Anglais - Ukrainien


Extrêmement Commun
300 - 400
300 - 400
L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000. Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.

позиція, місцезнаходження, позиціювання, виставлення, погляд, ставлення

Significations de Position en ukrainien


She holds a high position in the company.
Вона займає високу позицію в компанії.
What is your position on this issue?
Яка ваша позиція щодо цього питання?
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in professional or formal discussions, especially related to someone's job or stance on an issue.
Note: The term 'позиція' can refer to someone's role in an organization or their opinion on a matter.


The cat is in a comfortable position on the couch.
Кіт знаходиться в зручному місцезнаходженні на дивані.
He adjusted his position to get a better view.
Він налаштував своє місцезнаходження, щоб краще бачити.
Utilisation: informalContexte: Describing someone's physical location or arrangement.
Note: In this context, 'місцезнаходження' can refer to a physical placement or arrangement of a person or object.


The positioning of the furniture in the room is important.
Позиціювання меблів у кімнаті є важливим.
Good positioning can enhance the overall feel of the space.
Добре позиціювання може покращити загальне сприйняття простору.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Typically used in discussions about design, marketing, or strategy.
Note: Refers to the act of placing or arranging something in a specific way for effect or clarity.


The team needs to improve their position in the league.
Команді потрібно покращити своє виставлення в лізі.
After the last match, their position has changed.
Після останнього матчу їхнє виставлення змінилося.
Utilisation: formalContexte: Used in sports or competitive contexts to refer to ranking.
Note: This meaning is closely related to ranking or standing in competitions.

погляд, ставлення

His position on climate change is well-known.
Його погляд на зміну клімату добре відомий.
They have a different position regarding immigration policies.
Вони мають інше ставлення до імміграційної політики.
Utilisation: formal/informalContexte: Used in discussions about opinions or beliefs.
Note: This meaning emphasizes someone's viewpoint or belief system regarding various issues.

Les synonymes de Position


A post refers to a job or position in an organization or company.
Exemple: She applied for a teaching post at the university.
Note: Post specifically refers to a job or position within an organization, whereas position can refer to a broader range of meanings.


Placement refers to the act of putting someone in a particular position or job.
Exemple: His placement in the company's hierarchy was well-deserved.
Note: Placement specifically emphasizes the act of putting someone in a position, whereas position can have a broader meaning.


Role refers to the function or part played by a person in a particular situation.
Exemple: She plays a crucial role in the success of the project.
Note: Role emphasizes the function or part played by a person, whereas position can refer to a broader concept of status or location.


Situation refers to the circumstances or conditions in which someone finds themselves.
Exemple: The company's financial situation improved significantly.
Note: Situation focuses more on the circumstances or conditions, while position can refer to a specific place or status.

Expressions et phrases courantes de Position

In position

Refers to being ready and properly placed for a particular task or event.
Exemple: The soldiers were in position before the enemy attack.
Note: Focuses on readiness and placement rather than just the physical location.

Position oneself

To place or arrange oneself in a particular location or situation.
Exemple: He positioned himself at the front of the line to be the first to enter.
Note: Emphasizes the deliberate action of placing oneself in a specific way.

Position of power

Refers to a role or rank that holds authority, influence, or control.
Exemple: As the CEO, she held a position of power within the company.
Note: Indicates a higher level of authority or control compared to just being in a physical location.

Position paper

A written document outlining a stance or viewpoint on a particular issue.
Exemple: The delegates presented their country's position paper on climate change.
Note: Focuses on a formal written statement of a stance rather than just a physical location.

Position of strength

Being in a favorable or advantageous situation.
Exemple: By securing key alliances, they put themselves in a position of strength during negotiations.
Note: Highlights being in a favorable situation rather than just a physical location.

Position oneself for success

To prepare or set oneself up for achieving success in a particular area.
Exemple: She took on additional training to position herself for success in her career.
Note: Emphasizes preparing or setting oneself up for success rather than just being in a physical location.

