans des descriptions physiques ou des actions.
  2. Sens figuré : "Arm" peut également désigner l'action de fournir quelqu'un avec des outils ou des ressources nécessaires pour accomplir une tâche.

    • Exemple : "The organization armed the volunteers with the necessary equipment." (L'organisation a armé les bénévoles avec l'équipement nécessaire.)
    • Contexte : Utilisé dans des contextes formels, souvent dans des discussions sur la préparation ou l'équipement.

Phrases et expressions courantes

  • "To arm oneself" : se préparer mentalement ou physiquement pour un défi.

    • Exemple : "She armed herself with knowledge before the debate." (Elle s'est armée de connaissances avant le débat.)
  • "Armed and dangerous" : utilisé pour décrire une personne qui possède une arme et qui peut être une menace.

    • Exemple : "The police are looking for an armed and dangerous suspect." (La police recherche un suspect armé et dangereux.)

Contexte d'utilisation

  • Formel : Utilisé dans des discussions militaires, légales ou de sécurité.
  • Informel : Utilisé dans des conversations quotidiennes pour décrire des actions physiques ou des préparations.

Erreurs courantes

  • Confondre "arm" (bras) avec "armament" (armement), qui se réfère spécifiquement aux armes militaires.
  • Utiliser "arm" comme un verbe sans le contexte approprié, ce qui peut prêter à confusion.

Mots connexes

  • Synonymes : "limb" (membre), "weaponize" (armement dans un contexte figuré).
  • Antonymes : "disarm" (désarmer).


Le mot "arm" se prononce /ɑːrm/ en anglais américain et /ɑːm/ en anglais britannique. Il est important de noter la différence dans la prononciation du "r" selon l'accent.

Grammaire et étymologie

"Arm" est un nom et un verbe. En tant que nom, il est généralement utilisé au singulier ou au pluriel (arms pour désigner des armes). Étymologiquement, le mot provient de l'anglais ancien "earm," qui signifie bras.

Significations de Arm en français


She raised her arm to ask a question.
Elle a levé son bras pour poser une question.
He has a tattoo on his arm.
Il a un tatouage sur le bras.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in physical descriptions, actions, and gestures.
Note: In French, 'bras' refers specifically to the limb extending from the shoulder to the wrist.

branche (in the context of a branch or offshoot)

The arm of the tree reached out towards the sun.
Le bras de l'arbre s'étendait vers le soleil.
The company has several arms focusing on different sectors.
L'entreprise a plusieurs branches se concentrant sur différents secteurs.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in discussions about trees, organizations, and structures.
Note: The term 'branche' is often used metaphorically in business and organizational contexts.

armement (in the context of weaponry or military)

The country is increasing its military arm.
Le pays augmente son armement militaire.
The arms race is a concern for global security.
La course aux armements est une préoccupation pour la sécurité mondiale.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in discussions about military, defense, and politics.
Note: In this context, 'armement' refers to weapons and military equipment.

arm (as in to equip or provide with weapons)

They decided to arm the local militia.
Ils ont décidé d'armer la milice locale.
The rebels were armed with outdated weapons.
Les rebelles étaient armés d'armes obsolètes.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in military and security contexts.
Note: 'Armer' is a verb form that means to equip with weapons.

Les synonymes de Arm


The part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist.
Exemple: He rolled up his sleeves to reveal a tattoo on his forearm.
Note: Forearm specifically refers to the lower part of the arm.


A large branch or main division of a tree or shrub.
Exemple: The monkey used its limbs to swing from branch to branch.
Note: Limb is a more general term that can refer to arms, legs, or branches of a tree.


A thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important.
Exemple: The robot had multiple appendages for various tasks.
Note: Appendage can refer to any part that is attached to the main body, not just arms.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Arm

Cost an arm and a leg

This idiom means something is very expensive or costs a lot.
Exemple: Buying a new car these days can cost an arm and a leg.
Note: The phrase uses 'arm and a leg' figuratively to emphasize high cost.

Twist someone's arm

To persuade or convince someone to do something they may not want to do.
Exemple: I didn't want to go, but my friends twisted my arm, so I went to the party.
Note: The phrase 'twist someone's arm' is figurative and does not involve actual physical twisting.

