Angol - Norvég


Rendkívül gyakori
700 - 800
700 - 800
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.

henvise, referere til, vise til, henvise til

Refer jelentései norvégul (bokmål)


I would like to refer you to our website for more information.
Jeg vil gjerne henvise deg til nettsiden vår for mer informasjon.
The doctor referred him to a specialist.
Legen henviste ham til en spesialist.
Használat: formalKontextus: Used in contexts where someone is directed to another source or person for information or assistance.
Megjegyzés: Commonly used in professional and academic settings.

referere til

In her speech, she referred to several studies.
I talen hennes refererte hun til flere studier.
He often refers to his childhood experiences.
Han refererer ofte til sine barndomsopplevelser.
Használat: formal/informalKontextus: Used when mentioning or alluding to something, such as a source, event, or idea.
Megjegyzés: Can be used in both casual conversations and academic writing.

vise til

Please refer to the attached document for details.
Vennligst vis til det vedlagte dokumentet for detaljer.
You can refer to the manual for instructions.
Du kan vise til manualen for instruksjoner.
Használat: formal/informalKontextus: Commonly used in written communication, especially in instructions or guidelines.
Megjegyzés: Useful for directing someone to additional resources.

henvise til

The article refers to recent research.
Artikkelen henviser til nylig forskning.
He referred to the guidelines in his presentation.
Han henviste til retningslinjene i presentasjonen.
Használat: formalKontextus: Typically used in academic or professional settings when discussing sources or guidelines.
Megjegyzés: Often used in writing and formal discussions.

Refer szinonimái


To refer to something briefly or in passing.
Példa: She mentioned her favorite book during the conversation.
Megjegyzés: Mention is more casual and less formal than refer.


To refer to a source or authority to support an argument or statement.
Példa: The author cited several sources in the research paper.
Megjegyzés: Cite specifically implies giving credit or acknowledgment to a source.


To refer indirectly or suggestively to something.
Példa: He alluded to his difficult childhood but didn't elaborate.
Megjegyzés: Allude is more subtle and implies hinting at something without explicitly stating it.

point to

To indicate or suggest something as evidence or support.
Példa: The data points to a clear trend in consumer behavior.
Megjegyzés: Point to is more direct and emphasizes indicating a specific piece of evidence or information.

direct to

To instruct or guide someone to a specific place or person for information or assistance.
Példa: Please direct any further questions to our customer service department.
Megjegyzés: Direct to is more about guiding or instructing towards a specific destination or resource.

Refer kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai

Refer to

To direct someone to a particular source of information or person for assistance or guidance.
Példa: Can you please refer to the manual for instructions on how to assemble the furniture?
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'refer to' specifically indicates directing someone to a source or person for information, rather than just mentioning or alluding to something.


A mention or citation of a source of information or a person who can provide information.
Példa: Please include a list of references at the end of your research paper.
Megjegyzés: While 'refer' implies directing someone to a source, 'reference' is the act of mentioning or citing that source.

Referred by

To be recommended or directed to something or someone by another person.
Példa: I was referred by a friend to this amazing restaurant.
Megjegyzés: This phrase emphasizes the action of being recommended or directed by someone else.


A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Példa: The government held a referendum to let the citizens decide on the new law.
Megjegyzés: In this context, 'referendum' is a formal process of referring a specific issue to the public for a decision.


The act of sending or directing someone to another person or place for assistance or information.
Példa: The doctor gave me a referral to see a specialist for further treatment.
Megjegyzés: 'Referral' is the action of sending someone to another source or person for specific help or services.

With reference to

Used to introduce a topic or subject that relates to something previously mentioned or discussed.
Példa: With reference to your email, I would like to clarify a few points.
Megjegyzés: This phrase is a formal way of indicating that the following discussion is related to or based on something previously mentioned.

Referring to

To mention or allude to something in speech or writing.
Példa: He kept referring to his notes during the presentation.
Megjegyzés: This phrase indicates mentioning or making allusions to something within the context of a conversation or text.

Refer hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései


Used informally to mean recommending or directing someone to something.
Példa: I'll ref you to the best sushi restaurant in town.
Megjegyzés: Shortened informal version of 'refer'.


Referring to or mentioning something in conversation or discussion.
Példa: She's referencing that movie we watched last week.
Megjegyzés: Used as a verb to indicate the act of mentioning or alluding to something.


Informal past tense form of 'referred'.
Példa: I ref'd him to the job posting.
Megjegyzés: Casual abbreviation used in spoken language.

Refer back

To check or return to a previous point or discussion for further information.
Példa: Let's refer back to our previous conversation for clarification.
Megjegyzés: A more informal way of saying 'returning to a previous point for reference'.


Expressing approval or support for something and suggesting it to others.
Példa: I'm recommending this book to everyone I know.
Megjegyzés: While 'recommend' is synonymous with 'refer', 'recommending' is a more colloquial form.


Indicating or alluding to something mentioned before.
Példa: He keeps referring to that incident as a turning point in his life.
Megjegyzés: Used as a verb form of 'refer', commonly in conversational language.

Refer - Példák

I referred to the book several times during my presentation.
Jeg refererte til boken flere ganger under presentasjonen.
She referred me to a specialist for my medical condition.
Hun henviste meg til en spesialist for min medisinske tilstand.
The speaker referred to the recent political events in his speech.
Talerens refererte til de nylige politiske hendelsene i sin tale.

Refer nyelvtana

Refer - Ige (Verb) / Ige, jelen idő nem E/3 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present)
Szótári alak: refer
Ige, múlt idő (Verb, past tense): referred, refered
Ige, gerundium vagy folyamatos melléknévi igenév (Verb, gerund or present participle): referring, refering
Ige, jelen idő E/3 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): refers
Ige, alapalak (Verb, base form): refer
Ige, jelen idő nem E/3 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): refer
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
refer 2 szótagot tartalmaz: re • fer
Fonetikus írás: ri-ˈfər
re fer , ri ˈfər (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)

Refer - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság

A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
refer: 700 - 800 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
A Vocafy segít felfedezni, rendszerezni és könnyedén megtanulni új szavakat és kifejezéseket. Építs személyre szabott szókincs gyűjteményeket, és gyakorolj bármikor, bárhol.