Anglais - Polonais


Extrêmement Commun
600 - 700
600 - 700
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

ponieważ, od (jakiegoś momentu), od kiedy, kiedy

Significations de Since en polonais


I stayed at home since it was raining.
Zostałem w domu, ponieważ padał deszcz.
She didn't come since she was feeling sick.
Ona nie przyszła, ponieważ źle się czuła.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used to indicate a reason or cause.
Note: This usage can often be replaced with 'because' in English.

od (jakiegoś momentu)

I have been here since 9 AM.
Jestem tutaj od 9 rano.
She has lived in Warsaw since 2015.
Mieszka w Warszawie od 2015 roku.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used to indicate the starting point in time of an action or situation.
Note: In Polish, it often requires the preposition 'od' to indicate the starting point.

od kiedy

Since when have you been learning Polish?
Od kiedy uczysz się polskiego?
Since when is this a problem?
Od kiedy to jest problem?
Utilisation: informalContexte: Used to ask about the duration of an action from a specific point in time.
Note: This phrase can also imply surprise or questioning of the duration.


I will call you since I get home.
Zadzwonię do ciebie, kiedy wrócę do domu.
You can start since I say go.
Możesz zacząć, kiedy powiem 'start'.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used to indicate a time when something will happen.
Note: This usage is more common in spoken English and can be translated as 'kiedy' in Polish.

Les synonymes de Since


Used to give a reason or explanation for something.
Exemple: I couldn't attend the meeting because I was sick.
Note: While 'since' can also indicate time, 'because' specifically shows causation or reason.


Similar to 'because,' it is used to introduce a reason or explanation.
Exemple: As I was leaving the house, I remembered to lock the door.
Note: Both 'as' and 'since' can be used to show causation, but 'as' can also be used to indicate time or comparison.

seeing that

An informal way to introduce a reason or condition.
Exemple: Seeing that you're busy, I'll help you with the project.
Note: This phrase is more casual and conversational compared to 'since.'

in view of the fact that

A formal and verbose way to introduce a reason or circumstance.
Exemple: In view of the fact that the deadline is approaching, we need to work faster.
Note: This phrase is more formal and less commonly used in everyday language than 'since.'

Expressions et phrases courantes de Since

Ever since

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been happening continuously from a particular past time until now.
Exemple: I have been practicing yoga ever since I injured my back.
Note: Adds emphasis and specifies the continuous nature of the action.

Since day one

This phrase means from the very beginning or the start of something.
Exemple: She has been a loyal friend since day one of our friendship.
Note: Emphasizes the duration of the action from the beginning.

Since then

This phrase refers to a specific point in the past after which an event occurred.
Exemple: I have not spoken to him since then.
Note: Highlights the time frame starting from a specific event.

Since ages

This phrase means for a very long time, often implying a tradition or long-standing practice.
Exemple: People have been using this traditional recipe since ages.
Note: Emphasizes the longstanding nature of the action or practice.

Since time immemorial

This phrase denotes a period extending beyond the reach of memory, history, or tradition.
Exemple: This ritual has been followed since time immemorial by the indigenous tribe.
Note: Conveys a sense of antiquity or timelessness.

Since the beginning of time

This phrase emphasizes the idea of something existing or happening from the earliest period.
Exemple: Humans have sought answers to philosophical questions since the beginning of time.
Note: Highlights the eternal or timeless nature of the action.

Since forever

This colloquial phrase means for a very long time, suggesting a deep-seated preference or habit.
Exemple: I have loved chocolate cake since forever.
Note: Conveys a sense of enduring love or attachment to something.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Since

Since yesteryear

Refers to a period of time in the past, usually emphasizing a nostalgic or long-standing connection.
Exemple: I've been a fan of this band since yesteryear.
Note: It carries a sense of time passing from the past to the present, focusing on an era before the present moment.

Since way back when

Indicates a long-standing relationship or connection dating back to a distant point in time.
Exemple: We've been friends since way back when we were kids.
Note: It emphasizes the length of time and familiarity in the relationship from a distant past.

Since the get-go

Means from the very beginning or the start of something.
Exemple: She has been supportive since the get-go of this project.
Note: It highlights the initial stages or inception of an event or situation.

Since the jump

Refers to knowing something from the beginning or the early stages.
Exemple: We knew each other's secrets since the jump.
Note: Similar to 'since the get-go,' it emphasizes knowing from the start or initiation.

Since a hot minute

Indicates a significant amount of time has passed since the last encounter or event.
Exemple: I haven't seen her since a hot minute.
Note: It implies a lengthy period, often with a sense of surprise or nostalgia about the elapsed time.

Since the jump-off

Refers to the initial stages or the very beginning of a relationship or endeavor.
Exemple: We've been together since the jump-off.
Note: Similar to 'since the get-go,' it underscores the starting point of an activity or connection.

Since the olden days

Relates to a time long ago, often with a sense of tradition or long-standing practice.
Exemple: They have been using that recipe since the olden days.
Note: It conveys a historical or traditional aspect, emphasizing longevity and continuity over time.

Since - Exemples

Since I started working here, I have learned a lot.
Odkąd zacząłem tutaj pracować, nauczyłem się dużo.
I have been studying French since high school.
Uczę się francuskiego od szkoły średniej.
Since it's raining outside, we should stay indoors.
Ponieważ pada deszcz na zewnątrz, powinniśmy zostać w środku.

Grammaire de Since

Since - Conjonction de subordination (Subordinating conjunction) / Préposition ou conjonction subordonnée (Preposition or subordinating conjunction)
Lemme: since
Adverbe (Adverb): since
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
since contient 1 syllabes: since
Transcription phonétique: ˈsin(t)s
since , ˈsin(t)s (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Since - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
since: 600 - 700 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.