Angol - Kínai
Rendkívül gyakori
0 - 100
0 - 100
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak. Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.
我们, 我们, 咱们, 大家, 咱们
We jelentései kínaiul
We are going to the park.
We need to finish this project.
Használat: informalKontextus: Used in everyday conversation to refer to a group that includes the speaker.
Megjegyzés: The pronoun '我们' (wǒmen) is a plural first-person pronoun and is used to refer to the speaker and at least one other person.
We believe in teamwork.
We should support each other.
Használat: formal/informalKontextus: Used in discussions about beliefs, values, or collaborative efforts.
Megjegyzés: In contexts where collective action or shared beliefs are emphasized, '我们' is commonly used.
Let's go, shall we?
Shall we start now?
Használat: informalKontextus: Often used among friends or in casual settings.
Megjegyzés: '咱们' (zánmen) is a colloquial form that implies a closer relationship, often used in northern China.
We all need to participate.
We should all work together.
Használat: formal/informalKontextus: Used to refer to a larger group of people, often in public speaking or group settings.
Megjegyzés: '大家' (dàjiā) means 'everyone' and is used when addressing a group collectively.
Let’s have a meal together, just us.
We can discuss this later.
Használat: informalKontextus: Casual conversations among friends or close acquaintances.
Megjegyzés: '咱们' is commonly used in northern dialects and conveys a sense of inclusion and intimacy.
We szinonimái
Us is used to refer to oneself and one or more other people.
Példa: Can you pass the ball to us?
Megjegyzés: Us is used as an object pronoun, while 'we' is a subject pronoun.
Ourselves emphasizes that the action is done by us without help from others.
Példa: We can do it ourselves.
Megjegyzés: Ourselves emphasizes self-reliance and self-action.
Our group
Our group refers to the collective 'we' within a specific group or team.
Példa: Our group will be meeting tomorrow.
Megjegyzés: It specifies the group context of 'we'.
Our team
Our team refers to the collective 'we' within a sports or work team.
Példa: Our team won the championship.
Megjegyzés: It specifies the team context of 'we'.
We kifejezései, gyakori szókapcsolatai
We're in the same boat
This idiom means that people are in the same difficult situation or facing the same problem.
Példa: I know you're stressed about the project deadline, but don't worry, we're in the same boat.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'we're in the same boat' emphasizes shared experience or circumstances.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
This phrase means that there's no need to worry about a problem until it actually happens.
Példa: I'm not sure how we'll handle the budget cuts yet, but let's not worry now. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Megjegyzés: The idiom 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it' suggests dealing with problems as they arise rather than in advance.
We're on the same page
This expression means that people have the same understanding or are in agreement about something.
Példa: I'm glad we agree on the new marketing strategy. It's important that we're on the same page.
Megjegyzés: The idiomatic phrase 'we're on the same page' emphasizes harmony in understanding or agreement.
We're on a roll
This phrase suggests that someone is experiencing a period of success or good luck.
Példa: Our sales have been increasing every month. It seems like we're on a roll!
Megjegyzés: The idiom 'we're on a roll' conveys a sense of momentum or a positive streak in progress.
We're on thin ice
This idiom implies that someone is in a risky or precarious situation, usually due to making mistakes.
Példa: Our boss wasn't happy about the missed deadline. I think we're on thin ice now.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'we're on thin ice' indicates a delicate or dangerous position that could lead to trouble.
We're in for it
This expression means that trouble or consequences are likely to happen.
Példa: If we don't finish the project by tomorrow, we're in for it with the client.
Megjegyzés: The idiom 'we're in for it' suggests impending trouble or negative outcomes.
We got off on the wrong foot
This idiom means that a relationship or situation started in a bad or negative way.
Példa: I think my colleague and I got off on the wrong foot in our first meeting. I should try to clarify things.
Megjegyzés: The phrase 'we got off on the wrong foot' highlights an unfavorable start to a relationship or interaction.
We're like two peas in a pod
This idiom describes two people who are very similar or always together.
Példa: Ever since we met, we've been inseparable. We're like two peas in a pod.
Megjegyzés: The expression 'we're like two peas in a pod' emphasizes the closeness or similarity between two individuals.
We're on cloud nine
This phrase means to be extremely happy or elated.
Példa: After receiving the promotion, she's been on cloud nine all week.
Megjegyzés: The idiom 'we're on cloud nine' denotes a state of extreme happiness or euphoria.
We hétköznapi (szleng) kifejezései
We're tight
This slang term means that two or more people have a close relationship or strong bond, often indicating loyalty or trust.
Példa: Don't worry, we're tight. I got your back.
Megjegyzés: The original word 'we' simply refers to a group of people, while 'we're tight' emphasizes the close connection between them.
We're chill
This slang term means that everything is relaxed, calm, or easygoing between the individuals involved.
Példa: Hey, no need to stress. We're chill about it.
Megjegyzés: While 'we' refers to a group of people, 'we're chill' specifically conveys a laid-back and nonchalant attitude within that group.
We're good
This slang term indicates that there are no hard feelings or issues between the parties involved, suggesting that everything is fine or resolved.
Példa: I apologize for the mistake. Are we good now?
Megjegyzés: The original word 'we' refers to a group of people, but 'we're good' pertains to a positive state of understanding or reconciliation within that group.
We're vibing
This slang term suggests that there is a harmonious or positive connection between people, often related to shared interests or a good rapport.
Példa: I feel like we're really vibing today in class.
Megjegyzés: While 'we' denotes a group of individuals, 'we're vibing' highlights the sense of shared energy, enthusiasm, or mutual understanding within that group.
We're solid
This slang term indicates that a relationship or agreement is secure, reliable, or strong, usually implying trust and dependability.
Példa: Thanks for your help. We're solid now.
Megjegyzés: While 'we' denotes a group, 'we're solid' emphasizes the strength and stability of that group's connection or arrangement.
We're tight-knit
This slang term describes a group of people who are very close, supportive, and interconnected.
Példa: Our team is incredibly close; we're tight-knit.
Megjegyzés: While 'we' simply refers to a group, 'we're tight-knit' emphasizes the strong bonds and unity within that group.
We're squad
This slang term refers to a group of friends or people who have a strong bond, often used in a positive and approving manner.
Példa: I love our group of friends; we're squad goals.
Megjegyzés: While 'we' denotes a group of individuals, 'we're squad' highlights the camaraderie and positive qualities of that group.
We - Példák
We have a lot of work to do.
We love to travel.
We are going to the park.
We need to buy groceries.
We nyelvtana
We - Névmás (Pronoun) / Személyes névmás (Personal pronoun)
Szótári alak: we
Szótagok, Elválasztás és Hangsúly
We 1 szótagot tartalmaz: we
Fonetikus írás: ˈwē
we , ˈwē (A piros szótag a hangsúlyos)
We - Fontosság és használati gyakoriság
A szó gyakorisági és fontossági indexe azt jelzi, hogy egy szó milyen gyakran fordul elő egy adott nyelvben. Minél kisebb a szám, annál gyakrabban használt a szó. A leggyakrabban használt szavak jellemzően 1 és 4000 között vannak.
We: 0 - 100 (Rendkívül gyakori).
Ez a fontossági index segít összpontosítani a leghasznosabb szavakra a nyelvtanulás során.