Anglais - Français
Extrêmement Commun
600 - 700
600 - 700
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

production, production (as in a play or performance), yield (as in agriculture), output (in general terms), creation (of works or ideas)

Significations de Production en français

Le mot "production" est couramment utilisé en anglais dans divers contextes, notamment économique, artistique et scientifique. Il désigne généralement le processus de création ou de fabrication de biens, de services ou d'œuvres.

Contextes d'utilisation :

  1. Économie et affaires :

    • Utilisé pour décrire la fabrication de produits dans une entreprise. Par exemple : "The production of cars has increased this year." (La production de voitures a augmenté cette année.)
    • Souvent associé à des termes comme "mass production" (production de masse) ou "production line" (ligne de production).
  2. Arts et médias :

    • Utilisé pour parler de la création de films, de spectacles ou d'œuvres artistiques. Par exemple : "The production of the new play starts next month." (La production de la nouvelle pièce commence le mois prochain.)
    • Peut également faire référence à la qualité d'une œuvre : "The production quality of the album is excellent." (La qualité de production de l'album est excellente.)
  3. Sciences :

    • Utilisé pour décrire des processus naturels ou industriels, par exemple : "The production of energy from renewable sources is essential." (La production d'énergie à partir de sources renouvelables est essentielle.)

Phrases et expressions courantes :

  • "Production costs" (coûts de production) : les dépenses liées à la fabrication d'un produit.
  • "Production schedule" (calendrier de production) : un plan qui indique quand les produits seront fabriqués.
  • "Production team" (équipe de production) : le groupe de personnes responsables de la création d'un projet.

Formalité :
Le terme "production" est généralement utilisé dans des contextes formels et professionnels, mais il peut également apparaître dans des discussions informelles, en particulier dans des conversations sur le travail ou les loisirs créatifs.

Erreurs courantes :

  • Confondre "production" avec "product" (produit). "Production" se réfère au processus, tandis que "product" désigne l'objet final.
  • Utiliser "productions" pour désigner des œuvres d'art au pluriel sans contexte adéquat. En anglais, "productions" peut également désigner des événements ou des spectacles.

Mots apparentés :

  • Synonymes : "manufacturing" (fabrication), "creation" (création), "output" (production, rendement).
  • Antonymes : "destruction" (destruction), "decrease" (diminution).

Prononciation :
Le mot "production" se prononce /prəˈdʌkʃən/. Il est important de noter la syllabe accentuée sur "duc".

Grammaire et étymologie :
"Production" est un nom dénombrable et indénombrable en anglais, selon le contexte. Il provient du latin "productio", qui signifie "action de produire".

Significations de Production en français


The production of the movie was very successful.
La production du film a été très réussie.
The production of goods has increased this year.
La production de biens a augmenté cette année.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in business, film, and industrial contexts.
Note: The term is used to refer to the process of creating or manufacturing goods and services, as well as in the context of film and theater.

production (as in a play or performance)

The theater production was outstanding.
La production théâtrale était exceptionnelle.
I attended a new production of Romeo and Juliet.
J'ai assisté à une nouvelle production de Roméo et Juliette.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in theater, arts, and entertainment contexts.
Note: This meaning refers specifically to the staging or performance of a play, musical, or other artistic work.

yield (as in agriculture)

The production of wheat was affected by the drought.
La production de blé a été affectée par la sécheresse.
Farmers are concerned about the production of their crops.
Les agriculteurs s'inquiètent de la production de leurs cultures.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in agricultural and economic discussions.
Note: This refers to the amount of agricultural products produced, often measured in quantity.

output (in general terms)

The factory's production has doubled this quarter.
La production de l'usine a doublé ce trimestre.
We need to increase our production to meet demand.
Nous devons augmenter notre production pour répondre à la demande.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in business and manufacturing contexts.
Note: This meaning is broader and can apply to any type of output, particularly in business and manufacturing.

creation (of works or ideas)

The production of innovative ideas is essential for progress.
La production d'idées innovantes est essentielle pour le progrès.
Artistic production requires inspiration and talent.
La production artistique nécessite de l'inspiration et du talent.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in creative and intellectual discussions.
Note: This meaning highlights the creative aspect of production, relating to the generation of new ideas, art, or literature.

