Anglais - Coréen


Extrêmement Commun
300 - 400
300 - 400
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

공동체, 사회, 지역 사회, 집단

Significations de Community en coréen


The local community came together to support the event.
지역 공동체가 행사를 지원하기 위해 함께 모였습니다.
She feels a strong sense of belonging to her community.
그녀는 자신의 공동체에 강한 소속감을 느낍니다.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used to describe a group of people living in the same area or sharing common interests.
Note: This term emphasizes social connections and collective identity.


The online gaming community is very supportive.
온라인 게임 사회는 매우 지지적입니다.
There are many communities on social media that focus on health.
건강에 초점을 맞춘 많은 사회가 소셜 미디어에 있습니다.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Used in broader contexts, such as groups formed around interests or platforms.
Note: This term can refer to both physical and virtual groups.

지역 사회

The local community center offers various programs for residents.
지역 사회 센터는 주민들을 위한 다양한 프로그램을 제공합니다.
They are trying to improve the local community's infrastructure.
그들은 지역 사회의 인프라를 개선하려고 노력하고 있습니다.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Typically used in discussions about local governance or community services.
Note: Focuses on geographic areas and the people living there.


This group is a community of like-minded individuals.
이 그룹은 같은 생각을 가진 개인들의 집단입니다.
The artist community is vibrant and diverse.
예술가 집단은 활기차고 다양합니다.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used to refer to a group of people with shared interests or characteristics.
Note: This meaning can apply to various fields, including art, science, and hobbies.

Les synonymes de Community


A society refers to a group of individuals living together in an organized community.
Exemple: In our society, people come together to support each other.
Note: Society can be broader in scope and may imply a more structured or formal group of people compared to a community.


A neighborhood is a specific area or district where people live in close proximity to one another.
Exemple: The neighborhood organized a cleanup event to improve the local area.
Note: Neighborhood typically refers to a smaller, more localized community within a larger community.


A village is a small community or settlement, often in a rural area.
Exemple: The village elders gathered to discuss important matters affecting their community.
Note: Village specifically denotes a small, close-knit community, usually in a rural setting.


Population refers to the total number of people living in a particular area or community.
Exemple: The population of the city has grown significantly in the past decade.
Note: Population focuses more on the numerical count of individuals in a community rather than the social interactions or relationships within it.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Community

Sense of community

Refers to the feeling of belonging, support, and connection within a group of people living in the same area or sharing common interests.
Exemple: The neighborhood picnic helped foster a strong sense of community among the residents.
Note: This phrase emphasizes the emotional and psychological aspect of community rather than just the physical grouping of people.

Close-knit community

Describes a community where the members are tightly interconnected, often sharing strong bonds and relationships.
Exemple: It's a close-knit community where everyone knows each other's names and looks out for one another.
Note: This phrase highlights the close relationships and unity within the community, implying a tighter connection than in a general community.

Community outreach

Refers to activities or initiatives undertaken by an organization or group to engage with and provide assistance to the broader community.
Exemple: The organization is involved in various community outreach programs to support local residents in need.
Note: This phrase emphasizes the proactive effort made by an entity to connect with and serve the community, often beyond its immediate members.

Tight-knit community

Similar to close-knit community, describes a closely interconnected group with strong relationships and mutual support.
Exemple: The small town has a tight-knit community where everyone bands together in times of crisis.
Note: This phrase conveys a sense of unity and solidarity, suggesting an even closer bond than in a close-knit community.

Community service

Refers to activities undertaken by individuals or groups for the betterment of the community or to address specific needs within the community.
Exemple: Volunteering at the local shelter is a great way to get involved in community service and give back.
Note: This phrase specifically denotes activities performed for the benefit of the community, often as a form of giving back or contributing to the common good.

Community spirit

Describes the shared enthusiasm, camaraderie, and willingness to help or support one another within a community.
Exemple: The community spirit was evident during the charity event, with everyone coming together to support a common cause.
Note: This phrase focuses on the collective attitude, energy, and unity within a community, highlighting a positive and cooperative mindset among its members.

Community involvement

Refers to the active participation and engagement of community members in various activities, projects, or initiatives.
Exemple: Encouraging community involvement in decision-making processes can lead to more inclusive and sustainable outcomes.
Note: This phrase emphasizes the active role played by individuals within the community, highlighting their contribution to shaping and improving community life.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Community


Informally gathering or coming together as a group.
Exemple: Let's all commune together to support our local businesses.
Note: It conveys a more casual and spontaneous sense of belonging compared to 'community'.


A small, exclusive group of people within a community.
Exemple: They formed a tight clique within the larger community.
Note: It implies a more exclusive and limited form of community within a larger group.


A close-knit group of friends within a community.
Exemple: Our squad always has each other's backs in this community.
Note: It often refers to a smaller, more intimate group within a larger social circle.


A social group sharing common interests, beliefs, or culture within a community.
Exemple: I feel a strong connection to my tribe in this vibrant community.
Note: It highlights a sense of belonging based on shared values or identity within a broader community.


A group of close friends or associates with a common interest within a community.
Exemple: Our cycling gang is a supportive community for fitness enthusiasts.
Note: It may suggest a more rebellious or close-knit association compared to a traditional community.


A group of individuals with a shared interest or purpose within a community.
Exemple: Join our circle of creatives in the local arts community.
Note: It implies a more focused or specialized sub-community within a larger community.


Short for 'family', used to refer to close friends or a supportive group within a community.
Exemple: You're always welcome to hang out with our fam in this community.
Note: It conveys a sense of deep trust and familiarity similar to that within a family unit.

Community - Exemples

The community came together to support the local school.
지역 사회가 모여서 지역 학교를 지원했습니다.
Social media has changed the way we interact with our communities.
소셜 미디어는 우리가 지역 사회와 상호작용하는 방식을 변화시켰습니다.
She volunteers at a community organization every weekend.
그녀는 매주 주말에 지역 사회 단체에서 자원봉사를 합니다.

Grammaire de Community

Community - Nom (Noun) / Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemme: community
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): communities, community
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): community
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
community contient 4 syllabes: com • mu • ni • ty
Transcription phonétique: kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē
com mu ni ty , ˈmyü (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Community - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
community: 300 - 400 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.