Anglais - Français
Extrêmement Commun
600 - 700
600 - 700
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

tuer, abattre, éliminer, finir, assassiner

Significations de Kill en français

Le mot "kill" en anglais est principalement utilisé pour désigner l'action de mettre fin à la vie d'un être vivant. Il est employé dans divers contextes, allant de la conversation informelle à des discussions plus sérieuses.

Utilisation courante :

  1. Contexte informel : "Kill" peut être utilisé de manière figurative pour exprimer l'idée de faire quelque chose de très bien ou d'impressionnant. Par exemple : "You killed it at the presentation!" (Tu as assuré lors de la présentation !).
  2. Contexte formel : Dans des discussions sur la violence, la guerre ou la criminalité, "kill" est utilisé pour décrire des actes de violence. Par exemple : "The soldier was ordered to kill the enemy." (Le soldat a reçu l'ordre de tuer l'ennemi).
  3. Expressions courantes :
    • "Kill time" : passer le temps. Exemple : "I read a book to kill time." (J'ai lu un livre pour passer le temps).
    • "Kill two birds with one stone" : faire d'une pierre deux coups. Exemple : "I can pick up groceries and visit my friend, killing two birds with one stone." (Je peux acheter des courses et rendre visite à mon ami, faisant d'une pierre deux coups).

Erreurs courantes :
Les apprenants francophones peuvent confondre "kill" avec d'autres verbes comme "murder" (assassiner), qui a une connotation plus légale et criminelle. "Kill" est plus général et peut s'appliquer à des situations non criminelles.

Mots apparentés :

  • Synonymes : "Slay," "execute," "terminate" (selon le contexte).
  • Antonymes : "Save," "preserve."

Prononciation :
Le mot "kill" se prononce /kɪl/. Il est important de noter que la prononciation peut varier légèrement selon les accents régionaux.

Grammaire :
"Kill" est un verbe régulier. Sa forme au passé est "killed" et le participe passé est également "killed."

Étymologie :
Le mot "kill" provient de l'anglais ancien "cwellan," qui signifie "tuer." Il a évolué au fil du temps pour adopter son sens moderne.

Significations de Kill en français


He wants to kill the spider.
Il veut tuer l'araignée.
The hunter killed a deer.
Le chasseur a tué un cerf.
Utilisation: Formal/InformalContexte: Used in contexts involving taking a life, whether animals or people.
Note: The verb 'tuer' is a regular -er verb in French. It can also be used in various tenses.


They had to kill the trees to clear the land.
Ils ont dû abattre les arbres pour défricher la terre.
The police killed the armed suspect.
La police a abattu le suspect armé.
Utilisation: FormalContexte: More commonly used in formal contexts, especially in relation to animals or in law enforcement.
Note: 'Abattre' can imply a more deliberate action, often used in discussions about forestry or law enforcement.


They plan to kill the competition.
Ils prévoient d'éliminer la concurrence.
The detective aimed to kill all leads.
Le détective avait pour but d'éliminer toutes les pistes.
Utilisation: Formal/InformalContexte: Used in strategic or competitive contexts, often metaphorical.
Note: 'Éliminer' can also mean to remove or eliminate something without necessarily implying death.


This job is killing me.
Ce travail me tue.
The long meeting killed my mood.
La longue réunion a tué mon humeur.
Utilisation: InformalContexte: Used in colloquial expressions to indicate exhaustion or a negative impact on one's well-being.
Note: In this context, 'tuer' is used figuratively to express extreme fatigue or annoyance.


The politician was killed in a conspiracy.
Le politicien a été assassiné dans un complot.
They planned to kill the leader.
Ils ont planifié d'assassiner le leader.
Utilisation: FormalContexte: Used in formal contexts, particularly in discussions about murder, particularly of notable figures.
Note: 'Assassiner' implies a premeditated act of murder, often with political or social motives.

Les synonymes de Kill


Murder refers to the intentional killing of a person, often unlawfully.
Exemple: The suspect was charged with first-degree murder.
Note: Murder specifically implies the unlawful or criminal act of killing someone.


Slay means to kill in a fierce or violent manner, often used in a heroic or epic context.
Exemple: The dragon slayed the knight with its fiery breath.
Note: Slay is more commonly associated with mythical or heroic contexts.


