Angol - Német


Rendkívül gyakori
500 - 600
500 - 600
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.

Treffen, Begegnung, Versammlung, Zusammentreffen

Meeting jelentései németül


Let's have a meeting to discuss the project.
Lass uns ein Treffen haben, um das Projekt zu besprechen.
The team meeting is scheduled for 3 pm.
Das Teamtreffen ist für 15 Uhr angesetzt.
Használat: formalKontextus: Business, formal settings
Megjegyzés: This is the most common translation of 'meeting' in the sense of a formal gathering for discussion or decision-making.


Their meeting on the train sparked a romance.
Ihre Begegnung im Zug entfachte eine Romanze.
The meeting of different cultures enriched their lives.
Die Begegnung verschiedener Kulturen bereicherte ihr Leben.
Használat: formalKontextus: Encounters, interactions
Megjegyzés: This translation is used for encounters or interactions between people or groups, often emphasizing a meaningful or impactful encounter.


The town hall meeting was attended by hundreds of residents.
An der Versammlung im Rathaus nahmen Hunderte von Bewohnern teil.
The union held a meeting to discuss the upcoming strike.
Die Gewerkschaft hielt eine Versammlung ab, um den bevorstehenden Streik zu besprechen.
Használat: formalKontextus: Gatherings, assemblies
Megjegyzés: This translation is used for larger formal gatherings or assemblies, such as town hall meetings or union meetings.


The meeting of old friends brought back memories of their youth.
Das Zusammentreffen alter Freunde weckte Erinnerungen an ihre Jugend.
The unexpected meeting of the two rival groups led to a confrontation.
Das unerwartete Zusammentreffen der beiden rivalisierenden Gruppen führte zu einer Konfrontation.
Használat: formalKontextus: Encounters, gatherings
Megjegyzés: This translation is used for meetings or gatherings that are characterized by coming together or encountering unexpectedly.

Meeting szinonimái


A gathering refers to a coming together of people for a specific purpose or event, similar to a meeting but often more informal.
Példa: We're having a gathering of friends at the park this weekend.
Megjegyzés: Gatherings can be less structured and formal than meetings, often involving socializing or casual interactions.


A conference typically involves a formal meeting of people to discuss specific topics or issues, often with presentations or workshops.
Példa: The company is hosting a conference on innovation next month.
Megjegyzés: Conferences are usually larger in scale than regular meetings and may involve participants from different organizations or locations.


A session refers to a specific period of time dedicated to a particular activity, discussion, or work.
Példa: The training session will focus on new software updates.
Megjegyzés: Sessions can be part of a larger meeting or event, focusing on a specific aspect or topic within the overall gathering.


An assembly is a formal gathering of people for a specific purpose, often involving a group coming together for a common activity or event.
Példa: The school assembly will take place in the auditorium tomorrow morning.
Megjegyzés: Assemblies are typically larger gatherings, often involving a whole organization, community, or institution.

Meeting kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai

Call a meeting

To arrange or schedule a meeting with a group of people to discuss a specific topic or issue.
Példa: Let's call a meeting to discuss the new project proposal.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'call a meeting' specifically refers to initiating a meeting, while 'meeting' itself refers to the gathering or assembly of people.

Hold a meeting

To conduct or host a meeting where people gather to discuss matters or make decisions.
Példa: We need to hold a meeting to finalize the budget for the next quarter.
Megjegyzés: Similar to 'call a meeting,' 'hold a meeting' focuses on the action of conducting the meeting rather than just the gathering itself.

Attend a meeting

To be present or participate in a meeting as a listener, contributor, or decision-maker.
Példa: I have to attend a meeting with the senior management team this afternoon.
Megjegyzés: While 'meeting' generally refers to the event itself, 'attend a meeting' emphasizes the act of being present at the meeting.

