Gyűjtemény \ Oktatás
Angol (GB) - Magyar

Tenses for Children - Present Simple

Melinda 2024-04-15 voca
0 Értékelés
I had been studying for hours by the time the test began.
Órákig tanultam, mire elkezdődött a vizsga.
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Present Simple:

We use the Present Simple to describe habitual actions, general truths, facts, or states that are true in the present or happen regularly. This tense often describes actions that are part of a routine or occur regularly, as well as facts that are always true.

Form: V+s/es

For example: "She reads books every day."
This sentence indicates a habitual action; she reads books regularly as part of her routine.

Signal words: "every day", "always", "often", "sometimes", "usually" etc.

The Present Simple is used for habitual actions, general truths, or facts that are true in the present, while the Present Continuous is used for actions happening at the moment of speaking or actions occurring around the present time.

Gyorsan és hatékonyan tanuld meg a következő Angol szavakat és kifejezéseket: Sleeps, Barks, They, Weekends.
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