Anglais - Polonais


Extrêmement Commun
600 - 700
600 - 700
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

zgoda, układ, porozumienie, zgodność

Significations de Agreement en polonais


They reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.
Osiągnęli zgodę co do warunków umowy.
Her agreement to the proposal was crucial for its approval.
Jej zgoda na propozycję była kluczowa dla jej zatwierdzenia.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Legal, business, negotiations
Note: Used to indicate consent or approval in formal settings.


The two countries signed a trade agreement.
Oba kraje podpisały układ handlowy.
They have a verbal agreement to share resources.
Mają ustny układ o dzieleniu się zasobami.
Utilisation: formalContexte: International relations, agreements between parties
Note: Often used in context with treaties or formal arrangements.


The agreement between the parties was beneficial for both.
Porozumienie między stronami było korzystne dla obu.
They finally reached a mutual agreement.
W końcu osiągnęli wspólne porozumienie.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: General consensus, discussions
Note: Refers to a mutual understanding and can be used in both casual and formal discussions.


There was a clear agreement in their opinions.
Istniała wyraźna zgodność w ich opiniach.
The team is in agreement about the next steps.
Zespół jest w zgodzie co do następnych kroków.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Casual discussions, teamwork
Note: Used to express alignment or harmony in thoughts or actions.

Les synonymes de Agreement


Accord refers to a formal agreement or harmony between people or groups.
Exemple: The two parties reached an accord on the terms of the contract.
Note: Accord often implies a more formal or official agreement compared to 'agreement.'


A pact is a formal agreement between individuals or parties.
Exemple: The countries signed a pact to promote economic cooperation.
Note: Pact is often used to refer to a formal, usually written agreement between parties.


A deal is an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics.
Exemple: They struck a deal to share the profits equally.
Note: Deal can imply a more informal or transactional agreement compared to 'agreement.'


A settlement is an official agreement that resolves a dispute or conflict.
Exemple: The legal dispute was resolved through a settlement.
Note: Settlement often refers to reaching an agreement to resolve a specific issue or conflict.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Agreement

Come to an agreement

To reach a mutual understanding or decision on a particular matter after negotiation or discussion.
Exemple: After much discussion, they finally came to an agreement on the terms of the contract.
Note: This phrase emphasizes the process of reaching an agreement rather than just stating that an agreement exists.

Mutual agreement

An agreement or understanding that is shared by all parties involved.
Exemple: The decision to end the partnership was made by mutual agreement.
Note: It highlights that the agreement is reached by all parties involved, emphasizing the mutual aspect.

In full agreement

To completely agree with or support a particular idea, proposal, or decision.
Exemple: The team was in full agreement with the proposed changes to the project.
Note: This phrase indicates a strong level of agreement without any reservations or disagreements.

Verbal agreement

An agreement that is spoken rather than documented in writing.
Exemple: They made a verbal agreement to meet at the café later in the day.
Note: It signifies an agreement that is not formally recorded and relies on spoken communication.

Reaching an agreement

To successfully come to a decision or settlement after discussions or negotiations.
Exemple: Both parties were open to compromise, leading to reaching an agreement on the issue.
Note: This phrase highlights the process of reaching an agreement through communication and compromise.

Unanimous agreement

A complete agreement among all members or participants involved in a decision or vote.
Exemple: The board members reached a unanimous agreement on the budget proposal.
Note: It stresses that all parties are in total agreement without any dissenting opinions or votes.

Gentleman's agreement

An informal and non-legally binding agreement based on trust and honor.
Exemple: Their deal was based on a gentleman's agreement rather than a formal contract.
Note: It implies an agreement based on mutual respect and trust, often used in situations where formal contracts are not involved.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Agreement

On the same page

This slang term means to be in agreement or to have the same understanding about something.
Exemple: Let's make sure we are on the same page about the project deadline.
Note: The slang term 'on the same page' is more casual and conversational compared to saying 'in agreement.'

Bought in

To be 'bought in' signifies agreement or acceptance of an idea, plan, or decision.
Exemple: Everyone seems to be bought in on the new marketing strategy.
Note: The term 'bought in' is informal and indicates active participation or support rather than just agreement.

In sync

When things are 'in sync,' it means they are in agreement or harmony with each other.
Exemple: Our opinions are in sync on this matter.
Note: The term 'in sync' is a more modern and informal way to express agreement.

On board

Being 'on board' means being in agreement with a plan, idea, or decision.
Exemple: Are you on board with the proposal to expand our services?
Note: The slang term 'on board' conveys a sense of active involvement and support, distinct from mere agreement.

Signed off

To 'sign off' on something indicates formal agreement or approval, especially in a professional context.
Exemple: The team has signed off on the budget proposal.
Note: The term 'sign off' implies a final and official agreement or endorsement of a decision or document.

Thumbs up

Giving a 'thumbs up' is a gesture or expression of approval or agreement.
Exemple: I gave the project plan a thumbs up.
Note: The slang term 'thumbs up' is more colloquial and visual, representing positive agreement or endorsement.

Green light

Getting the 'green light' means receiving approval or agreement to proceed with a plan or project.
Exemple: Management has given the green light for the new initiative.
Note: The term 'green light' suggests permission or authorization to move forward, signaling agreement at a decision-making level.

Agreement - Exemples

Agreement reached between the two parties.
Umowa osiągnięta między obiema stronami.
We need to come to an agreement on this matter.
Musimy dojść do porozumienia w tej sprawie.
The agreement was signed by both parties.
Umowa została podpisana przez obie strony.

Grammaire de Agreement

Agreement - Nom (Noun) / Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemme: agreement
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): agreements, agreement
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): agreement
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
agreement contient 2 syllabes: agree • ment
Transcription phonétique: ə-ˈgrē-mənt
agree ment , ə ˈgrē mənt (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Agreement - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
agreement: 600 - 700 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.