Run a meeting

To lead or facilitate a meeting by managing the agenda, discussions, and ensuring productivity.
Példa: She is skilled at running meetings efficiently and keeping discussions on track.
Megjegyzés: Unlike 'meeting,' which is a general term for a gathering, 'run a meeting' specifically highlights the role of the person in charge of managing the meeting.

Schedule a meeting

To plan and set a specific date, time, and place for a meeting to take place.
Példa: I will schedule a meeting with the client to go over the project timeline.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'schedule a meeting' indicates the act of setting up a meeting in advance, distinguishing it from the general concept of a meeting.

Cancel a meeting

To officially call off or postpone a meeting that was previously arranged or planned.
Példa: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel the meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Megjegyzés: While 'meeting' refers to the gathering itself, 'cancel a meeting' specifically addresses the action of calling off the meeting.

Virtual meeting

A meeting that takes place online or through virtual communication channels, rather than in person.
Példa: Since we work remotely, we often conduct virtual meetings using video conferencing tools.
Megjegyzés: The term 'virtual meeting' specifies that the meeting is conducted remotely, distinguishing it from traditional face-to-face meetings.

Meeting hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései


Pow-wow is a casual meeting or discussion, often impromptu or informal.
Példa: Let's have a quick pow-wow to discuss the project updates.
Megjegyzés: Pow-wow carries a more relaxed and informal connotation compared to a traditional meeting.


Huddle refers to a brief meeting or discussion involving a small group of people.
Példa: We need to huddle up to figure out our next steps.
Megjegyzés: Huddle implies closeness and collaboration, often used in sports contexts.


Brainstorming is a creative session where ideas are generated through group discussion.
Példa: Let's get together to brainstorm some new marketing ideas.
Megjegyzés: Brainstorm is specifically focused on generating ideas and solutions collaboratively.


Chat refers to a casual or informal conversation or discussion.
Példa: We should have a chat about the upcoming changes in the project.
Megjegyzés: Chat is more relaxed and open-ended compared to a formal meeting.


A get-together is a social gathering or meeting.
Példa: Let's have a team get-together to celebrate our recent achievements.
Megjegyzés: Get-together emphasizes coming together for a social or celebratory purpose.


Powwow is a meeting to have a discussion, often focusing on resolving specific matters.
Példa: The team had a powwow to resolve the issues before the deadline.
Megjegyzés: Powwow is similar to a pow-wow but may carry a slightly more serious tone.


Check-in is a brief meeting or discussion to update or get updates on a situation.
Példa: Let's do a quick check-in to see how everyone is doing.
Megjegyzés: Check-in typically involves monitoring progress or well-being rather than a formal discussion.

Meeting - Példák

The meeting starts at 10am.
Das Meeting beginnt um 10 Uhr.
We need to schedule a meeting to discuss the project.
Wir müssen ein Meeting planen, um das Projekt zu besprechen.
The annual company meeting will be held next week.
Das jährliche Unternehmensmeeting findet nächste Woche statt.

Meeting nyelvtana

Meeting - Ige (Verb) / Ige, gerundium vagy folyamatos melléknévi igenév (Verb, gerund or present participle)
Szótári alak: meet
Főnév, többes szám (Noun, plural): meets
Főnév, egyes vagy tömeg (Noun, singular or mass): meet
Ige, múlt idő (Verb, past tense): met
Ige, befejezett melléknévi igenév (Verb, past participle): met
Ige, gerundium vagy folyamatos melléknévi igenév (Verb, gerund or present participle): meeting
Ige, jelen idő E/3 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): meets
Ige, alapalak (Verb, base form): meet
Ige, jelen idő nem E/3 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): meet
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
Meeting 2 szótagot tartalmaz: meet • ing
Fonetikus írás: ˈmē-tiŋ
meet ing , ˈmē tiŋ (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)

Meeting - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság

A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
Meeting: 500 - 600 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
A Vocafy segít felfedezni, rendszerezni és könnyedén megtanulni új szavakat és kifejezéseket. Építs személyre szabott szókincs gyűjteményeket, és gyakorolj bármikor, bárhol.