Terminate can mean to end something or to cause the death of a living being.
Exemple: The company decided to terminate the project due to budget constraints.
Note: Terminate has a broader meaning beyond just causing death.


Execute means to carry out a sentence of death on a person as a punishment.
Exemple: The king ordered the execution of the traitor.
Note: Execute is often used in a legal or official context.


Dispatch means to deal with a person or problem quickly and efficiently, often implying killing swiftly.
Exemple: The sniper dispatched the target with precision.
Note: Dispatch can also mean to send off to a destination or to complete a task.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Kill

Kill two birds with one stone

This means to accomplish two things with a single action, making the most of your time and effort.
Exemple: By studying during my commute, I can kill two birds with one stone: I save time and improve my knowledge.
Note: The phrase uses 'kill' metaphorically to represent achieving multiple goals rather than causing harm.

Kill time

To do something that fills up time, especially when waiting for something else to happen.
Exemple: I was early for the meeting, so I killed time by reading a book in the waiting room.
Note: In this context, 'kill' is used to signify passing time rather than causing harm or death.

Kill it

To do something exceptionally well or with great success.
Exemple: She killed it in the dance competition, impressing the judges and the audience.
Note: Here, 'kill' is used to express mastery or excellence rather than causing harm.

Killing me

This expression means something is very funny, entertaining, or causing extreme amusement.
Exemple: His jokes are killing me; I can't stop laughing.
Note: 'Killing' in this context refers to laughter or enjoyment, not actual harm.

A killing

To make a large amount of money or profit, usually quickly and easily.
Exemple: He made a killing on the stock market, earning a huge profit in just a few days.
Note: In this phrase, 'killing' is used figuratively to indicate financial success rather than causing harm.

To kill for

To desire something so much that you would do almost anything to have it.
Exemple: I would kill for a slice of pizza right now; I'm so hungry!
Note: In this case, 'kill' shows extreme desire or longing for something, not a willingness to harm.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Kill

Bump someone off

To kill or murder someone, often used in a criminal context.
Exemple: The mob boss wanted to bump off his rival.
Note: This slang term is more informal and has a darker or more sinister connotation compared to simply saying 'kill.'

Offing someone

To kill or eliminate someone, typically discreetly or covertly.
Exemple: He had a plan for offing the witness who could put him in jail.
Note: It implies a secretive or clandestine action, often associated with criminal activities.


To kill someone, especially in a violent or brutal manner.
Exemple: The hitman was assigned to whack the target before dawn.
Note: This term is more colloquial and can have a more aggressive or brutal implication compared to the word 'kill.'

Finish off

To kill, complete, or conclude something, especially in a decisive way.
Exemple: The soldiers were ordered to finish off the remaining enemy combatants.
Note: It can refer to completing a task by eliminating something or someone, usually to the point of finality.

Take out

To kill or eliminate someone, often with precision or from a distance.
Exemple: The sniper was instructed to take out the high-profile target from a distance.
Note: It suggests a deliberate and often strategic act of removing a target, commonly used in military or espionage contexts.

Off someone

To kill or murder someone, typically in a premeditated manner.
Exemple: The crime boss wanted to off the informant before the trial.
Note: It conveys a sense of planning or intent in carrying out the act of taking someone's life.

Put down

To kill an animal or a person, often to alleviate pain or suffering.
Exemple: The vet had to put down the injured horse to end its suffering.
Note: While 'put down' can be used in a euthanasia context, it is also a more delicate or euphemistic way to say 'kill.'

Kill - Exemples

Kill the spider!
Tue l'araignée !
The virus can kill you.
Le virus peut te tuer.
The assassin was hired to kill the politician.
L'assassin a été engagé pour tuer le politicien.

Grammaire de Kill

Kill - Verbe (Verb) / Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form)
Lemme: kill
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): kills
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): kill
Verbe, passé simple (Verb, past tense): killed
Verbe, gérondif ou participe présent (Verb, gerund or present participle): killing
Verbe, 3ème personne du singulier au présent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): kills
Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form): kill
Verbe, présent non à la 3ème personne du singulier (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): kill
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
kill contient 1 syllabes: kill
Transcription phonétique: ˈkil
kill , ˈkil (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Kill - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
kill: 600 - 700 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.