Anglais - Polonais
Extrêmement Commun
800 - 900
800 - 900
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
chichot, chichotać, półśmiech
Significations de Chuckle en polonais
He gave a soft chuckle at the joke.
Z kpiącym chichotem zareagował na żart.
She couldn't help but chuckle at the silly dog.
Nie mogła powstrzymać chichotu na widok głupiego psa.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Used in casual situations, often in response to something amusing or light-hearted.
Note: This term implies a soft, quiet laugh, often indicating amusement without being loud.
They chuckled at the funny movie.
Chichotali podczas oglądania zabawnego filmu.
I could hear them chuckling from the other room.
Słyszałem ich chichot z drugiego pokoju.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Commonly used in conversations about laughter or humor.
Note: This verb form is often used to describe the action of chuckling and can be applied to various subjects.
His chuckle was more of a half-laugh.
Jego półśmiech był bardziej jak chichot.
She let out a chuckle that sounded unsure.
Wydusiła z siebie półśmiech, który brzmiał niepewnie.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Used when the laughter is not full-hearted, indicating hesitation or uncertainty.
Note: This meaning emphasizes a lighter form of laughter that may not indicate true amusement.
Les synonymes de Chuckle
To make sounds with the voice, showing happiness or amusement.
Exemple: She laughed at his joke.
Note: While chuckle is a quieter and more subdued form of laughter, laugh is a louder and more expressive form of showing amusement.
To laugh in a nervous, silly, or uncontrollable way.
Exemple: The children couldn't stop giggling during the funny movie.
Note: Giggle is often associated with a higher-pitched and more playful form of laughter compared to chuckle.
To chuckle gleefully or in satisfaction.
Exemple: He chortled with delight when he heard the news.
Note: Chortle conveys a sense of gleeful or triumphant laughter, often with a mix of chuckling and snorting sounds.
Expressions et phrases courantes de Chuckle
Have a chuckle
To enjoy a light-hearted laugh or find something amusing.
Exemple: Let's watch a comedy show and have a chuckle.
Note: This phrase emphasizes actively seeking out amusement or laughter.
Chuckle to oneself
To quietly laugh or giggle without making a lot of noise.
Exemple: He chuckled to himself while reading the funny comic strip.
Note: This phrase implies a more subdued or private form of amusement.
Chuckle at
To laugh quietly or mirthfully at something amusing.
Exemple: She couldn't help but chuckle at his silly jokes.
Note: This phrase indicates reacting with amusement specifically towards something.
Chuckle up one's sleeve
To quietly express amusement or satisfaction in a secretive or smug manner.
Exemple: She chuckled up her sleeve when she saw her rival trip over.
Note: This phrase suggests a subtle or hidden form of amusement, often related to feeling superior or pleased about something.
Chuckle away
To laugh heartily or continuously, often in a relaxed and carefree manner.
Exemple: The friends chuckled away as they reminisced about their school days.
Note: This phrase conveys a sense of shared enjoyment or laughter that persists over a period of time.
Chuckle under one's breath
To quietly laugh or snicker so that others may not hear.
Exemple: He chuckled under his breath when he heard the embarrassing story.
Note: This phrase highlights the secretive or discreet nature of the laughter.
Chuckle in agreement
To laugh softly in a way that indicates agreement or acknowledgment.
Exemple: They chuckled in agreement with the funny observation made by the speaker.
Note: This phrase shows amusement combined with a shared understanding or approval of a statement or situation.
Expressions courantes (argot) de Chuckle
Chucklehead is a slang term used to refer to someone who is silly, foolish, or lacks common sense.
Exemple: Don't be such a chucklehead and pay attention in class.
Note: The slang term 'chucklehead' is derogatory and more disrespectful compared to just 'chuckle.'
Chuckles is a casual way to refer to laughter or small bursts of amusement.
Exemple: I asked him to stop with the jokes, but he just kept on with his chuckles.
Note: While 'chuckles' still relates to laughing, it may imply a continuous or repeated form of amusement rather than a one-time chuckle.
Chucklefest is used to describe an event or situation where there is a lot of laughter or amusement.
Exemple: The comedy show turned into a real chucklefest with all the hilarious performances.
Note: The term 'chucklefest' emphasizes the abundance of laughter or amusement in a particular context.
Chucklebucket is a playful term used to describe someone who easily brings laughter or is always joking around.
Exemple: You can always count on John to be a chucklebucket at parties with his jokes.
Note: It is a playful and affectionate way to describe someone who is a constant source of amusement.
Chuckleberry is a slang term used to refer to someone who is a good friend and always makes you laugh.
Exemple: He's my trusty chuckleberry whenever I need a good laugh.
Note: It brings a sense of warmth and camaraderie by combining 'chuckle' with 'berry' to imply a sweet and dependable source of laughter.
Chuckle-ologist is a humorous term for someone who is skilled at or enjoys making others laugh.
Exemple: She's a real chuckle-ologist when it comes to finding humor in everyday situations.
Note: This term combines 'chuckle' with 'ologist' to playfully suggest expertise or passion in the field of laughter.
Chuckleberry Finn
Chuckleberry Finn is a slang term used to refer to someone who is clever, witty, or humorous.
Exemple: He's known as the Chuckleberry Finn of the office for his witty remarks.
Note: It combines 'chuckle' with the literary character 'Huckleberry Finn' to suggest a person with a quick wit and a knack for humor.
Chuckle - Exemples
She couldn't help but chuckle at his silly joke.
Nie mogła powstrzymać się od chichotu na jego głupi żart.
The children were chuckling at the clown's funny antics.
Dzieci chichotały z powodu zabawnych wybryków klauna.
He tried to hide his chuckle behind his hand.
Próbował ukryć swój chichot za ręką.
Grammaire de Chuckle
Chuckle - Verbe (Verb) / Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form)
Lemme: chuckle
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): chuckles
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): chuckle
Verbe, passé simple (Verb, past tense): chuckled
Verbe, gérondif ou participe présent (Verb, gerund or present participle): chuckling
Verbe, 3ème personne du singulier au présent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): chuckles
Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form): chuckle
Verbe, présent non à la 3ème personne du singulier (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): chuckle
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
chuckle contient 2 syllabes: chuck • le
Transcription phonétique: ˈchə-kᵊl
chuck le , ˈchə kᵊl (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)
Chuckle - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
chuckle: 800 - 900 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.