Angol - Norvég


Rendkívül gyakori
800 - 900
800 - 900
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.

dele, andeler, fordele, publisere

Share jelentései norvégul (bokmål)


I want to share my lunch with you.
Jeg vil dele lunsjen min med deg.
She shared her book with her friend.
Hun delte boken sin med vennen sin.
Használat: informalKontextus: Used when talking about giving a portion of something to someone else, like food, experiences, or information.
Megjegyzés: This is the most common usage of 'share' in everyday conversation.


He owns shares in the company.
Han eier andeler i selskapet.
Investing in shares can be risky.
Å investere i andeler kan være risikabelt.
Használat: formalKontextus: Used in financial contexts to refer to ownership in a company or investment.
Megjegyzés: This meaning is often encountered in business and finance discussions.


We need to share the tasks evenly.
Vi må fordele oppgavene jevnt.
Can you share the information with the team?
Kan du fordele informasjonen med teamet?
Használat: formal/informalKontextus: Used when discussing the distribution of tasks, responsibilities, or resources.
Megjegyzés: This meaning emphasizes the action of distributing rather than just giving.


She shared the article on social media.
Hun publiserte artikkelen på sosiale medier.
They shared their photos online.
De publiserte bildene sine på nettet.
Használat: informalKontextus: Commonly used in the context of social media and online platforms.
Megjegyzés: This meaning relates to making content available for others to see.

Share szinonimái


To divide means to separate or share something into parts.
Példa: They decided to divide the cake equally among the guests.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' implies distributing something among others, 'divide' specifically refers to splitting something into parts.


To distribute means to give out or spread something among a group of people.
Példa: The teacher distributed the worksheets to the students.
Megjegyzés: Unlike 'share,' 'distribute' emphasizes the act of giving out or spreading something among recipients.


To allocate means to set aside or designate something for a specific purpose or recipient.
Példa: The company will allocate resources based on project needs.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' generally implies a voluntary act of distributing, 'allocate' involves a deliberate assignment or distribution for a particular purpose.


To contribute means to give or provide something as a part of a shared effort.
Példa: Each team member will contribute ideas to the project.
Megjegyzés: Unlike 'share,' 'contribute' suggests actively participating by giving something to a collective effort.

Share kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai

Share the love

This idiom means to spread kindness, positivity, and support among people.
Példa: Let's all share the love and support each other during these tough times.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'share the love' goes beyond just dividing or distributing something; it emphasizes spreading positive emotions and goodwill.

Fair share

This phrase refers to an equal or reasonable portion of something that should be divided among a group.
Példa: Everyone should contribute their fair share to the project to ensure its success.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' generally means dividing or distributing something, 'fair share' specifically highlights the idea of equity and fairness in distribution.

Share a secret

To share a secret means to reveal confidential information or personal matters with someone in confidence.
Példa: I trust you enough to share my secrets with you.
Megjegyzés: In this context, 'share' involves disclosing private information to another person, creating a sense of intimacy or trust.

Share and share alike

This phrase emphasizes equal distribution or sharing of resources, benefits, or responsibilities among a group.
Példa: Remember, it's share and share alike, so make sure everyone gets a fair portion.
Megjegyzés: The addition of 'alike' reinforces the idea of equitable sharing, ensuring that all parties receive an equal share.

Share the wealth

This expression means to distribute or spread financial success, benefits, or opportunities among others.
Példa: As a successful entrepreneur, he believes in sharing the wealth with his employees through bonuses and incentives.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' typically refers to dividing or distributing something, 'share the wealth' specifically relates to spreading financial prosperity or resources.

Share a meal

To share a meal is to eat together with others, usually dividing food among the participants.
Példa: Let's share a meal together and catch up on each other's lives.
Megjegyzés: In this context, 'share' involves not just dividing food, but also enjoying a communal experience of dining together.

Share the burden

To share the burden means to collectively bear or take on a difficult or challenging responsibility or problem.
Példa: We're a team, so we should share the burden of this difficult project equally.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' often implies dividing or distributing something, 'share the burden' emphasizes working together to handle challenges as a group.

Share hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései

Share the spotlight

To share the spotlight means to be the center of attention or to have focus on oneself.
Példa: I don't like to share the spotlight with anyone.
Megjegyzés: Unlike 'share,' which typically implies dividing or distributing something, 'share the spotlight' specifically refers to being the center of attention.

In on the share

To be 'in on the share' means to be included or involved in the distribution or allocation of something.
Példa: Are you in on the share for the project?
Megjegyzés: 'Share' implies giving or distributing, while 'in on the share' emphasizes involvement in the process.

Share a piece of one's mind

To share a piece of one's mind means to express one's thoughts or opinion strongly and directly.
Példa: She really gave him a piece of her mind during the meeting.
Megjegyzés: While 'share' usually suggests dividing or giving, 'share a piece of one's mind' is about expressing oneself assertively.

Share the details

To share the details means to provide specific information or particulars about something.
Példa: Can you share the details of what happened at the meeting?
Megjegyzés: 'Share' usually involves giving a portion of something, but 'share the details' focuses on providing information.

Share the scoop

To share the scoop means to share the latest news or information about something, often exciting or exclusive.
Példa: I'll share the scoop on the new restaurant with you later.
Megjegyzés: Unlike 'share,' which generally means distributing, 'share the scoop' specifically refers to sharing exciting or interesting information.

Share - Példák

I want to share my food with you.
Jeg vil dele maten min med deg.
We all share the responsibility for this project.
Vi deler alle ansvaret for dette prosjektet.
They share a deep connection.
De deler en dyp forbindelse.

Share nyelvtana

Share - Főnév (Noun) / Főnév, egyes vagy tömeg (Noun, singular or mass)
Szótári alak: share
Főnév, többes szám (Noun, plural): shares, share
Főnév, egyes vagy tömeg (Noun, singular or mass): share
Ige, múlt idő (Verb, past tense): shared
Ige, gerundium vagy folyamatos melléknévi igenév (Verb, gerund or present participle): sharing
Ige, jelen idő E/3 (Verb, 3rd person singular present): shares
Ige, alapalak (Verb, base form): share
Ige, jelen idő nem E/3 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present): share
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
share 1 szótagot tartalmaz: share
Fonetikus írás: ˈsher
share , ˈsher (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)

Share - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság

A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
share: 800 - 900 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
A Vocafy segít felfedezni, rendszerezni és könnyedén megtanulni új szavakat és kifejezéseket. Építs személyre szabott szókincs gyűjteményeket, és gyakorolj bármikor, bárhol.