Give your right arm for something

To express a strong desire or willingness to do something or have something.
Exemple: She would give her right arm for a chance to travel the world.
Note: The phrase is hyperbolic, exaggerating the extent of one's desire or willingness.

Up in arms

To be very angry, agitated, or ready to fight about something.
Exemple: The employees were up in arms about the sudden pay cut.
Note: The phrase 'up in arms' is figurative, indicating strong emotional reactions rather than physical fighting.

Keep someone at arm's length

To maintain a certain distance or reserve in a relationship with someone.
Exemple: She decided to keep him at arm's length until she could trust him.
Note: The phrase implies maintaining emotional or physical distance rather than literal arm length.

Under someone's arm

To hold or carry something using one's arm as support.
Exemple: He won the competition with flying colors and the trophy under his arm.
Note: The phrase describes physically carrying something under the arm.

Long arm of the law

Refers to the far-reaching power and authority of the legal system.
Exemple: The long arm of the law eventually caught up with the criminal.
Note: The phrase uses 'long arm' metaphorically to represent the extensive reach of the law.

Right-hand man

A very important or trusted assistant or associate.
Exemple: She trusted him with every decision; he was her right-hand man.
Note: The phrase 'right-hand man' emphasizes the close working relationship rather than literal hand position.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Arm

Gun show

Refers to someone showing off their muscular arms, especially when they are well-developed.
Exemple: Check out those biceps! He's been hitting the gym hard, look at those gun shows.
Note: This term plays on the idea of someone flexing their arm muscles to show strength, like showing off guns in a gun show.


Refers to a large tattoo that covers a person's arm from shoulder to wrist.
Exemple: I'm thinking of getting a tattoo sleeve on my arm, what do you think?
Note: While originally referring to the covering of a garment around the arm, in the context of tattoos, it denotes a full-arm tattoo.

Kicking someone's butt

An aggressive or confrontational way of saying you will physically harm someone, including using your arms and legs in a fight.
Exemple: If he keeps messing with me, I'm going to have to kick his butt.
Note: While involving the use of the whole body in a fight, it often includes the action of physically kicking and using arms to subdue someone.


A slang term for muscular arms, particularly when someone has well-defined muscles in their arms.
Exemple: Check out those guns on him, he must lift a lot of weights.
Note: Similar to 'Gun show,' it emphasizes the strength and bulkiness of a person's arm muscles, likening them to weapons.


A close friend who helps and supports someone in their romantic pursuits, particularly by talking to, distracting, or attracting other potential romantic interests.
Exemple: Hey, can you be my wingman tonight at the bar? I need some help talking to that girl over there.
Note: Originally referring to a pilot who flies alongside and supports another in a combat or tactical situation, in this context, it refers to someone who assists in social or romantic situations.

Bicep curl

A weightlifting exercise specifically targeting the bicep muscles in the upper arm.
Exemple: I've been hitting the gym, working on my bicep curls to get bigger arms.
Note: While 'bicep' refers to the muscle in the arm, 'curl' indicates the action involved in the exercise of lifting the weight, often used to enhance arm muscles.


To show off one's muscles, especially the arms, by tightening or contracting them to make them appear bigger and stronger.
Exemple: Wow, did you see him flex in the mirror? He's all about showing off.
Note: Derived from 'flexing a muscle,' it signifies the action of tightening muscles to display strength and size, often done as a display of power.

Arm - Exemples

My arm hurts.
Mon bras fait mal.
He carried a gun in his arm.
Il portait une arme dans son bras.
She has a scar on her arm.
Elle a une cicatrice sur son bras.

Grammaire de Arm

Arm - Verbe (Verb) / Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form)
Lemme: arm
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): arms
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): arm
Verbe, passé simple (Verb, past tense): armed
Verbe, gérondif ou participe présent (Verb, gerund or present participle): arming
Verbe, 3ème personne du singulier au présent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): arms
Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form): arm
Verbe, présent non à la 3ème personne du singulier (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): arm
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
arm contient 1 syllabes: arm
Transcription phonétique: ˈärm
arm , ˈärm (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Arm - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
arm: 500 - 600 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.