Angol - Kínai


Rendkívül gyakori
100 - 200
100 - 200
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.

不同的, 差异的, 各异的, 与众不同的

Different jelentései kínaiul


These two paintings are very different.
I have different opinions on this matter.
Használat: InformalKontextus: Used in everyday conversation to compare items, opinions, or situations.
Megjegyzés: This is the most common usage of 'different', indicating a distinction or dissimilarity between two or more items.


There is a significant difference between the two cultures.
The difference in price is quite noticeable.
Használat: FormalKontextus: Often used in academic or analytical discussions to describe disparities or variations.
Megjegyzés: This usage emphasizes the distinction in measurable aspects, such as characteristics, qualities, or quantities.


The students have different learning styles.
Their approaches to the project are all different.
Használat: Formal/InformalKontextus: Used when discussing a variety of methods, styles, or characteristics.
Megjegyzés: This term is often used to indicate diversity or variety within a group.


Her ideas are quite different from the norm.
This product has a different design compared to others.
Használat: InformalKontextus: Used to highlight uniqueness or nonconformity.
Megjegyzés: This expression is often used to describe something that stands out or is unconventional.

Different szinonimái


Diverse means showing a great deal of variety or difference.
Példa: The team is made up of people from diverse backgrounds.
Megjegyzés: Diverse often implies a wider range of variations or distinctions compared to simply being different.


Distinct means clearly different or separate.
Példa: Each of the twins has a distinct personality.
Megjegyzés: Distinct emphasizes clear separation or individuality.


Varied means having many different types or forms.
Példa: The menu offers a varied selection of dishes.
Megjegyzés: Varied suggests a range of differences or diversity.


Disparate means fundamentally different or distinct.
Példa: The two ideas seemed disparate at first, but they actually complement each other.
Megjegyzés: Disparate conveys a sense of being fundamentally dissimilar or incompatible.


Unalike means not similar or different.
Példa: The two sisters are unalike in every way.
Megjegyzés: Unalike emphasizes the lack of similarity between two things.

Different kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai

Like chalk and cheese

This phrase is used to describe two things that are completely different from each other.
Példa: John and his brother are like chalk and cheese, they have completely different personalities.
Megjegyzés: The phrase emphasizes extreme differences between two entities.

Apples and oranges

This phrase is used to highlight that two things being compared are fundamentally different and cannot be compared directly.
Példa: Comparing football to baseball is like comparing apples and oranges, they are completely different sports.
Megjegyzés: It emphasizes the incompatibility of the two items being compared.

Horses for courses

This phrase means that different people have different preferences or skills, and what suits one person may not suit another.
Példa: Some people prefer tea, others prefer coffee; it's all horses for courses.
Megjegyzés: It highlights the idea of individual suitability or compatibility.

Different strokes for different folks

This phrase conveys that people have diverse tastes or preferences, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Példa: Some people enjoy classical music, while others prefer rock; different strokes for different folks.
Megjegyzés: It emphasizes the diversity of preferences among individuals.

A horse of a different color

This phrase indicates a significant difference or unexpected change in a situation or topic.
Példa: I thought the project was about marketing, but it turned out to be a horse of a different color - it was actually about product development.
Megjegyzés: It signifies a dramatic shift or contrast from the original expectation.

In a league of its own

This phrase suggests that something is so exceptional or unique that it cannot be compared to anything else.
Példa: Their customer service is in a league of its own, no other company comes close.
Megjegyzés: It implies unparalleled excellence or superiority.

March to the beat of a different drum

This phrase describes someone who behaves or thinks in a unique, unconventional way compared to others.
Példa: She's always been one to march to the beat of a different drum, never following trends or societal norms.
Megjegyzés: It highlights individuality and nonconformity in behavior or thinking.

Different hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései

Out of left field

This term refers to something unexpected or unconventional, similar to something coming from an unexpected direction in a baseball game.
Példa: His suggestion came out of left field, nobody was expecting it.
Megjegyzés: Unlike

Off the beaten path

It means to do something different or unconventional, not following the usual route or method.
Példa: They prefer to travel off the beaten path to discover unique places.
Megjegyzés: Different from the traditional or popular choice or direction.

Outside the box

To think creatively or divergently, not limited to conventional or mainstream ideas.
Példa: Our team needs to think outside the box to come up with innovative solutions.
Megjegyzés: In contrast to staying within the usual boundaries or constraints.

Out there

Used to describe something eccentric, unusual, or extreme.
Példa: His fashion sense is really out there, but it suits his personality.
Megjegyzés: Refers to something far removed from the ordinary or conventional.

Left of center

Indicates a viewpoint or position that is slightly unconventional or different from the mainstream.
Példa: Her political views are a bit left of center compared to most people in this state.
Megjegyzés: Signifies a position or perspective that deviates from the usual or typical stance.


Suggests something quirky, unusual, or slightly strange in a distinctive way.
Példa: His sense of humor is a bit off-kilter, but it always gets a laugh.
Megjegyzés: Conveys a sense of being askew or not quite in line with the norm.

Out in left field

Refers to ideas or thoughts that are eccentric, unconventional, or outlandish.
Példa: Her ideas are often out in left field, but sometimes they're surprisingly insightful.
Megjegyzés: Reflects a sense of being far from the expected or conventional way of thinking.

Different - Példák

I have a different opinion.
She has a different hairstyle every day.
We come from different countries.
They have different tastes in music.

Different nyelvtana

Different - Melléknév (Adjective) / Melléknév (Adjective)
Szótári alak: different
Melléknév (Adjective): different
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
Different 3 szótagot tartalmaz: dif • fer • ent
Fonetikus írás: ˈdi-f(ə-)rənt
dif fer ent , ˈdi f(ə )rənt (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)

Different - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság

A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
Different: 100 - 200 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
Vocafy, tanulj hatékonyan nyelveket
A Vocafy segít felfedezni, rendszerezni és könnyedén megtanulni új szavakat és kifejezéseket. Építs személyre szabott szókincs gyűjteményeket, és gyakorolj bármikor, bárhol.