Position on an issue

A stance or opinion taken regarding a specific topic or matter.
Exemple: The candidate clarified his position on healthcare reform during the debate.
Note: Refers to a stance or opinion on a topic rather than just a physical location.

Expressions courantes (argot) de Position

Get into position

This is commonly used in sports or performing arts to mean getting ready or assuming the correct posture or arrangement for a specific activity.
Exemple: Get into position for the start of the race.
Note: This term specifically refers to preparing for a specific action or event, unlike the general term 'position'.


In informal language, 'flexibility' can refer to the ability to adapt or make adjustments easily, especially in terms of accommodating unforeseen circumstances or changes.
Exemple: We need some flexibility in our schedule to accommodate changes.
Note: In this context, 'flexibility' implies a general sense of adaptability and openness to change, which may not directly relate to a fixed 'position'.


In casual conversation, 'stance' is often used to inquire about someone's opinion, belief, or attitude towards a particular topic or situation.
Exemple: What's your stance on the issue at hand?
Note: While 'stance' can be related to one's position on an issue, it generally refers to a broader set of beliefs or views rather than a specific location or posture.


When 'place' is used informally, it typically means a spot or position in a queue, group, or hierarchy.
Exemple: I've got a place in line for the concert.
Note: 'Place' in this context denotes a specific location or rank within a sequence or order, different from the broader concept of 'position'.


In colloquial language, 'settle' can mean to agree on or finalize a decision, often to resolve a disagreement or reach a compromise.
Exemple: Let's settle on a meeting time that works for everyone.
Note: 'Settle' implies reaching a resolution or making a decision, as opposed to simply being in a particular 'position'.


Commonly used in informal discussions, 'standpoint' refers to a particular perspective, approach, or point of view, especially in relation to a specific context or topic.
Exemple: From a business standpoint, this decision makes sense.
Note: While related to one's 'position', 'standpoint' emphasizes a subjective viewpoint or opinion rather than a physical or figurative 'position'.


In everyday language, 'spot' can refer to a designated place or position for someone or something, often indicating a reservation or arrangement in advance.
Exemple: Save me a spot at the table, please.
Note: In this sense, 'spot' implies a specific location for someone or something, rather than a broader concept of 'position' in a general sense.

Position - Exemples

My position at the company is a project manager.
Моя позиція в компанії - керівник проекту.
The athlete's position on the field is crucial for the team's success.
Позиція спортсмена на полі є вирішальною для успіху команди.
The company is looking to fill a new position in their marketing department.
Компанія шукає, щоб заповнити нову позицію у своєму відділі маркетингу.

Grammaire de Position

Position - Nom (Noun) / Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass)
Lemme: position
Nom, pluriel (Noun, plural): positions, position
Nom, singulier ou massif (Noun, singular or mass): position
Verbe, passé simple (Verb, past tense): positioned
Verbe, gérondif ou participe présent (Verb, gerund or present participle): positioning
Verbe, 3ème personne du singulier au présent (Verb, 3rd person singular present): positions
Verbe, forme de base (Verb, base form): position
Verbe, présent non à la 3ème personne du singulier (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): position
Syllabes, Séparation et Accent
position contient 3 syllabes: po • si • tion
Transcription phonétique: pə-ˈzi-shən
po si tion , ˈzi shən (La syllabe rouge est accentuée)

Position - Importance et fréquence d'utilisation

L'indice de fréquence et d'importance des mots indique la fréquence d'apparition d'un mot dans une langue donnée. Plus le nombre est petit, plus le mot est fréquemment utilisé. Les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés vont généralement de 1 à 4000.
position: 300 - 400 (Extrêmement Commun).
Cet indice d'importance vous aide à vous concentrer sur les mots les plus utiles lors de votre processus d'apprentissage des langues.
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy, apprentissage des langues efficace
Vocafy t'aide à découvrir, organiser et apprendre de nouveaux mots et expressions facilement. Crée des collections de vocabulaire personnalisées et pratique à tout moment, n'importe où.