Les synonymes de Production


Manufacturing refers to the process of making products on a large scale using machinery and labor.
Exemple: The manufacturing of cars has increased this year.
Note: Manufacturing specifically emphasizes the physical creation of goods.


Creation implies the act of bringing something into existence or forming something new.
Exemple: The creation of a new software application requires a team of developers.
Note: Creation can encompass a broader range of activities beyond just physical production.


Output refers to the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry.
Exemple: The company's output of widgets has doubled since last quarter.
Note: Output focuses on the quantity or volume of what is produced rather than the process itself.


Manufacture is the act of making or producing goods using machinery and labor.
Exemple: The company decided to manufacture their products locally to reduce costs.
Note: Manufacture can be used as a verb to specifically refer to the process of making products.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Production

In production

This phrase means that something is being manufactured or created.
Exemple: The new model of the car is currently in production and will be released next year.
Note: It specifically refers to the stage of creating or manufacturing something as opposed to the general concept of production.

Production line

A production line is a sequence of steps or processes involved in manufacturing a product.
Exemple: The company added more workers to the production line to meet the increasing demand.
Note: It refers to a specific system or arrangement of tasks in the manufacturing process, distinct from the overall concept of production.

Mass production

Mass production is the process of manufacturing large quantities of a standardized product.
Exemple: The invention of the assembly line revolutionized mass production in the automotive industry.
Note: It emphasizes the scale and standardization of the manufacturing process, contrasting with smaller-scale or custom production methods.

Production costs

Production costs are the expenses incurred in manufacturing a product.
Exemple: The company is looking for ways to reduce production costs without compromising on quality.
Note: It focuses on the financial aspect of manufacturing, including expenses such as labor, materials, and overhead, distinct from the general concept of production.

Production value

Production value refers to the overall quality and visual appeal of a production.
Exemple: The production value of the film was high due to the use of advanced special effects.
Note: It highlights the quality and aesthetics of a production, such as in filmmaking or entertainment, rather than the quantity or process of production.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Production


In informal spoken language, 'produce' is often used as a shorter form of 'production.' It refers to creating or generating something.
Exemple: I've been tasked to produce a report by the end of the week.
Note: The term 'produce' is more casual and versatile, used in place of 'production' in various contexts.

Churn out

To 'churn out' in spoken language is to produce something in large quantities and often at a rapid pace.
Exemple: Our team can churn out high-quality content quickly.
Note: It emphasizes the speed and volume of production, typically associated with repetitive or factory-like output.

Pump out

To 'pump out' means to produce or release something continuously and at a steady rate.
Exemple: The company is pumping out new products every month.
Note: It conveys a sense of consistent output, suggesting a continuous flow of production without significant interruptions.

Crack out

In informal language, 'crack out' is used to describe producing or completing something quickly and efficiently.
Exemple: We need to crack out these designs before the deadline.
Note: It implies speed and focus in getting work done, often under time constraints or pressure.

Whip up

To 'whip up' something means to produce or create it quickly and skillfully, typically in a short amount of time.
Exemple: She can whip up a new website design in no time.
Note: It suggests a sense of ease and creativity in the production process, often associated with coming up with something on the spot.

Bang out

'Bang out' is used informally to describe producing something quickly and without much deliberation.
Exemple: The team managed to bang out a rough draft of the script overnight.
Note: It emphasizes speed and efficiency in getting something done, with less emphasis on perfection or meticulous detail.

Knock out

In informal language, 'knock out' means to produce or complete something quickly and efficiently.
Exemple: Let's knock out these reports before the meeting.
Note: It conveys a sense of speed and effectiveness in getting work done, often used in a casual or colloquial context.

Production - Exemples

Production of cars has increased in the last year.
La production de voitures a augmenté au cours de l'année dernière.
The company specializes in the production of organic food.
L'entreprise se spécialise dans la production de nourriture biologique.
The film production was delayed due to bad weather.
La production du film a été retardée en raison du mauvais temps.

Grammaire de Production

Production - Nom (Noun) / Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemme: production
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): productions, production
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): production
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
production contient 3 syllabes: pro • duc • tion
Transcription phonétique: prə-ˈdək-shən
pro duc tion , prə ˈdək shən (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Production - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
production: 600 - 700 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.